Chapter 75

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Both buyers and sellers need to take risks. The customer runs the risk of needing a lot of goods and must pay the deposit in advance. The supplier of the commodity must also do a good job of the transaction and finally fail, and the goods will fall into the hands of the danger.

Therefore, Huo Chengyi's request is not excessive.

Hundreds of taels of silver were just trivial to the court, not to mention everything he gave was what the court needed.

Zhao Yinqi didn't need to refuse for this little money, but he felt a little depressed in his heart.

Because the dominance of the whole thing rests with Huo Chengyi, and the weak points are firmly grasped. After a negotiation, they are all led by the other party's nose. There is absolutely no room for bargaining, only acceptance!

However, when the contract was signed, the money transaction was completed, and Huo Chengyi got what Huo Chengyi promised, Zhao Yinqi's mood was instantly appeased.

In fact, they did not lose money in this transaction, but made a big profit.

Huo Chengyi said that the tool that can save thousands of people's labor is not mysterious. It is a very common pulley in modern times. This tool is widely used, especially in transportation and construction.

The ancient technology was backward, and there were not many tools that could be relied on, such as construction and transportation, and almost all depended on manpower.

This is also the most direct reason why people in ancient times liked strong incense and hoped that there were more males in the family. Because of the innate advantages of physical fitness, physical work depends on men.

The pulley can greatly save physical strength and speed up engineering efficiency.

In other words, with the pulley, it is equivalent to invisibly adding countless coolies doing heavy work, and it does not need to spend money and food to support.

After listening to Huo Chengyi's explanation and demonstration of the pulley, Zhao Yinqi had to admit that he took advantage of this transaction.

The ice wall idea plus pulley, as long as 300 taels, is indeed making a sacrifice as it says.

As the saying goes, masters are among the people, and Zhao Yinqi appreciates them in his heart.

But when he saw the man who got the money and gave it to his husband, and stared at his daughter-in-law with a smirk and no ambition, he could only sigh again in his heart:

People are smart, but unfortunately they were born in a commoner's family and did not receive good education and guidance. The heart is too small, otherwise it will be a great talent.

Huo Chengyi doesn't care what Zhao Yinqi thinks or thinks. He likes to walk on his single-plank bridge. No matter how spacious the Sunshine Road is, he is not uncommon.

But seeing that Zhao Yinqi was happy, he might as well ask for some benefits for himself, and now let Grandpa Zhou and others go home early and continue to say it.

He may not receive the credit, and he may earn less money, but the loss cannot be taken in vain.

"It turned out to be waiting for this king here. Do you know how many people you are asking for?"

Zhao Yinqi knew that he must not have the idea of ​​selling the ice wall and pulley for three hundred taels of silver so cheap.

Asking Grandpa Zhou and other relatives to finish their military service early and go home is a light sentence. You must know that the number of people he included in this sentence is dozens of people. There are so many relatives in this family!

"My lord, it's not too much, it's just a whole number of fifty. I'm also thinking about the lord's business. If there are more people in the family, it's better to deliver it to the lord earlier, isn't it?"

Zhao Yinqi's identity, Huo Chengyi, was already simple just now. I learned from the names of the people around me.

Since it is the prince, no matter whether he has real power or not, he has some privileges, and the fact that he can directly sign an order for military supply reserves with him is enough to show that the other party cannot be a free and carefree royal family without rights.

In fact, Grandpa Zhou and others have not yet served their sentences for a long time. The old general had already promised to let everyone go home during the New Year, and now he is only asking to advance the time by one month.

For the idea of ​​ice wall and pulley, Zhao Yinqi is a smart person and will not give this discount.

Huo Chengyi dared to propose this only when he was 90% sure.

If there is an accident, Zhao Yinqi chooses 10% chance, then he really has no need to deal with each other in the future.

He didn't want to contact Zhao Yinqi before, and it was the gap in identity that would lead to unilateral sacrifice. He didn't want to live such a dangerous, complicated and free life anymore.

Fortunately, Zhao Yinqi is a sensible person and has plans to continue to cooperate with him, so Grandpa Zhou's affairs are not a problem at all.

In the end, everyone was happy with the result of the transaction, and the one who was the happiest was Xiao Bai.

I originally thought that my grandfather and uncles would not go home until next year, but I didn't expect that they could go back together this time. I don't know how happy my mother will be when she sees it.

The daughter-in-law was very happy and moved, Huo Chengyi was even happier. After being busy for half a month, he finally had time to reward himself.

Xiao Bai is actually very shy about the matter in bed, even if they have been married for a few months, he is still very young, and he can only let someone toss up and down, grab the sheets and cry and beg for mercy.

Every time, the boy who endured was so tired that he didn't want to move at the end, and someone who worked hard was still not satisfied after eating.

Kissing the forehead of the person who fell asleep due to exhaustion, Huo Chengyi holding the person in his arms, his heart is indescribably satisfied


Talk to Zhao Yinqi about good things. In the next few days, Huo Chengyi will basically stay in the military camp all day, and hand over the construction of the ice wall and the technology of making roller skating to the person in charge of the other party.

Because of the backward smelting technology in ancient times, it is too laborious to make iron roller skates. He only gave a method of making wood materials. If you want to make iron, then the other party should study it yourself.

After all, he is a 'Huo Daniu' who has never attended a private school. Cooking can still be used to explain the production of food, but he can't give a perfect reason for technical things.

This is precisely because he knows a lot of modern things, but he finally chose to do the food business.

Because a large part of his brain was taken out, it brought him not a benefit, but a disaster, at least for now.

But this simple pulley ice wall alone was enough to make Zhao Yinqi admire him.

Especially when it was discovered later that Huo Chengyi actually took the money he asked for to pay the carpenters and workers, Zhao Yinqi almost vomited blood at that time.

Feeling this guy is doing the business of the empty-handed white wolf, he is the stupid wolf under the quilt!

Zhao Yinqi looked back neither angry nor laughing, and was extremely depressed.

Another thing that made him most unbearable was that this fellow took his little husband with him wherever he went, and he did not shy away from talking about business between men.

Although Zhao Guo was very tolerant to the younger brother, he did not insist that he must stay at home and not go out, but after all, the younger brother was classified as a woman because of fertility problems.

The concept of people here is that women and little brothers are back houses, and they should not come out and show their faces.

But Huo Chengyi showed no such idea at all, instead he was proud to bring his husband out.

Any time he pretends to force everyone to think he is unpredictable, as long as the husband next to him is not happy, then this guy will definitely be cowardly.

Don't say that Zhao Yinqi thinks he is a bit different. The other soldiers in the barracks are actually like this. He thinks he is a scum among men, and he is afraid of his wife!

But in any case, everyone admires it when they know that the ice wall and the pulley are what he came up with.

In this regard, Huo Chengyi could not explain that he came from modern times. These are the wisdom of his predecessors, and he could only accept it with a cheeky smile.

When the people in the barracks got to know him, he was not idle, and probed Zhao Yinqi's bottom.

After all, they are all partners now, he can't have no understanding of his big customers at all.

Zhao Yinqi's identity is actually not a secret.

The younger brother of His Majesty, the Seventh Prince, who was titled 'Ren', did not have much real power, but was favored by His Majesty, and ordinary people could not provoke him.

It is not only popular in the DPRK and China, but also has a good reputation among the people.

When the people were hit by a disaster, he was the first to go to the disaster area to give comfort to them. If some people were oppressed by the powerful, he was even more upright and didn't help them.

In short, no matter who you ask, they praise and praise the Seventh Prince of the dynasty, which is like brainwashing.

However, Huo Chengyi passed it after hearing it, and did not take it to heart, nor did he make any comments or discussions with others.

He doesn't deny that there are really kind and upright people in this world who are dedicated to the people and others, but judging from his two dealings with Zhao Yinqi, this seventh prince is not such a person.

If the Seventh Prince was really admired by everyone, then Guo Qing's affairs would not be silent.

During this time, he had also heard about Guo Qing in the barracks, but it wasn't complicated.

It is nothing more than because of the placement of retired veterans, Guo Qing offended the young highness who was training in the military camp, and was punished by the other party for breaking his legs and breaking his future.

Since the Seventh Prince can deal with offending dignitaries in order to avenge a commoner in Kyoto, why not help Guo Qingming this time?

The affairs of the imperial court were too complicated, and Huo Chengyi did not dare to make a rash assertion, but if he was asked to evaluate it sincerely, he would only have one sentence.

The Seventh Prince is definitely not simple, at least the saying that the one who wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world, the other party implements it very thoroughly...

So after all consideration, Huo Chengyi still thinks before.

When he told Xiaobai about these things in the quilt, Xiaobai seemed to understand but not understand.

The teenagers who have lived in the village since childhood still don't understand these things, but the teenagers are not stupid, and suddenly laughed.

"Brother Huo, it's no wonder you behaved like that in front of them, you did it on purpose, right? My father told me that Shi, Nong, Industrial and Commercial, everyone looks down on businessmen the most, and thinks that businessmen are profit-seeking, and they don't deal with anything other than business. You don't like to deal with that person. Your lord makes friends, right?"

His daughter-in-law was very thoughtful, and Huo Chengyi praised him personally.

"Smart, it's too tiring to make friends with those kinds of people. They despise our love for money. That's because they have never been poor, and they don't have backaches when they stand and talk. Why don't we ordinary people need to spend money to live? How many heroes have been killed by one person? Difficult to give money to die? Look down on businessmen, if one day all businessmen in the world go on strike and stop working, the emperor will have a headache..."

"Shh, Huo, please keep your voice down, don't talk nonsense, you will be punished. Killed."

The native-born boy didn't look like he had no reverence for imperial power, and immediately covered his mouth and booed anxiously.

"Well, I won't talk, but it's still too early, Xiaobai, do you think we should do something good for our body and mind?"

Huo Chengyi enjoyed his lover's worries very much, nodded and rolled over with a smirk and pressed him down.

The night is long, and only the creaking sound of the wooden bed is the most pleasant...

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