Chapter 59

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 Seeing Xiaobai's face, Zhou's father didn't make a move in the end, he glared fiercely at the bastard who turned away his son, and then dragged someone and said, "Hurry up and prepare the dowry!" ' just turned around and went home.

Father Zhou's words were not very good, and even had the illusion of resentment, but the subtext was obviously a promise to get married.

Huo Chengyi reacted to his heart as if he had set off fireworks and laughed brightly by the river for a while, before he hummed a song and went home to continue preparing for the marriage proposal.

Uncle Huo also sent the Xue family over to help. The eldest nephew has really grown a lot since seeing the younger brother of Zhou's family. It's good to get married soon, and it's a good thing to have a husband to take care of it.

In terms of betrothal gifts, the Zhou family did not make any special requirements. The Xue family from the Huo family gave Huo Chengyi some necessary customs in the village, and everything was prepared by him.

As for Aunt Miao, there has been no movement for the time being, so she should be thinking about it.

Huo Dashan didn't take the initiative to mention or ask, but when he saw Huo Chengyi packed up an empty room and came out, he didn't say anything, but every day he lit a wormwood torch to smoke the house's moisture.

Huo Chengyi couldn't help but muttered something sullen when he saw it.

For the time being, he has been busy for nearly a week on the dowry side, pulling an ox cart in and out every day, and the villagers have long since died of curiosity.

Therefore, on the day Huo Chengyi went to Zhou's house to propose marriage, many villagers who heard the news came over to watch the fun.

Everyone knows that he has made a lot of money recently, and it seems that he has bought a lot of things in the past few days. It is rare to have entertainment in the village, and everyone will go to see whoever proposes a relative.

The villagers who were watching the excitement followed behind. Uncle Huo and Zheng Shihai were supporting the show and giving gifts. Huo Chengyi took the lead. The mighty team did not frighten Father Zhou, who was waiting at home, to death.

If it weren't for the fact that the ox cart was covered with red cloth, and a matchmaker with red flowers followed, people who didn't know would think he was bringing people to make trouble!

"Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou, please accept Chengyi's bow. I've come to propose marriage to your family. Please ask my uncle and aunt to marry Xiaobai to me."

Proposing marriage is a major life event. Today, Huo Chengyi rarely speaks seriously.

In order to show his respect and sincerity, before entering the door of Zhou's house, he first brushed his clothes and knelt down and kowtowed.

The knee made a neat sound, and the head kowtowed with a muffled sound, full of sincerity.

But Zhou Daddy couldn't hold back the twitching at the corners of his mouth. In front of the whole village, what this guy did was to make it clear that he had no regrets...

But Zhou Dahua and the villagers didn't know this guy's belly. Heichangzi, seeing his kowtow and kneeling, full of sincerity, couldn't help being moved and praised.

"Hey, don't say that the bull is actually quite good, look at the boy in the village who is as sincere as he proposes..."

"Well, look at the pile of things on the bullock cart..."

" Let's walk around, let's squeeze in and see what the big bulls have given away..."

Everyone was eager to watch the lively discussion, and Father Zhou knew what kind of temperament Huo Chengyi was.

Too lazy to bother with this guy, he stroked his beard, nodded and let him into the yard.

Because the girl and the younger brother couldn't be present when the marriage proposal was proposed, Xiaobai could only hide in the room, quietly opening the window and peeking, with a sweet and nervous smile.

Proposing a marriage in the village is a custom that has been negotiated in advance, in order to avoid rushing to the door and being rejected. Since both parents and elders agree, the process of proposing a marriage is very smooth.

Geng posts are exchanged, the date of marriage is set, and the dowry is sent out, and the marriage is basically completed.

The villagers are tired of watching these procedures. Anyway, whoever gets married is like this. Everyone comes to see the fun mainly to see the dowry, which has basically become a custom.

One is to make a festive scene; the other is face, the man's dowry is the face of the little brother and the girl.

After getting married, women and husbands compare their goodness and attention to their husbands.

These Xue Clan had all told Huo Chengyi, and Huo Chengyi knew it in his heart, so he also put some thought into the dowry.

In addition to the poultry, cloth furniture, and various kinds of fruit and cakes that are necessary for the common bride price, the bride price is increased to six taels.

In addition, there is also a set of ready-to-wear wedding dresses. He has already experienced Xiaobai's show, and embroidered bamboo is reluctant, and embroidering any mandarin duck auspicious animals is simply embarrassing. Get married soon.

All the betrothal gifts looked ordinary, but it wasn't that he was stingy. According to the village's marriage standards, three taels of silver was already a very good amount of betrothal money, and six taels would definitely not wipe the Zhou family's face.

In fact these are just superficial things.

Although Huo Chengyi's behavior is relatively rough and high-profile, he understands that it is better to be low-key if you have money.

Another reason is that he has a lot of money-making investments at the moment, but there really isn't much cash, just over a hundred taels in total.

Chuanchuan's dividends and brewing money will not be available until the end of the year. Next, they need to buy soybeans. After proposing a marriage, they will get married. They have to spend money everywhere, and the money is simply not enough.

Therefore, in addition to the standard betrothal gifts and six taels, Huo Chengyi also prepared some other things.

Five acres of land deeds, a masonry pocket watch specially customized for his future lover in modern times, a set of gift porcelain bowls, and a Nepalese machete.

If these things were exchanged for silver, they would be worth a lot of money, but their true intentions and value cannot be estimated by silver, and they were all prepared for the Zhou family's preferences.

All the things were hidden at the bottom of the cloth box, and the villagers couldn't see it. They could find it when the Zhou family went back and counted them.

In addition, he discussed with Uncle Huo about the conditions that Father Zhou had previously proposed, and Uncle Huo also nodded.

"Brother Zhou, Da Niu has already told me your request, this child is dead, and I agree. In the future, Da Niu and Bai Ge'er will be the first boy with your Zhou family surname, which is covered by the government. The printed contract."

To be honest, Hawkingshui didn't really want to agree to this matter.

Daniel is also an only son, and he will rely on him to inherit the incense of the second house. If the eldest nephew is only a son, wouldn't Daniel be dead.

However, Huo Chengyi insisted on this matter. It was just a different surname. His son was still his son.

If you really want to count, the real Huo Daniu is dead, and the second room of the Huo family is dead.

These Huo Chengyi couldn't explain clearly to Uncle Huo, the concept of the times cannot be changed with a sentence or two.

So when everyone and Father Zhou heard this and saw him go to the government to stamp the contract that passed Minglu, they were all stunned.

How much is the descendant of ancient incense, Huo Daniu even agreed to this condition, this is really no one else.

"Good boy..."

Even the big Zhou Dahua couldn't hold back her eyes and her eyes were red. Being able to give his husband an incense would make her happier than any dowry money.

Today's proposing Huo Chengyi showed great sincerity and thought. The two old men's worries were completely put down. I believe he was serious.

The villagers who came to join in the fun were even more enthusiastic about the discussion.

There are people who are envious, jealous, and hateful. I just wish I could go back in time and tell the Huo family about my daughter and brother.

Although the betrothal gift Huo Chengyi showed everyone today is not very good, at best he can say something good or not, but it is enough to make people envious and jealous if he can promise to give his son the Zhou family name.

Bai Geer, who attaches so much importance to the Zhou family, Huo Daniu is so good at earning money, can he not be so filial to his husband-in-law in the future? At that time, what is a little betrothal gift? This account is very easy to calculate!

After everyone left after mentioning relatives, Zhou Dahua and his wife did not know what Huo Chengyi's determination to marry their little brother was when they counted the betrothal gifts.

Although I don't know pocket watches, the craftsmanship of pocket watches is excellent, far beyond the craftsmanship of this era.

Even if the two have never seen the market, they can guess that the item is expensive, because the casing of the pocket watch is pure gold, not counting the craftsmanship, how much is the gold worth?

And I don't know what the shiny stone above is. Maybe the shiny stone must be a gem. Coupled with the second hand that turns by itself, it's amazing, I'm afraid it's a baby!

The two old men were shocked. They thought that the betrothal gift was enough just now, but they didn't expect that the big head was hidden inside.

In addition, the set of ceramic bowls and Nepalese machetes were delivered to the hearts of the two elders. It was obviously a dowry gift for their son, but they gave them something they liked.

It's just that good things are good, but they are really too expensive. Good porcelain and sharp forged iron are not cheap. Where did Huo Daniu get so much money? The skewer recipe can't sell so much, can it?

The two old people were puzzled and startled, "Huo, wasn't Huo Daniu very poor before?" More than that, the village is notoriously poor.

"Brother Huo said that he dug up treasures in the mountains before, and that Chuanchuan recipe came from it, so these must be the same..."

Zhou Weibai had already listened to Huo Chengyi's explanation, and answered his parents' doubts.

But when Father Zhou heard it, he was startled again, "I found the treasure! He, he even told you this?

" I haven't even given a word about the cows, so that guy believes in their little white?

"Yes, Brother Huo told me everything, and he didn't actually sell Chuanchuan recipes. The store in the town was opened by him and Fatty Jiang. After that, there will be dividends every month, saying that it is our family's regular. I manage my family's money for a living, and take me with me when I go out to talk about business, he said he likes me."

Zhou Wei nodded happily, his tone still a little ostentatious.

If Zhou Dahua had to go up and give a slap in the past, and hate that iron is not steel, it would be 'our family' as soon as the marriage was settled!

But today, the two elders have nothing to refute. Everything Huo Chengyi has done cannot be measured, but he is trying to express his heart.

You look at me, I look at you, the two elders have only deep helplessness and complicated relief, the little brother who has been raised for more than ten years has been humiliated like this, I really want to kill people...

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