Chapter 106

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Things at the court were unpredictable, and Huo Chengyi was also very helpless.

The most worrying thing for self-made people like them in doing business is the relationship with their backers.

This is something that can't be avoided. Let's just wait until the next magistrate comes.

The matter of buying the mountain can be delayed, but the orchard must be enclosed as soon as possible. There are wild fruits on the mountain in all seasons. They have already bought half of last year's wine, and they have to put this year's winemaking on the agenda.

The only good thing is that the people here are not very aware of land property rights. Even if Houshan has not bought it yet, as long as you talk to the villagers, the orchard in the Houshan circle will not be a problem.

The Huo family's prestige in the village is now different from what it used to be.

After telling Fatty Jiang that he was happy to go back, Huo Chengyi called the villagers to the ancestral hall and told him his plan to encircle the orchard.

He just asked the villagers not to destroy the wild fruits on the mountain, not to prevent everyone from going up the mountain.

And when the fruit is ripe, he will pay to hire everyone to pick the fruit. The villagers have no opinion, and they all agree with it.

And Huo Chengyi, the wife and husband who had been returned by He Zhuangxiu before, also made a preparation, and let these people be responsible for the fertilization, pruning and care of wild fruits on the hillside, and all arrangements were properly arranged.

With money in hand, 'Huoji Seasoning', which has been delayed, can be opened as soon as possible.

The factory has already made a lot of products such as soy bean curd and tempeh, and it's time to start selling.

Moreover, it is estimated that the weather will be completely warm in a week at most. By then, the river will be frozen, and the merchants who have been nesting in the winter will go out to do business.

At that time, the transit terminal in Tongniu County will be lively, and the merchants passing by will be able to take their goods to other places to sell, and one by one will become famous.

The decoration of the shop has been done a long time ago, and the location is still at the dock, but it is not the shop of Liu Ji before, it is not far from it.

If there are merchants who have issued business cards before to buy goods, don't worry about finding the wrong place.

Choose a good day, set off firecrackers, 'Huoji Seasoning' officially opened.

In order to let everyone know what they sell and how to eat things such as soy bean curd and tempeh, Huo Chengyi also specially set up a tasting stall in front of the store.

Just like attracting the merchants on the boat, the fragrance wafts out without fear of customers who are not curious and come around.

In order to make a big noise on the opening day, Huo Chengyi was very willing to spend money to invite a troupe to come over and run around the entire county for the lion dance for several times.

Uncle Huo, the Zheng family, and his mother-in-law Zhou Dahua also came to join in the fun.

Uncle Huo, Uncle Zheng and his eldest brother also gave a lot of gifts, and the fruit wine was distributed by several hundred or two. The family was very happy. When he opened the store, everyone naturally wanted to give gifts to support.

In short, the opening day of 'Huoji Seasoning' was very lively. No one in Tongniu County did not know that such a small shop opened at the wharf.

At first, everyone just watched the lively and rare, but after going to the crowd with curiosity, their attitude changed instantly when they smelled the fragrance emanating from the door of Huo Ji's shop.

Especially the shopkeepers of several nearby restaurants came out to join in the fun, and when they smelled the fragrance, they saw business opportunities as quickly as possible.

After I tried Huoji's food seasoned with soy sauce, fermented bean curd, tempeh, etc., these food shopkeepers bought a lot on the opening day.

As for the townspeople, they bought a lot less, and everyone just bought new things with an attitude of trying.

Therefore, the performance of the store a few days before the opening was not very satisfactory.

But this situation only lasted for a few days. When I went back and tried the things from Huoji's store, everyone's buying attitude was soaring with enthusiasm.

Especially for the villagers who live in the countryside, such as fermented bean curd and tempeh, which can be cooked and eaten directly as pickles, and the price is still cheap, the food is tailor-made for them.

Everyone is tired of eating sauerkraut and pickles for a long time.

The situation in restaurants is similar. They have chefs, and as long as there are seasonings, those chefs will try their best to study new dishes to attract customers.

Think about how many restaurants there are in the town, and the number of orders placed one by one is almost inestimable.

If Huo Chengyi hadn't thought about keeping the goods for the merchants who ran the business and made the products famous, his small factory in Tongniu County would have been in short supply.

The businesses he had invested in had finally started to pay off one after another. When he went home every day to calculate the books, Huo Chengyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also worried that he would lose money if he failed.

Looking at Xiaobai, whose belly is getting bigger and bigger, he doesn't feel the hard work from years ago to now, and the days are getting more and more hopeful.

Time passed quickly, and it was the end of March in a blink of an eye.

While the villagers were busy planting crops and building roads in the spring, the spring exams were over, and the literati who went to the county exams finally came back.

The results of the spring test are not only concerned by the candidates' families, but also the villagers in the same village.

After all, scholars, peasants, businessmen, and literati are respected here. If there is a famous person in the village, he will really shine on the whole village.

A total of three people went to Huangxi Village this time, namely Huo Zhuyuan, Liao Bocai, and Chen Yuzu.

There are actually several students in the village, but only three of them are promising, and they were admitted to Tongsheng in their teens.

Although Tong Sheng is not considered a famous person, he is not like a scholar who can be taken care of by the imperial court and can receive tax-free rice, but Tong Sheng is the first step on the road to fame, and this level will kill many people.

At the beginning, there were three children born in their village, but they made a big splash in Shili Baxiang.

This year, the ancestral tomb of Huangxi Village has smoked again, and two talented people have appeared at once!

Huo Zhuyuan and Liao Bocai both passed the exam, while Chen Yuzu was defeated by Sun Shan.

The news came back from the official messenger, and immediately made the villagers of Huangxi Village jump with joy.

Uncle Huo's family cried with joy.

Mrs. Liao was even more proud and almost laughed silly at the door. After a few months of mold, her family was finally going to be lucky.

"I knew it, I knew that my son could do it. What's the matter with money? Being an official is the lintel of glory!" The

results of the spring test came out. You Qi also ran to the door of Huo's house and stood there for a while, trying to get back the grievances he had suffered for so long.

But unfortunately, Huo Chengyi didn't take them to heart at all.

When the villagers saw the Liao family, they couldn't smile and communicate more.

Everyone is not stupid. What if there is a scholar in the Liao family? There is also a scholar in the Huo family.

Besides, with the selfish character of the Liao family, even if Liao Bo really became an official in the future, he would probably move away with his family to enjoy happiness, and would not do anything for the village at all.

But the Huo family is different. Uncle Huo is honest, benevolent and righteous. In the future, the second son of his family will definitely help the village no matter how much he becomes an official.

And now the Huo family has a Huo Chengyi, which has already won them a lot of patronage and sweetness.

In contrast, a fool would offend the Huo family for the uncertain future of the Liao family.

Therefore, the Liao family, who wanted to show off their anger, was destined to fail, no one listened, and the shouting was boring. In the end, they could only go home and have fun.

As for the Chen family who didn't pass the exam at all, it was even more bleak.

Actually, it was not a big problem that Chen Yuzu did not pass the test. Everyone knows that he is not good in the test, and there are many people who fail the test all his life.

Huo Zhuyuan and Liao Bocai also took the exam for several years before they passed the exam this time.

But if there is no comparison, there is no harm. This time, Chen Yuzu who went to the village fell off the list, and when there is a comparison, it will stand out.

In addition, Chen Yuzu is an arrogant and arrogant person. When he retired from the Zhou family, he did not agree to another family.

So much so that now Chen Yuzu is twenty-two and has neither married nor settled.

The Chen family is also full of arrogance in dealing with others and doing things on weekdays, and dislikes the villagers.

Now that Chen Yuzu did not pass the exam, there are many people in the village who are gloating about the misfortune, and Chen Yuzu, who had been hit so hard, was so ashamed that he didn't go out after he came back.

Zhou Dahua was also quite gloating, and she finally spit out the breath she had held in the Chen family for many years.

Everyone is a rural household, so when the Chen family was admitted to Tongsheng, they despised their Zhou family. Fortunately, when the Chen family broke the contract, her son could have another chance and meet someone who really loves him.

So it's really not easy to decide that the fingertips are for marriage. Who knows what the children will be like in the future, messing with the mandarin ducks can really hurt the children for a lifetime.

Their Chen family and Huo Liao family are ready-made examples this week.

As soon as she was in a good mood, Zhou Dahua packed her things again and went to live at Huo's house, taking care of Xiaobai while chatting with Aunt Miao about gossip. Isn't that how the days in the village are passed away.

Huo Chengyi is also used to the liveliness of the house now.

However, seeing that there are more and more family members, the Huo family's original house is good, but when the child is born and buys a few servant girls to come back, the family is afraid that the family will not be able to live in it.

"Xiao Bai, do you think we should rebuild the house? When our baby comes out, let's bring your parents over to live with us. Not only can they help us take care of the children, but they are not so lonely..."

This suggestion is small White strongly agrees.

"I wanted my parents to live with us for a long time, but my father can't say it well. If Big Brother Huo speaks to you, they will definitely agree."

"They are just worried that you will be gossiped if you are tired. We will repair the house first, and then the children will After giving birth to a father and mother, we would want to come without asking for certainty..."

Huo Chengyi knew too much about Father Zhou's thought of ancient strict rules.

But for all the grandparents, grandparents and grandparents in the world, as long as they hold their grandchildren, then the rules of the king and Laozi will not care.

"Well, then let's repair the house first, and then pick up the father and mother."

Xiaobai agreed, rubbing his bulging belly, expecting the child to come out soon.

He didn't want to stay at home, he wanted to go out with Big Brother Huo, and it was really uncomfortable to look forward to the day at home every day.

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