Chapter 110

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Why did the ancients take so much time to travel to a distant place?

That's because different roads require detours, all kinds of detours over mountains and rivers.

According to the ancient means of transportation, it takes one or two months to travel across provinces. It is no exaggeration to say that it takes more than half a year to travel across the country.

But this is not a problem for modern people. It only takes a few hours for a journey of thousands of kilometers. Whether it is in the sky or in the water, it can be solved in minutes.

It was mentioned a long time ago that in order to fill up his own space in modern times, Huo Chengyi dared to do a mysterious incident that shocked governments around the world, and collected a lot of things.

The specifics are very simple, he just sneaked into the military base of others for a walk.

This kind of thing is very difficult for ordinary special forces, but it is very easy for Huo Chengyi who has a plug-in space to hide.

At the time, he didn't really have any big thoughts at all, he just wanted to get more things as a means of saving his life.

For example, if the mission fails, someone chases you to some barren mountains and mountains, and the isolated island in the sea will not be trapped to death, nor will you run out of ammunition and wait to die in the middle of the fight.

In addition, it is the passion of men.

Of course, given the size of the space, most of the things he transported were small items, so he would get some for the warehouse at this base and some for the stocking at that base.

Because the movement was small, no one noticed it at the time, and it was 800 years earlier when the goods were counted.

In addition, he is a professional, with excellent investigation and anti-investigation skills, and the help of space, leaving no clues at all.

In fact, his precautions have saved him many times, and the things he has come up with are not in vain.

I originally thought that these things should be sealed in ancient times, but I didn't expect them to come into use now.

What he talks about about conquering the world and becoming a hegemon is pure nonsense. He doesn't have that kind of mind, but it can help him in a lot of things.

For example, now, he can use these modern technologies and spaces to cheat and sneak a group of Nimmanu back as employees of the production base.


"Brother Huo, do you want to use the big bird plane that can fly in the sky from that movie?!" After

getting along for a long time and having watched modern movies, Xiaobai also has a general impression of the modern world. After listening to him The plan also followed excitedly.

He knows that the plane is very powerful, and it can fly very far with a single blow. Brother Huo's world is simply amazing.

But the things in Huo Chengyi's space are different, they are all good things from the military base.

He couldn't explain it to Xiao Bai, so he could only nod his head.

"Well, that's about it. Anyway, if it goes well, it can be resolved within a week at most. When that time comes, you can help me cover it, so I must not be discovered..."

"When the time comes, I will say that you have entered the mountain, so miraculous. No one will guess the matter, but Big Brother Huo, you have to be careful when you arrive in Wei State, I am afraid that you are not familiar with you."

Xiao Bai was very worried.

"I know, don't worry, I will do what I can. You wait for me at home. You can learn what I teach you while you are free now. When I come back, I want to check it. I don't want to punish you."

Huo Chengyi actually had something in his heart . worried.

However, as the head of the family, you can be cautious, but you can't be afraid of everything. He wants to give his Xiaobai and his children a bright future.

"I know..."

Xiaobai smiled with his eyes bent.

The matter of smuggling Ningmanu is well thought out, but the tools of divine help are not enough. He has to get a map to confirm the direction and location, otherwise it will be useless.

The ancient maps were not accurate enough. Huo Chengyi had never been to Wei State, so he couldn't find a guide for this trip, so he could only act alone.

For various reasons, he must be prepared before setting off and draw a clear orientation map of the location.

That's why he bought the five Ningmanu. In general, he could buy maps from the merchants who traveled south and north, and only these slaves knew the location of the slave trade in Wei.

It took nearly half a month to prepare and arrange work in the village and shop.

Half a month later, when everything was ready, Huo Chengyi went out alone on the pretext of going into the mountains for inspection.

No one in the family had any doubts about this. Everyone was used to him having to inspect things before doing things, and no one would have thought that he had the miraculous ability to travel thousands of miles a day.

It's been a long time since I touched modern things, so Huo Chengyi was a little excited when he went out this time.

The sky in ancient times was different from that in modern times, the environment was better, and in ancient times, he didn't have to worry about messing with planes and colliding with people.

But this time, although there is a map direction, because there are no standard coordinates, he still deviates from the position several times.

Fortunately, the magic of modern technology, no matter how he goes around, is better than being on the ground. After a day of stumbling and stumbling, he finally found the city where Wei Guo traded Ningmanu.

He chose a remote mountain to land, dressed up and pretended to be a merchant who escaped from the mountain bandits on the road.

He easily sneaked into a caravan and followed into the city of Wei.

In ancient times, unlike modern identities, you can still check online. As long as you act like you and make up your reasons well, it is actually not difficult to sneak into the city.

In addition, the place where Wei Ningmanu was sold can be said to be a special slave trading city. All the people who come and go are merchants who buy and sell slaves from various countries. Everyone's money and goods are cleared on the spot, and the identity check is not strict.

So Huo Chengyi got in without any problems at all.

After entering the city, he had to admit that Slave City was indeed a slave city, and this Wei Kingdom was a robber who made a fortune selling slaves.

The situation in the city really opened his eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder if the Wei Kingdom had wiped out all the small tribes around them.

The entire city is full of statues of various slaves, tied and standing there like animals for anyone to choose, while the buyers and sellers bargain, and there is a lot of voice.

This reminds Huo Chengyi of the black slave uprising movie he once watched.

What he saw with his own eyes was more shocking than what he heard in any movie. At this moment, he truly realized the so-called three, six, nine and so on in this world.

For a modern person who comes from equality, at least on the surface, everyone is equal, no matter how strong his acceptance ability is, Huo Chengyi still has some indescribable discomfort in his heart.

Especially when he saw the kind of slave who was discriminated against and abandoned because of his age, gender, and disability, and sat on the ground waiting to die with empty eyes, the emotion in his heart was even stronger.

Human rights are too low here.

It's just that no matter how sympathetic he is, he can't save the whole world with one person. The times are developing and progressing slowly.

All he can do now is to do his best to protect the people he cares about.

After sneaking into the slave city of Wei State, Huo Chengyi did not rush to buy people, but spent time wandering around the city to understand the trading rules of slave trade.

Plus he had to get some money.

The dividends of Jiang Jidian and Fruit Wine should be used as the liquidity of the business and cannot be tampered with. He didn't bring much money with him this time, so he had to find another way to buy slaves.

After a few days of simple understanding, Huo Chengyi found out that it was much cheaper to buy slaves in Slave City than he did in Yaxing.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, because the tooth bank has passed through thousands of mountains and rivers, and there are transportation costs and the loss of slave deaths halfway.

Buying slaves directly from Slave City requires you to bear the shipping costs yourself.

This is not a problem, and the trouble of transportation costs and the number of deaths on the road is not a concern for him at all.

So now he only needs to prepare the funds to buy the slaves and the food for the slaves behind.

For the first time, he is not going to buy too much, as long as 200 strong laborers and 20 fifteen-year-old children will do.

Strong labor is now used to build housing and factories in the valley.

Teenagers have the strongest learning ability, and their values ​​are being shaped, so they are the most suitable for cultivation.

In fact, it was better cultivated since he was a child, but he didn't have that much time, so he could only make it temporarily.

According to the price of slaves in Slave City, strong labor is 10 taels per person, and children and teenagers are priced according to the specific physical strength and cleverness, but the price will not exceed 10 taels.

The food and living materials of the slaves are also sold in shops with attached industries, which are prepared for the human traffickers who travel long distances to transport the slaves.

Huo Chengyi estimated the selling price of slaves and grain. He estimated that at least 800 taels of silver would be enough.

This is an estimate, and it will only be known when the specifics are available.

After thinking in his mind, Huo Chengyi and Qiao Zhuang dressed up and simply picked a few things out of the space to exchange for money.

In Tongniu County, he has some scruples about dragging his family and his family. Here he is alone. Even if someone wants to rob him, he will not be able to escape.

After the last rounds, Huo Chengyi stayed in Slave City for a week before getting things done.

Not only did I buy enough people, but I also had a lot of money left, so this trip was not in vain.

When imprinting the slaves, Huo Chengyi asked people to imprint the imprint on the soles of his feet, considering that he might be sent out to do business in the future.

This is not only convenient for marking, and it will not be hindered by the status of slaves when sending them out in the future.

It is rare for him to do this, and the official who branded it is very surprised.

The leader of the caravan he had joined before was also a little surprised and worried for him.

"Brother, I'm afraid there is something wrong with your branding on the soles of your feet. If someone wants to run away, it will be difficult to catch..."

In fact, the businessman is most worried that he is alone now, and his teammates are not there. If these slaves run away at night Even if you meet someone who is ruthless, it is very likely to kill the master.

These are all prisoners of war whose families have been ruined, they have not been trained, they are not slaves who are willing to sell themselves, and they are easy to cause trouble.

"Thank you, Brother Shangtou , for your concern. My caravan will be here soon. I'll leave the city at that time, so you can go first." Huo Chengyi looked around at a group of unconvinced slaves, who smiled and were not worried.

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