Chapter 142

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The court is the foundation of the country, and Zhao Guo has inherited it for hundreds of years. How can the treasury have no deposit.

Before the war Huang Qi squeezed, and now the world peace Huo Chengyi is about to start collecting accounts, which is not due to his credit for supporting the court over the years.

Once you start talking about borrowing money, you can't stop it.

Borrowing a tael of silver is a loan, or borrowing a million taels of silver. When he started, Huo Chengyi put out his face and sent a letter to the emperor to complain and reach out.

This time, the emperor felt the feeling of asking him for money in the first place.

And Huo Chengyi's face is not so thick. With the excuse of Haichang County's construction, the money is basically gone forever...

But you can't borrow it. You have already borrowed so much before. What should I do if a certain product is not swollen? !

Besides, Huo Chengyi's excuse every time he sent letters to borrow money was very reasonable.

It is true that in the past few years, people who went bankrupt and supported the war ran out of money, and now they are indeed building and developing the county town to benefit the people. A penny is useless.

This old Lai is extraordinarily upright and reasonable.

Therefore, despite the panic in his heart, Huang Qi had to wave his hands and continue to borrow, feeling a little bit of a trap. On Jamida

's side, Huo Chengyi didn't care how the emperor thought he was pitted, he got the money and actively invested in the construction of the county town.

Building roads, building houses, selling marine goods, and developing islands, the entire Haichang County is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because there is no need to really build it into a modern city, and it has the status of an earl, the construction investment of the fief is large, but the process is very smooth.

Together with the coolies of 100,000 prisoners of war and the help of existing commercial firms.

In just a few years, Haichang County has completed most of the projects, and the economic development is also changing with each passing day.

The town houses, residences and commercial centers in the entire Haichang County have been planned and constructed, and they are only waiting for personnel to settle in and develop.

The business of seafood has been fully formed. Under the strong sales of the major stores of the firm, when it comes to dry seafood, the first thing that everyone thinks of is Haichang County.

Eating fresh seafood in the inland has become a face-saving trend for the upper class.

Although the so-called fresh seafood is now frozen goods, it is not as fresh as modern air transport, but in ancient times it was already a matter of extreme ability, thanks to Zhao State's nationwide road repairs.

Fresh seafood tastes good and the price is naturally high, but the rich and powerful don't care about this money.

Therefore, although the sales volume of frozen seafood is not as large as that of dry goods, the sales profit does not have to be much worse than that of dry goods.

Jiang Ji Restaurant has once again become popular in the restaurant industry by relying on seafood dishes, and has completely established its position as the leader of the restaurant industry.

Once the houses in the county town are repaired, the development requires a surging flow of people to drive consumption.

To this end, Huo Chengyi not only made various publicity announcements to attract people to the county towns around Haichang County, but also used his own caravans in other countries to sell seafood to the outside world.

After all, Zhao State is so big, he has already mastered Zhao State's economy, and all the money he earns flows in Zhao State, it is too boring to do business.

Only with the flow of goods in various countries can the economy develop to a higher level.

Of course, the caravan was his own, but he made an excuse to report it to Huang Qi.

At the same time, he also requested Huang Qi to discuss with His Majesty the rest of the countries to open up business routes and support policies for merchants from various countries.

Closing the country will only lead to the backwardness of the country, and the development of commercial exchanges can make the world more prosperous.

Now that Zhao State has taken over the State of Lu, it can be said that he is completely the boss of the Six Kingdoms.

Everyone understands the benefits of trade between countries. When Huang Qiyi opened his mouth, the policy of supporting merchants was decentralized in various countries, and the status of merchants was respected for the first time in history.

No one knew that Huo Chengyi was in control of the caravans from various countries to and from Haichang County.

His Majesty and the common people of all countries only think that after the world trades only, the income of the state treasury will be higher, and the people's life will be better. This policy is very good...

Although Huang Qi feels that something is wrong, but every time Huo Chengyi proposes to him, the final result is indeed true. The court has benefited greatly.

Therefore, before they knew it, no one found out that they were led by the nose by a small businessman.

While Haichang County is developing rapidly, Huo Chengyi still has the biggest problem that he has not solved.

That is, there are too few local residents in Haichang County.

The inconvenience of communication also made it impossible for him to attract foreigners to work like a modern city, no matter how much he promoted it.

Because the ancient family and the idea of ​​falling leaves returning to their roots were particularly serious, people would not go too far from home to work.

So when the county town developed, Huo Chengyi discovered that there was space inside the town!

With so few people, he can't develop local business at all. He is developing the island by the sea, all of which are used as entertainment projects.

Haichang County must have a sufficient local population to support the operation of local industries in the future.

However, the transfer of a large number of people was a very serious matter in ancient times and must be permitted by the imperial court.

In the end, Huo Chengyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to write a letter to the capital


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capital, the imperial palace of the Forbidden City.

Once again, I received a letter from Haichang County, Huang Qi couldn't help rubbing his temples before opening it.

"Qi Aiqing, help me see how much that kid wants to borrow this time!"

Now, almost hearing the words of Haichang County, Huang Qi's forehead began to bulge.

Since the opening of borrowing money, a certain product in Haichang County has brought the word "Lao Lai" into full play.

The benefits he had asked for from the Huo family in the past few years have been vomited back with even profit, more fox than him!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Qi Zifu was also helpless.

But whoever made Huo Chengyi's ability to trap people is so awesome, so that they knew that they were helpless and quite willing to fall into the trap.

In the past few years, the policy of supporting merchants has continued, and their Zhao State's treasury revenue has also increased day by day, far exceeding the prosperity of the previous dynasties and dynasties, making a group of court veterans convinced of His Majesty's governance of the country.

Most of this is due to Huo Chengyi. I don't know what 'good news' the other party has this time.

Qi Zifu obeyed the order to open the letter, and after a while, his expression became serious, and he handed over the letter.

"Go back to Your Majesty, Huo Daniu wants those 100,000 prisoners of war..."

"What do you mean?"

Huang Qi, who was rubbing his temples, paused and raised his head with sharp eyes.

"Huo Daniu said that there are too few local people in Haichang County, and the labor force is not enough to support the opening and development of stores. He said that there are also many places to play on the seaside islands, and the local population is not enough..."

Qi Zifu said as he put the letter Handing it back again, my head is a little confused.

Although Huo Chengyi tried his best to express the explanation in ancient language, his ideas were too modern, and modern nouns could not be avoided.

Rao is Qi Zifu rich in knowledge, and he was too stunned to read the letter. He could only guess the general meaning, but he did not understand the specific details.

Huo Chengyi also thought of this, so he provided a solution.


, "Your Majesty, Huo Daniu said in the letter that if there is anything we don't understand, we can ask the person he sent to deliver the letter."

"Who is the person who delivered the letter?"

"Duan Xiaopeng, Huo Daniu's nephew."

Bloodline All the cronies were sent out to show the degree of importance and sincerity.

Huang Qi's sharp eyes softened a little and waved.


Now Duan Xiaopeng is in his twenties, and he has really grown up after years of experience.

The impetuousness of his youth has been eliminated, and the whole person is getting more and more mature, this time Huo Chengyi dares to send this nephew out to do business.

In fact, if it weren't for the importance of this time, he and Fatty Jiang couldn't get away, and Huo Dashan's social rank was too weak, he really didn't want his nephew to come to the capital.

This child grew from a small skin to an adult. He just put away his playful heart and found a little brother to start a family to make him worry. Suddenly, he was sent so far away. He was really afraid that the child was too young to be tempted by the flowery world of the capital.

But if he wants to introduce a large number of residents to Haichang County, he must arrange something that can reassure the emperor.

There is only Duan Xiaopeng, who is the most suitable in terms of identity and mind.

But this time Huo Chengyi was really worried.

The capital is far less attractive to young people than Tongniu County and Haichang County, which he has transformed and built.

The foot of the emperor is indeed the most prosperous place in all countries, but this prosperity is only a lively, rich and solemn form of the gathering of high officials and nobles, and the large number of people.

But Haichang County at the moment is different. The modern advanced planning and the construction of various facilities and streets are refreshing.

This novelty is what attracts young people the most, and the thriving atmosphere of the whole city's development is most in line with the youthful youth.

Therefore, after seeing Haichang County, which is a more modern city, Duan Xiaopeng came to the capital. To be honest, he only had one idea in his mind.

That is backward!

Didn't my uncle say that the capital is very prosperous? Isn't it said that the capital is at the feet of the emperor, and all the fun and delicious things are here?

But why is there no convenient public ox cart!

Why are all the delicious food in their Jiang Kee Restaurant!

Why are the service attitudes of the shopkeepers so poor!

The most important thing is that there is no shower or flushing the toilet, which is simply too backward, and my uncle lied to him again!

Before arriving in the capital and before entering the palace, Duan Xiaopeng walked around the capital for two laps, and he began to feel disgusted and regretful and wanted to go home.

To be honest, in terms of the convenience of life, let alone Zhao State, the whole world is probably not as good as Huangxi Village and Haichang County.

So in order to go home as soon as possible, Duan Xiaopeng used his true skills to negotiate with the emperor.

As the saying goes, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but in the face of a majestic emperor, he is not afraid at all.

According to Huo Chengyi's tips and suggestions, those who hold the bottom line of negotiation and bargain with the emperor show the essence of the businessman.

"...Your Majesty, hey, my uncle is right, you are really more sophisticated than us in business, and we know your concerns, don't worry, our Huo family is definitely a good citizen of Zhao State, loyal to the court... "

If you are worried, would you send some people to relocate to Haichang County to settle down?"

"We have invested a lot in the construction of the county town. If the store cannot be opened due to the lack of population, the loss will be huge."

"If my uncle can't get the money back, then the debts we owe to the imperial court will not be repaid, right?"

"Your Majesty, here is an estimate of Haichang County's expected income in the next few years. As long as the business of the county town proceeds as scheduled, it will be within three years. The debts we owe Your Majesty can be repaid, and the tribute to His Majesty can be turned over several times..."

Duan Xiaopeng's bombardment and persuasion, completely ignoring the emperor in front of him, only treats this negotiation as a business. .

Interest is the foundation of cooperation, and we are not afraid of the emperor's refusal.

Besides, the prisoners of war are just excuses, they don't really want these people to be residents of the county town.

If they really want prisoners of war, they are ready to wash their necks and wait for the emperor's beheading knife.

Bargaining is not to open the price first, and then cut it slowly...

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