Chapter 76

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 After handing over the ice wall and pulley method to the people in the military camp, Huo Chengyi began to prepare for going home.

Time is not in a hurry, because things went smoothly without delay, and the distance between the border and Tongniu Town is not too far. Even if the river is frozen and cannot be sailed, they will slowly be able to return from the land in time before the new year.

What's a bit troublesome now is that there are too many people. Grandpa Zhou and others add up to a full fifty.

So many people are not like when they came two lightly loaded into battle.

If you want to go back now, not only do you have to prepare food rations for fifty people on the road, but you also have to put on thick clothes, shoes and hats for everyone.

Otherwise, Grandpa Zhou and others would not be able to rely on their old clothes to resist the wind and snow on the road, especially most of them are not young.

Food and clothes are easy to solve, and money is easy to handle. The most difficult thing is the transportation back.

Now it's freezing and snowing outside, and the only way to get on the road is the 'horse sledge', which is similar to a sleigh. It is very common in rural areas in the modern Mohe area, and it is the only means of transportation in winter in this backward country.

In other words, in addition to food and clothing, they have to prepare horses.

According to the number of people they are on the road now, at least 30 horses must be prepared.

It is impossible to borrow money from the military camp, and there is not enough money to buy it yourself, and there is no place to sell horses in Li County.

With such a plan, Old Man Guo felt a headache for them and discouraged him.

"Brother Huo, it's impossible for so many of you to go on the road now, or you can stay here until the end of the new year, and then go back in the spring..."

It is really difficult to travel here in winter. In winter, everyone basically hides at home and cannot get out of the heat. Even businessmen will not run business in this weather except for short distances.

Huo Chengyi naturally knew that, but they had to rush back before the Chinese New Year.

Fatty Jiang had been away from there for a long time and he was worried. The villagers were still waiting for him to bring money back to buy soybeans for the Chinese New Year. The delivery of the contract signed with the military camp could not be delayed even if there was time.

It's not enough to leave Grandpa Zhou and others here.

Originally, he planned to recruit villagers or mountain people in the soybean factory, but now that he has more reliable Grandpa Zhou and others, he can't use it. It is very important to keep the production technology of soy sauce, fermented bean curd and other things confidential.

This time, Huo Chengyi was really stumped.

In fact, he has a lot of things to solve in his space, but the problem is that he can't take it out for the time being, otherwise, where would he need such a troublesome headache.

He did not hide these preparation issues from everyone, and told everyone about the situation.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, and Grandpa Zhou and others have lived for most of their lives. They have a lot of life experiences and are familiar with the local area.

"Boy Huo, in fact, this horse is not difficult to handle, we can get it, it's just..."

Don't say, Grandpa Zhou and others really have a solution, but they are a little hesitant to speak.

"Grandpa, what's the matter? What can you do? Hurry up and say, let's go home early."

Xiaobai wanted to go home a long time ago, and he was a little anxious to see Grandpa Zhou speak hesitantly.

Huo Chengyi also nodded.

"Grandpa, if you have something to say, you can say it directly. As long as I can do it, it will not be a problem. We must go home before the new year, otherwise we will not be able to pay the breach of contract money if we can't deliver the goods to the military camp.

" Well, then I said, we can get the horse, that is, Mr. Huo, can you bring a few more people back when you see it..."

Grandpa Zhou has also heard about the transaction with the military camp, and he can't figure it out when the time comes. If you want to lose money, you can't hesitate any longer, and I'm a little embarrassed.

In fact, horses are a headache for Huo Chengyi, but it's really not a problem for Grandpa Zhou and others.

Grandpa Zhou and others are different from ordinary exiles. They were originally a group of homeless bandits who gathered together. If the cottage is gone, it is equivalent to their home being gone.

Ordinary exiles can return home after serving, but they cannot. After serving, they have nowhere to go, and their future is uncertain.

Of course, some of them also have family members like Zhou Dahua waiting in the village, but they are only a few. When they were arrested, many of them had not yet married.

Grandpa Zhou's few cottage bosses are bloody men who value friendship and love.

So don't look at these guys working stupidly all day long, they are actually smart.

Their ten years in the barracks was not in vain, because the 'multi-talented' was assigned a variety of jobs.

Among them, they have been raising horses in the horse camp for several years. At that time, Grandpa Zhou became interested.

Taking advantage of the convenience of work, he slowly and quietly smuggled out a lot of newly born young horses. After they are ready to be raised, they can sell them for silver after serving and settle down.

These slick ex-bandits do that kind of thing, and they're well-versed and hamsters stock up on food.

In addition, they behaved honestly on weekdays, and they helped the soldiers to keep other prisoners from causing trouble, and they pretended to be present.

So in the end, the people in the military camp didn't find the slightest suspicion.

In recent years, those horses have been born in groups, and the number is probably quite large. They are all descendants of war horses. They have excellent genes and cannot be bought with money outside.

After hearing this, Huo Chengyi almost couldn't help giving Grandpa Zhou a thumbs up.

Who said he was bold, Grandpa Zhou is really awesome!

However, Grandpa Zhou had a way to smuggle the young horses out, but they couldn't raise them. The horses were kept outside for people to watch.

He guessed, "The people that grandpa you are referring to bring back...are the people who help you raise horses?"

"Yes, yes."

"Who are these people? Are they reliable? How many are there?"

Huo Chengyi didn't agree immediately. Grandpa Zhou's request was not that simple.

The people who can help Grandpa Zhou and others to smuggle and feed war horses without permission cannot be the people on the border. Ordinary people don't have the courage.

And the only place where horses can be raised, apart from the grass enclosed by the military camp, is the opposite Heishangang, which means that Grandpa Zhou asked him to bring him back with the people from Heishangang.

As we all know, Heishangang is a mixed zone of dragons and snakes. There are people in it. Like the mountain people, they are all black households who have wandered out from various countries and have no right identity.

Not to mention whether the quality of these people can be guaranteed, and how much money and connections he will have to spend to get the household registration after returning, it is only a problem to bring people into the territory of Zhao State now.

Grandpa Zhou also knew this, so he was hesitant to speak just now.

But the identity of these people can be guaranteed by Grandpa Zhou.

"Boy Huo, don't worry, they are all good people. The brothers have been friends for many years. They all know it in the military camp. There are adults and children, not many..."

Grandpa Zhou laughed.

The shanzhai brothers who had been nervous all along also smiled and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, yes, not too much, brother Jing gave me three little brothers..."

"Yes, yes, brother Tian only gave birth to two children..."

"I am the least, I Just one wife and one baby..."

Everyone chirped, talking about the friendship outside and the children, and they laughed quite honestly and excitedly.

But Huo Chengyi heard a bulging pain in his forehead.

Yes, yes, one of you, one wife and two children are not many families, but if you add them together, you will have at least twenty or thirty more!

Even the barracks knew that they didn't need to investigate, but they would have to pay the entry fee if they let people into Zhao State.

Looking back, there are follow-up issues such as household registration, residence, and living arrangements.

I have to raise seventy or eighty people at once. Although I didn't bring it back to eat rice, I still think it's a big head.

When he went out, he and Xiaobai formed a team, and when they returned, they formed a team!

Huo Chengyi almost had the urge to knock everyone unconscious, put them in space and transport them back.

Xiaobai also wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Grandpa, give Brother Huo an accurate number..."

"Brothers are good friends, plus the children, there are more than 30 in size, it's accurate to gather together and count. "

Grandpa Zhou continued to touch the back of his head.

The men in the cottage followed with shy and pleading expressions.

It seems that the husband and children outside the gate can't be brought back, nor can this group of men.

"Okay then, Grandpa, take your uncles and brothers to get the number of people together, go to the barracks immigration officer to pick up the identity spy, and then we will arrange the departure."

Huo Chengyi rubbed his temples and accepted his fate to take the matter down.

That's all, if he wants a group of loyal employees, he has to give generous welfare conditions to keep the residents, so he should invest in advance.

As long as these people can get the identity spy through the screening of the immigration officer in the military camp, he doesn't have to worry about it.

With the official identity of the spy, he will be able to help these people settle down at that time.

Huo Chengyi nodded, Grandpa Zhou and others let go of their hands and feet, and went out of the customs to pick up people and go to the immigration officer to review the formalities on the same day.

The review is easy to pass, because the backgrounds of those who are close to the Shanzhai brothers are not complicated.

Although they belonged to Heishangang outside the customs, Heishangang is a land that no one has jurisdiction over, and there are many forces in the territory.

This nomadic tribe can be said to be the indigenous people of Heishangang. It is different from those who have been living in various countries and have become unidentified and turned into bandits. They have lived in this land for generations.

Since there are few men in the tribe, the women in the tribe and their little brothers basically go to the frontiers of various countries to find men.

In this way, not only can the marriage be resolved, but at that time, in the name of marriage, he can become an official citizen protected by a big country, and leave the hard conditions of Kurosangoka.

Most of the shanzhai brothers under Grandpa Zhou relied on this temptation to abduct the lady and husband.

So now that they are going back to their hometown after their service, the wife, husband, and children should not be forgotten.

The final number was counted, Grandpa Zhou and others, plus those husbands, wives and children, a total of 85.

Huo Chengyi Alexander is very big.

Fortunately, this group of people did not go back empty-handed with him. They brought 32 horses, 15 cattle and 15 sheep each, and seven dogs that looked like Tibetan mastiffs.

The horses were smuggled and raised by Grandpa Zhou and others over the years, and the cattle, sheep and Tibetan mastiffs are said to be dowries given to the husbands and wives by the tribe...

In addition, there are a small number of brothers who have already married, and they are also given to the family. The daughter-in-law wrote back.

That is to say, in the near future, he will also receive a group of family members of employees.

After Huo Chengyi sorted out all the people, he touched his own money bag and said , "

Who dares to think that he loves money and he is anxious with whomever he wants. So many people rely on him for food, can he not love money?" !

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