Chapter 137

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The battle of Zhao Lu was about to break out, and the relationship between the seven kingdoms fell into a tense atmosphere.

A long time ago, when the seven kingdoms were side by side, a peace treaty was signed. At this moment, the state of Lu colluded with the prince and wanted to plan the territory of the state of Zhao.

Zhao State dispatched troops on the right, Lu State had to bite the bullet to fight, and the other four countries waited and watched, with different minds.

For this battle, the Seventh Prince had obviously been prepared for a long time.

Zhao State originally had an army of one million, and at this moment, coupled with the army that has been secretly prepared by bandits from all over the country for many years, the army of Zhao State today can be called a division of tigers and wolves.

However, the State of Lu was not well-prepared for this battle. When the battle was sudden, the State of Lu was the first to lose.

However, in order to prevent the fishermen from the other four countries from benefiting, the seven princes of the imperial army did not use all of them to attack Lu, and divided half of their troops to defend.

Therefore, half a year later, the country of Lu, who had lost several cities in a row, regained his breath, and the two countries fell into a stalemate at war.

Once the troops are deadlocked, the next step is to compete for who has the stronger financial resources and armaments.

Whoever lasts longer in terms of military pay and food preparations will have a better chance of winning this battle.

Huo Chengyi began to prepare when he got the news of the war between the two countries. As soon as the letter from the Seventh Prince arrived, his caravan began to act, sending the silver and grain that had been prepared early to the front line.

However, he could not estimate how long the battle would take.

Therefore, in order to persist for longer without using his own cards, Huo Chengyi not only asked the members of the business alliance to join the team preparing for the military supply.

He also issued orders for 'anti-Luo activities' to all the businesses of the Huo family in Zhao State.

To put it simply, with the slogan of 'Anti-Lu', the firm did various promotional activities to increase revenue, directly putting the name of raising money to help the imperial court fight on the surface.

This is unprecedented in the history of Zhao.

Wars have always been the affairs of the court itself. All kinds of military supplies are in and out of the treasury. Every time the war is fought, the court is devastated.

If you don't have money to raise taxes on the people, the people will be angry.

But now Huo Chengyi has taken advantage of the concept of mobilizing the people of the whole country to unite with modern disasters, and has developed the word 'crowdfunding' to the extreme.

Therefore, in order to mobilize the unity of the people of Zhao State, he also asked businesses from all over the country to put on the stage for charity performances every three or five times, and make up some heroic deeds, dramas, songs and dances in the war.

Let the people experience the tension of the front-line war, and let everyone understand that fighting is a sense of life and death for everyone!

In fact, everyone has a solidarity, but it also needs to be triggered and mobilized to show it.

Under Huo Chengyi's active flickering, this time the people of Zhao State were united unprecedentedly.

What is "Lu State humiliates me, Da Zhao, even if the crime is far away, it will be punished!"

What is "All together, we vow to destroy Nanlu and regain the lost ground!"

What is "I would rather be a ghost in battle than a slave of a subjugated country, and beat Nanlu thieves!" The words blew across the entire Zhao Kingdom overnight like a spring breeze.

Obviously, a frictional battle caused by the two countries' conspiracy to plan each other's territory was abruptly named 'national justice' by a certain goods from the Huo family.

It was clear that Zhao State seized the opportunity to seize several cities in Lu State, and as a result, a certain product even spread the word of regaining lost territory to his own people, and the whole thing was as nervous as Zhao State was about to destroy the country...

In fact, Huo Chengyi didn't want to fool people so shamelessly.

But whoever made him a native of Zhao country now, he naturally wants to help his own country, no matter his deal with the Seventh Prince, if Zhao country is destroyed or bullied badly, he will not have a good life as a commoner of Zhao country.

If the country is strong, the people will be rich; if the country is weak, the people will suffer.

Besides, if the State of Lu could not afford to be greedy and wanted to acquire the land of the State of Zhao, could the Seventh Prince catch him and take care of it?

Therefore, it is not wrong for the State of Lu to bear the blame of the 'Southern Lu thieves'.

The people of Zhao, who were inspired by their patriotism, were united in the history of unity.

Everyone has the money and the strength to contribute, and if they have neither, they will go to the benefit performance held by the Huo Family Firm to join in the fun, clenching their fists and shouting slogans.

Even the little women and buddies ran to the 'national salvation operation' organized by the Huo family business firm, took out their sewing skills, and helped to make clothes for the soldiers on the front line.

A steady stream of military supplies was sent to the front line, and slogans were sent to the front line.

The morale of the soldiers in the army increased instantly, and the original feeling of being forced to go to the battlefield immediately turned into a passion for patriotism and family protection.

The soldiers of the Zhao State, whose morale has increased greatly, are on the verge of smashing into the Lu State one after another city...the

Imperial Palace of the capital.

When I received the news that Huo Chengyi encouraged the people of the country to support the court and the front line, I didn't know what to say.

After sitting for a long time, he couldn't help but sigh with laughter, "This kid, he really is a talent..." More

than a talent, he is simply a wonderful person.

This open-eyed nonsense and fooling people's ability to recognize the second, absolutely no one dares to recognize the first!

"Your Majesty is right, Huo Daniu is indeed a talent." Qi Zifu and other trusted ministers were equally impressed.

Although the strength of each commoner is as small as an ant, the gathering of the people of the entire Zhao Kingdom is a support that cannot be ignored.

Huo Chengyi actually incited the people all over the country. This brain and courage is really not comparable to ordinary people.

"We really underestimated that kid at the beginning, son-in-law, let's take a credit. In addition, tomorrow morning, read the news to those court officials."

"Nowadays, even three-year-old children are familiar with the business people and the common people. Knowing that they will support the defense of the family and the country, these people, those who are disobedient, should go home and retire..." The

new official took office three fires, and the new emperor changed his blood.

With absolute military and financial resources in hand, the civil officials in the court are just a group of young people who can't jump up.

The capital forces were reshuffled.

When Lu Guo received the battle report and Zhao Guo's news, Emperor Lu was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood in the palace on the spot.

This time, they really had eight lifetimes of bad luck to agree to cooperate with the Uncle Party because of the conditions of the two cities.

Who would have thought that Zhao Guo had hidden a seventh prince, and TNND had a 'Huo Daniu'!

This thing is simply more ferocious than the hidden Seventh Prince.

It is a headache to think that every time their countries add a tax to the common people and raise money from businessmen and nobles to do things.

If you don't get it right, you'll get a bad reputation as a tyrannical monarch.

This guy is good, a quarter of an hour's effort is enough for the people of Zhao State, so the common people's businessmen are willing to give support, and let the common people's businessmen feel that they are doing a good deed to protect the family, defend the country and glorify the lintel... The

court of the State of Lu is so angry .

They also wanted to do like Zhao Guo, but none of them could be as appealing as Huo Chengyi.

You must know that although Huo Chengyi called on the people to support the court, it was based on the people's ability. Most of the military supplies to support the court were raised by his business alliance and dedicated to his own net worth.

And which businessman in the state of Lu has such courage? Who else is willing?

If at this moment they dare to imitate Huo Chengyi and let the people and businessmen contribute money, it is no exaggeration to say that Zhao Guo does not need to fight, and the people of their country will have to rebel first...

Lu Guo has no choice but to grit his teeth and consume the national treasury. .

But even if the military supplies kept up, the morale was not as good as the soldiers of the Zhao State.

When the other four countries saw such a battle, even those who wanted to make a profit would not dare to move.

No one can guarantee that Zhao Guo has any other cards. Huo Chengyi's call to incite the people of the country to do this really shocked a group of ancient friends who had never seen modern hype methods.

In the battle of Zhao Lu, the Zhao Kingdom was as imposing as a rainbow, and the advantage was absolute.

But in fact the court and Huo Chengyi are not as easy as they seem.

Huang Qi asked high officials and nobles to donate money to move the interests of the nobles, and these people were naturally dissatisfied. The conflict of class interests led to the tension of the exchange of blood between the DPRK and China.

On Huo Chengyi's side, he was dizzy and dizzy when he calculated the ledger every day and arranged things.

Don't dare to make a slight difference. Once there is a problem in one of the steps, it will cause huge trouble. If it is not supported by the spiritual spring to wash away the fatigue, he is almost exhausted.

And in addition to considering the issue of supporting the front line, he also has to consider the fate of his Huo family after the war.

Despite Huang Qi's promises, there have been too many things that have been hidden since ancient times. He had to think of the world as conspiracy theories and make more preparations.

As the saying goes, it's always better to plan ahead, just in case it's always unpredictable.

To this end, Huo Chengyi spent huge sums of money to set up 'Huaxia Merchant Alliance Patriotic Soldiers Pension Shed' in various places in the name of supporting the imperial court to send care materials to the families of soldiers who joined the army.

Daily necessities such as silver, rice grains, clothes, etc. are all involved. Not much is issued each time, but it is issued every three or five times.

Although the cost of capital investment is huge, the prestige of recycling is not something that money can buy.

Huaxia Business Alliance has become a real good businessman in the eyes of the common people, especially the soldiers fighting on the frontier frontiers. Every soldier is grateful.

Which soldier goes to the battlefield without worrying about his wife, children, and parents being left unattended.

How many soldiers defeated and returned home to get the sad news that their parents died, their wives were exhausted and sick, and their children did not know their parents when they met.

The fact that the business alliance helped take care of the families of the soldiers made the soldiers feel more comfortable than how much pensions the court issued after the war.

"The Huaxia Business Alliance is really conscientious. The Huo family is also a good person. They do business in a fair way, and they are benevolent and righteous..."

"Isn't it true, I heard that the owner of the Huoji business company almost went bankrupt in order to send military supplies to the frontline soldiers. This kind of benevolence and courage , who can compare?"

"That's right, fortunately there is the owner of Huo Kee Trading Company, so Granny Liu from our village can do well. Granny has only one son, and the kid went to the battlefield and no one takes care of him. Now I don't have to worry about it at the Soldiers' Orphans and Widows' shelter of the Merchant Alliance.

"Yes, all the sons in our village who went to join the army have received care and pensions from the Shangmeng, and they even walked over the mountains to send them in for us..." "

Good man, Huo Dong's family is really a good man, Shangmeng. " Those businessmen are also conscientious, let's go to the temple to offer a longevity card to Huo Dong's family..."

"We have already offered the longevity card, and our village also raised money together to build a monument of merit to Huo Dong's family and the business alliance at the entrance of the village. "

Ah, you have also erected a monument of merit, then our village will also get one..."

Unconsciously, the people who have patronized the Huo family and the business alliance have reached an incomparable upsurge in their evaluation and support. .

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