Horrordust - Shopping

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Dust POV:

I was having a relaxing afternoon. At least until Horror came in, clearly upset. He walked over and sat beside me and leaned on my shoulder.

"Everything okay, Horror?" I asked him. Most likely he was out of food. He always gets like this when that happens.

"I'm out of food." Yep. I knew it. Now I had to go shopping. I sighed internally.

"You wanna come shopping by with me?" I asked Horror. He nodded into my arm. "We'll let's go check what you need." I got up and Horror followed.

We walked through the kitchen and up to the pantry. I opened it to find Horror's area completely empty. We all shared the rest of the pantry, but Horror needed his own specific place because he gets angry when people touch his food or he'll just eat literally everything.

"Wow. You are completely out." I commented. I grabbed the notepad off the counter and made a quick list. I tore the paper off and put it in my pocket. "Off we go." I told Horror, grabbing his hand and then teleporting us.

We arrived just outside the store. I pulled the list back out. Then I realized just how much I wrote. Man, Horror eats a lot. I grabbed a cart and began rolling it into the store. Horror was by my side looking at things. I looped my arm behind his and grabbed the cart again. Now he couldn't wander too far off.

Soon Horror started slowing down. I looked up at him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm tired." He complained. "I haven't eaten much today." This was gonna take forever of Horror walked slowly.

"Do you wanna sit in the cart?" I asked. He blinked.

"Yes!" He suddenly said loudly. He walked over and climbed into the cart. He sat with his back against the far end. He was a bit too tall, so his legs had to bend a little.

I continued my shopping with a happy skeleton in my cart. He would occasionally giggle when I put something in the cart. He acts like a child and it's silly.

As we soon continued, some lady walked up to us.

"Um, isn't he a bit old to be sitting in the cart?" She asked, rather rudely.

"And? He's tired. I bet your spawn has the same reason for being in your cart." I retorted as I put some crackers into the cart. The lady scoffed.

"Well I nev-" She shut up once Horror's axe flew past her face.

"Quit talking before I eat you." Horror growled, leaning over the cart a little. I smiled a bit.

"I forgot to mention something. He eats people when he's hangry." I said, pointing to Horror.

The lady looked horrified and quickly pushed her cart away. I grabbed Horror's axe, which had now penetrated a bag chips, and handed it back to him. We went on with our shopping. By the time I'd gotten everything, Horror had a little blanket of groceries.

"Ready to leave?" I asked him. Horror nodded. We weren't going to pay. We never paid.

I pushed the cart out of the store and took it with us. Why not take a perfectly good cart for boss to throw, probably at us, when he's angry?

We arrived in the throne room of the castle. Luckily Nightmare isn't here right now. I wheeled us over to the kitchen. Horror had already began nibbling on some of the food. I put the other things away as he did. After I'd finished, I didn't realize Horror had gotten out. He hugged me from behind.

"Can I come with you more often?" He asked.

"Okay, you giant puppy." I turned around and gave him a quick kiss. He snuggled against my chest. I chuckled a little to myself. He's cute.


642 words

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