4. Gandhari's Boon & Kunti's Curse

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On the southern part of the Earth, there stood the grand palace made out of gold.

In the Rajya Sabha, sat the king in all his glory and with authority. The Sabha was filled with powerful Rakshasa's, asuras and warriors.

In between them, sat Maharishi Vishrava with his Dharmavadi Son Vibhishan sat on his right. On the left of Maharishi Vishrava sat his first wife Ilavida

Devi Ilavida was the daughter of Maharishi Bharadwaj and Devi Susheela. She was the mother of Yakshraj Kuber.

Some of the royals in the court of Ravaan were:-
Maharani Mandodari and Rani Dhanyamalini his wife's.

Kumbhakarna and Vibhishan his brothers.

Meghnaad, Akshaya kumara, Atikaya, Devantaka, Narantaka and Trishira the sons of Ravaan.

Prahasta (senapati of Ravaan's army), Akampana and Dhumraksh the maternal uncle's of Ravaan.

Megh- Pitashree, we should celebrate our victory over the 3 worlds.
Rav- Not so soon putra, now I still have Tara Lok to win.

Gasps were audible and then Rishi Vishrava screamed.

Vrava- Are you mad! Don't you know the power of Mata Naintara!
Rav- How powerful is she Pitashree? How powerful?
Vrava- Don't you know the story when Devi Diti and the Daitya's went to capture Tara Lok!?

All nodded their heads as it was Mata Naintara along with her brother, husband and friends destroyed the Daitya Sena and Diti.

Rav- The daitya's are weaker to the Rakshasa's Pitashree!
VRava- You will not listen to me Dashanan! I'll tell you and all the others about the Shata avatars of Mata Naintara.

Vishrava Rishi got up and then he moved to the centre of the court and he started the first Katha.

VRava- Prathama Roopa Brahmandini!

After the universe was created, there was no balance in the universe. That's when Dev Vasusen created balance and Mata Naintara, She created the Surya mandal, the Navagrahas, Chandra, Tara and Surya.

She knew that after the birth of those deity's, she would assign them their respective grahas. She then made Prakriti and added the pacha tatva's on Earth with her powers.

After the birth of Suryadev, she made him the king of Navagrahas and she assigned all their respective grahas.

She also trained the Devguru Brihaspati and Asurguru Shukracharya so that they could grant knowledge to the Deva's and Asura's respectively.

He paused and then continued with the same avatar.

VRava- Then once when the Devta's needed the help of Rishi Dadhichi. They went to the Trimurti and Narayan said "Only a bone as powerful as the vajra can kill Vritra".

The Devta's hence went to the ashram of Rishi Dadhichi. He was about to give his life when Mata Naintara stopped him in her Brahmandini Avatar.

She then with her powers created a Vajra and saved the life of Rishi Dadhichi.

VRava- Dwitiya Roopa Yugeshwari!

After the universe was created, Swayambhuva Manu was the first person and the mind born son of Brahmadev.

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