Isolated Thoughts

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Wooyoung's POV:

The rest of the night was fine. Hyunjin and Felix showed up eventually and it didn't make a difference to the odd headspace I was in. But it was almost like I was invisible. I didn't necessarily try to join any conversations either, but you'd think someone would take notice if the loudest person in the room was barely talking.

I got home before Hyunjin since he had to drop Felix off at home. I'm sure their precious summer sleepovers coming to an end will be so incredibly difficult for them. Welcome to my world. Typically I'd go right into his room to see how he was, but I felt bad for waking him up earlier so I decided against it.

Hey are you free to talk?

I knew it was late and San was probably exhausted, but if there was anyone who could get me out of this small funk, it would be him.

Instead of answering my text, he just FaceTimed me. Something as small as that made me smile.

"Hey." I immediately felt my face get hot at the sight of him. He must've just gotten out of the shower since his shirt was off and he had soaking wet hair.

"Hey, you feeling okay today?" Was the first thing he asked. He sounded concentrated as he carefully dragged a razor down his cheek.

"I don't really know." I sighed.

"What happened, Wooyoungie? Tell me." His concern already brought me comfort.

"I just feel lonely all of a sudden, I don't know why."

He rinsed off his face and dried it with a towel. Just seeing him do the most normal things made me miss him more.

"Well you're coming to see me this weekend, right?"

"How did you know that?" I gasped. He's already had a couple games so far, but I was planning on going to this one and surprising him. It'll be much different seeing him play in a stadium rather than a high school field. "Did Yeosang tell you?"

"Was he not supposed to?"

"No." I whined.

"Oh, then I have no idea what you're doing this weekend." He tried playing pretend to make me feel better, but it almost made me feel worse. I was really looking forward to that.

"It's okay, Sannie." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby." I could tell he felt bad. "But at least I'll get to see you."

It's been a month since we've last seen each other. We've still done everything we said we would like calling whenever we can, but it only does so much.

I took the pillow he usually slept on and brought it into my arms. I put the phone down so he wouldn't see me reach over in my nightstand drawer for his cologne. I spray it on the pillow from time to's necessary.

"I miss you." I whispered, showing my face again on the screen.

"I miss you too." He softly smiled, getting into his own bed.

"I miss you too!" I heard Yeosang in the background. I'm not talking to him for a week.

"You weren't supposed to tell me he was coming to see me." San said to him. "It was a surprise."

"Oh my god." Yeosang gasped, sounding panicked. "Wooyoung, I'm sorry." I chose to ignore him. I hold grudges, he should know that.

"Be careful when you see him, he bites."

"Choi San, stop it." I laughed and squeezed the pillow. As cringey as it seems, sometimes I pretend it's him even if he's on the phone with me.

He rested his face on the palm of his hand, smushing his cheek and puffing up his lips. Whenever he'd do that next to me, I'd instantly kiss him. I just couldn't get enough of him. But in the meantime, blowing a kiss through a phone screen will have to do.

"Wooyoungie, you're falling asleep." He smiled. I hadn't even noticed I was drifting off. "I can stay on the phone if you want and you can sleep."

"No, it's okay." The kind offer made me smile. "You know I talk in my sleep, I wouldn't want to annoy your roommate."

"I said I was sorry." Yeosang pouted as I continued to ignore him.

"Are you sure?" San ignored him too.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I love you, Sannie."

"I love you too." He blushed. "Goodnight."


The second he hung up, I ripped my covers off and went into Hyunjin's room. Kkami immediately started to bark which woke him up. It was an impulsive decision to come in here to begin with and now I feel like it was the wrong move.

"Can I help you?" He groaned, keeping the covers over his head in fear of any light hitting him.

"Never mind, sorry." I mumbled. He aggressively revealed himself with messy hair and puffy cheeks. "You look like a ferret."

"What's wrong?"

"Why would anything be wrong?" Damn, he's good.

"You never care about waking me up. You also never apologize for anything that small. Do we have to have a best friend crying session?"

"I don't think so." I smiled. He moved over on the bed to clear a spot for me. "I just need attention I think." I sighed. Both of us laid beside each other and stared at the ceiling fan faintly spinning. Kkami still wouldn't stop barking so of course Hyunjin had to pick him up and set him on the bed right in between us.

"You? Really?" His sarcasm wasn't really appreciated, but it's not like he knew how the subject really made me feel. I could tell he started to feel bad since I didn't laugh or even smile. "Is it because San left?"

"It's part of it." I admitted. "Everyone is so busy with their lives and I just feel like I'm getting left behind. I put some more thought into it today and I kinda got upset."

"Oh, that's what that was about?" I'm glad he noticed, but also disappointed he didn't acknowledge it. Then again, Hyunjin isn't always the best with addressing issues. "I figured you got sick from the McDonald's. But in all seriousness, Wooyoung, if you're upset, just come talk to me."

"But Felix is always here."

"Does that mean you want him to be here less or you want to hang out with me more? We can arrange a best friend day every week." He smiled. "Just us."

"Okay." I smiled and cuddled into him.

"See? Easy solutions. You're okay."

I wish it were that simple.

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