Impulsive Acts

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"I'm smarter than that motherfucker, I don't care what anyone says!" Wooyoung shouted as I drove a little above the speed limit to the police station. No one has texted us yet so they must not realize we left.

"What is your problem with Minho?" I laughed.

He groaned dramatically. "He's so fucking smart and cool. Like thanks dude, just rub it in everyone's faces." He crossed his arms and pouted. "Fucking Lee Know, who does he think he is?"

"You just said it."

"Shut up, let me rant."

"Oh trust me, I'd let you continue, but we're here."

We both tried to push the doors open, but ultimately ended up body slamming into them. Not sure how we missed 'PULL' on the handle, but we move on.

"Hi." Wooyoung was shy, but he knew he had to stay composed. "We're here about a false report." We should've rehearsed this in the car. I realize now that neither of us know exactly what's going on other than the fact that mom got arrested and Kyungmin was taken somewhere.

"False report on who?" The officer replied. He didn't seem very amused by two teenage boys coming in at this hour.

"Jung Eunjeong, sir. That's my mom. She was arrested earlier when I wasn't home. His family called the police and said she abducted him." He pointed to me as he explained the situation. "At least we think that's what happened." He mumbled. The officer groaned and stood up to talk to the others who could potentially know a little more about the case. "Did I sound like an idiot?" Wooyoung looked to me and whispered.

"Yes, but it's okay." I patted him on the back assuringly.

The cop came back to us, "are you saying you're Hwang Hyunjin?" I took out my license and handed it to him, thinking that was the best way to convince him. He actually kept it and waved us to follow him. Two officers separated us, but we didn't retaliate, it just kept the suspense high. "Wait here." I was brought into a small room. This one seemed much cleaner than what I'd expect; maybe for the ones that aren't criminals.

Another officer came into the room and sat in the chair across from me. He set a thick file down on the table and just stared.

"I'm Officer Jeong, nice to meet you." His voice was definitely sweeter than his face, that's for sure.

"I'm Hyunjin." It isn't exactly nice to meet a cop under these circumstances.

"So you're saying a false report was made by," he opened the folder, "Hwang Junghwa about you getting abducted by," he looked down again to find another name, "Jung Eunjeong. Is that correct?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I moved out of my parents house less than a year ago and moved in with the Jung family."

"And what was the reason?"

"The first time was because they kicked me out. The second time was because they were abusive."

He stayed quiet. "I'm going to have you write a statement." He stood up and took the file with him.

Does this mean they won't hear me out? I'm so confused. Truthfully, I wasn't expecting for this to happen. Taking action without thinking seems to be something Wooyoung and I specialize in. Well, at least we're in it together this time.

I was given some paper and I felt like I was writing for hours, but I just couldn't stop. I made sure to add every little detail I possibly could about why I left, how they treated me, how Ms. Jung treats me, the difference I've felt within myself and my life.

Eight pages were filled front to back. I hadn't even realized until I was finished. Officer Jeong came back in and took my statement without a word. I wonder how Wooyoung is doing? Is he okay? Is he with mom? Did they bring him into a small room like this as well?

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