Great Days Don't Matter

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Art by @eno_stayy

I couldn't believe my eyes. The art that's sold for the highest prices have either been flowers or Felix. You're telling me a painting of myself has a bid of $400,000? It's called Locked In Love. It was one of the first pieces I made after Felix and I broke up. It shows that although I was in love, it was restricting and suffocating. I truly see that now more than ever. But it goes without saying that Felix will have a special place in my heart for a long time. He was my first love after all.

Jungkook was in class so today would be my first time going into the city alone. Although it was still snowing outside, I had an important business venture to start. I've made an insane amount of money selling art online, but I need to take it to the next level.

First stop was Art511. They're one of the biggest art magazines in New York. I've put together a portfolio of all my work and I plan on showing every single art magazine in the city. I hope running around for hours in the cold shows some serious dedication. I keep imagining having my own spread of art for people to see. If I'm making money like this, clearly it means I'm good enough. I just hope these places agree.

The building was in West Chelsea so I'm fairly familiar with the area. Not to sound cocky, but I think I'll have this in the bag. But even if it does go well, I won't stop there.

"Hi, do you have an appointment?" The secretary asked.

Never mind, I definitely don't have this in the bag. I didn't even think to make appointments.

"No, I didn't realize I needed one." I planned on being as strategic as possible so I made sure my accent was a little stronger than usual.

"Oh, it's okay." She smiled. I know that New York is pretty fond of people from foreign countries so I'll use it to my advantage. "What can I help you with?"

Don't be nervous, Hyunjin, you've talked to professionals before.

"My name is Hwang Hyunjin." I shook my head. "I mean Hyunjin Hwang." I'm still not used to flipping my names around, I already feel like an idiot. "I have my portfolio with me and I was wondering if someone would like to take a look at it."

"Okay." She nodded. "You can take a seat over there and I'll see if anyone is available." She stood up and left her desk. Once I sat down, my leg started to bounce uncontrollably. I've already done two things incorrectly: didn't schedule an appointment and I said my damn name wrong. "Hyunjin." I popped my head up at the sound of my name. "Come with me." She smiled. I followed her through a couple hallways until she opened a door for me. It was just an ordinary man sitting at a desk. I almost felt overdressed. Although it's freezing out, I still had to look good.

"Hi, I'm Hyunjin Hwang, nice to meet you." I held my hand out for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you as well." He smiled. "I'm Scotto Mycklebust. I'm the founder and publisher of Art511." The founder? They couldn't of made me talk to an assistant or something? This is terrifying. "So my secretary tells me you have a portfolio, let's take a look." I handed it to him and sat in the chair in front of his desk. "So where are you from?" He made small talk as he flipped through the pages. I genuinely couldn't tell what he thought.

"Seoul, South Korea. I'm here for college."

"Wow, you've come a long way." He sounded impressed. "Where do you go? NYU?"

"Pratt Institute."

"Brooklyn or Manhattan."

"Manhattan. They gave me a full scholarship. The Seoul Art Association chose me to have my own exhibit at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art and that's where they gave me the offer."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now