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Felix's POV:

"Will you want to see him at least once?" San asked me, cooking dinner for us both tonight.

I never would've guessed I'd end up living with Wooyoung and San, but their offer was quite overwhelming. Yes, they asked me to live with them. One night I chose to put my pride aside and talk out our differences, but also because I needed help. When I graduated, I hated knowing that the people I used to spend so much time with weren't there because of me. I wanted my friends back and if that means admitting my wrongs, then so be it.

"Felix? What are you doing here?" Wooyoung was shocked to see me at his doorstep.

"Can I come in?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, of course." I followed him inside and looked around the rather luxurious looking apartment. I got the address from Huening Kai who got the address from Yeonjun. I would've asked Beomgyu, but we're not exactly on speaking terms at the moment. "How've you been?"

"I've been alright." I shrugged. "Nothing too crazy going on."

"Same." He joked. I joined him on the couch, feeling a strong tension, but I knew it was just my nerves.

"Where's San?"


"Gotcha." I nodded. "So I came here to talk to you both, but I don't want to take up your time so I'll make this quick."

"No, no." He shook his head. "If you weren't welcome here, I wouldn't of let you in." I was honestly expecting him to slam the door in my face. I wasn't sure where I stood with anyone. But it's been a while at this point so I was hoping he wouldn't be holding too much of a grudge. "What's going on?"

"I just," I sighed, preparing myself for what I had rehearsed on the drive here, "wanted to apologize...for everything. All you and San tried to do was support me and I was just immature and childish."

"Well, Felix, you were a kid." He smiled. "Mistakes were made, but we've all been there, I completely understand." He pulled me in for a hug, but I held on a lot tighter than he expected. I didn't think he was going to be so forgiving so quickly. "You okay?" He asked quietly. I shook my head. "Felix, what's wrong? We're okay, I promise."

"Wooyoung, Minho is missing."

Fear encapsulated his eyes. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"He just disappeared." I shrugged.

"Have your parents reported him missing?"

I nodded. "It's been 48 hours."

"Did you ever end up talking to him again?" I slowly shook my head. That was ultimately one of the main reasons I chose to come here. I spent so long ignoring Minho for what he said and now there's a chance I may never see him again. I'm terrified. "Oh, Felix." His heart broke for me.

San walked in the apartment and lightly gasped at the sight of me. "Felix?"

"Sannie, did you know about Minho?" Wooyoung asked him.

"What?" He was immediately panicked.

"He's been missing for two days."

"Oh my god." San covered his mouth in shock. He sat to the right of me so I was in between the couple. "Has he answered any calls or texts?"

"None of my texts are going through, sent straight to voicemail, he shut off his location. He's completely off the grid." San didn't seem to question why I was here. Instead he was quick to comfort me and tell me we'll find my brother. "I'm so stressed out." I dragged my hands down my face, then stretched them around my neck. "How's Hyunjin holding up?" They seemed surprised that I brought him up, but how could I not? Wooyoung and San shared glances, unsure if they wanted to tell me. That's not a good sign at all. "Not great, I'm guessing." I sighed. Wooyoung shook his head. "What's going on?"

"He just needs help." Wooyoung talked as if he was fighting a losing battle. Hyunjin needing help could mean a plethora of things. "He always needs fucking help."

I looked to San, hoping he'd elaborate. "He's an addict."

My anxiety started to rise. "What kind of addict?" I was afraid to know the answer. I know New York is one tough area, it could be anything.

"Drug addict, alcoholic, sex addict. He's a wreck." San hated the truths he was speaking. "He doesn't look good. Severely underweight, the circles under his eyes are practically black, cheeks caving in. Started cutting himself so his left thigh is practically mutilated. He said he has some decency left so he didn't cut his arm, but I doubt that'll last." He sighed and shook his head. Wooyoung held my hands and looked at me softly. I didn't even realize I had been shaking until we made contact.

"Is Jungkook helping him?"

"Hyunjin stopped talking to him." Wooyoung sighed.

"What, why?"

"He has no idea, but he's really upset. But I'm afraid San and I are next."

"You think Hyunjin will cut you guys off?" I looked at them back and forth, confused as to why Wooyoung would ever think that after everything they've been through.

"I think so." He nodded. "We've tried all we could."

"Maybe I could do something." I know Hyunjin hates my guts, but I had a little faith.

"You mean you'd be willing to talk to him?"

"I have to." That's the last reason I came here to see them. I need to talk to Hyunjin somehow. If anyone is able to help me with that, it's Wooyoung and San.

After that, I came over almost every day. It became second nature to me. I'd spend every day going into Seoul, hunting for Minho, but coming back empty handed. After two weeks, Wooyoung eventually asked if I wanted to take one of the spare rooms in the apartment. Saying no to him wasn't an option so within a few days, I was living with the couple.

"Do I want to see Hyunjin?" I wasn't really sure. A few things have changed since I first moved in the apartment. For one, I have a beautiful girlfriend named Lily. "I guess." I shrugged. "I don't have any bad blood left, I have no problems talking to him." The thought of it made me sweat like a mad man. I have no idea what to expect. Who knows? He could be absolutely infuriated by the sight of me. Maybe he might confess his undying love? It's hugely up for debate. "How does Wooyoung feel?"

"You know him." San shrugged, turning off the stove. "He has no hope left, but he loves Hyunjin to pieces so he'll keep trying even though he feels like it's a waste. You can't help someone who doesn't want help."

"I think he needs to get out of New York. I said it from the start that it was changing him."

"Don't act like you predicted the future." San smiled.

"I totally did!" I laughed. "I thought Hyunjin was drinking and partying way too much after the first month and everyone was like 'he's just living his college life, stop being so ridiculous'. Well you know what I have to say to that now? Fuck all of you, I was right."

"Fine, I'll give you half credit."

"Why half?"

"Because you blamed majority of it on Jungkook."

"True." I awkwardly said. That was the one thing I'll admit I was dead wrong about. I knew once they stopped being roommates, all hell would break loose. "When is Wooyoung flying home?"

"Tomorrow." He seemed relieved. I think that San is grateful I live here so he's not lonely. Wooyoung travels all over the world for modeling and it's draining for them both. I don't have any doubts regarding their relationship, but I know it's definitely not easy. "I'm shocked they let him have the month off."

"Do you know what he told the company?"

"He said it's an emergency family matter."

"Well he's not wrong."

This is definitely an emergency.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now