In Poor Taste

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Me, Mingi, Dami, Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin were all on our way to Busan for Yunho's basketball game. Minho will be there to support of course so that's why the other three chose to tag along.

I think the best news was that there was too many of us so we had to take separate cars. The only annoying part was that I had to drive three hours. But on the bright side, I only had Felix with me. Everyone else went with Mingi.

"Mingi told me he's just not gonna tell Jisung." I sighed. "But his label told him he needs to make a post about how he's officially signed. He did a photo shoot for it and everything."

"I can't imagine Mingi in a photo shoot." Felix said. "Dami, yes. Mingi, no."

"You think she'd ever get jealous that he's the one getting attention?"

"Honestly? I don't think so. She seems really proud of him."

Felix eventually fell asleep on the way to Busan. I had to lower the passenger visor because the sun was shining right in his face. I still need to take care of him even if he's sleeping. Although I had already known the very small context of Felix's life story, hearing it in its entirety has made me much more protective. He noticed it too, but he hasn't tried to stop me yet. I just can't help it, I'm not going to be able to do this much longer. Even now as I drive, I have my hand on his stomach in case I have to make a hard brake. I don't want him to get jolted forward.

I hate that I have to leave him soon. I have six months left and then I leave for New York. That's going to be a hard day for everyone. Whoever my future roommate is may suffer for a few days with all the crying I'll be doing. San and Yeosang, as well as Minho and Yunho, are lucky enough to have each other as roommates, but I'll be with a complete stranger. What if they don't like me? What if the fact that I'm gay makes them uncomfortable? I know America is a lot more accepting of people like me, but you can never be too sure.

"Little one." I said softly, rubbing his freckled cheek. "We're here." He groaned and turned his head the other way. "Lixie, we're gonna see Minho." Once I got to his side of the car, I already figured he'd want to be carried. Maybe he hasn't said anything about my overprotective behavior because he thoroughly enjoys it. I stood him up on the ground and he fell right into my arms. "Baby, I know you're tired, but I'll get you food inside so you can wake up, okay?" He nodded with a tired smile and held onto my pointer finger as we followed behind our friends who arrived at the same time.

We got into the gym and immediately spotted Yunho on the court for warm ups. It was packed tight with people on the bleachers. Minho wasn't too hard to spot since he was the only one standing up, waving both hands in the air and screaming.

"Minho!" Jisung sprinted light speed to his boyfriend and pushed through about twenty people without a single care in the world. Once they were finally together, they held on to each other tightly and started to sway their bodies back and forth. It was a heartwarming moment. But what caught my eye was Tzuyu watching them.

"Felix." I lightly tapped his arm and pointed at Tzuyu watching the couple.

"Does she not know anything about Yunho's friends?"

"Jeongin." I called out. He backed up from Mingi and Dami's side to walk with us instead. "Look at Tzuyu's face right now." I pointed at the mildly uncomfortable expression she had.

"Nice." Jeongin wasn't impressed as he shook his head. "Mingi's looking for a reason to hate her so let's hope he doesn't see that."

"What was he saying on the way here?"

"Not too much about it only because Dami was there. She doesn't know a thing about his relationship with Yunho other than the fact that they're best friends."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now