The Ultimate Decision

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Jisung's POV:

"I'm freaking out." I stared blankly. "I don't know why the company wants to talk to us today."

"Who knows?" Felix shrugged. "It could be a good thing."

Every single day has been the same since our senior year started. Classes, everyone hangs out in the library during free period, classes, back to JYP, then to the dorm.

Moving out of Jeongin's house after nearly a year and a half was bittersweet. But I really like living with Chan and Changbin. I'm learning a lot from them in terms of responsibility and respect for others. I know I'm busy all the time, but it's worth every second to me. I'm doing something I love with really talented people and I'm excited.

"What if JYP wants you to debut?" Jeongin beamed with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"I doubt it." I shook my head. "I've only been there for a few months."

"But Chan has been there for years." Jongho did make a good point.

Me? An idol? That's too crazy to even think about. I never had an issue with doing my own thing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But once Mingi got signed, the competitive side of me took over. Luckily I've calmed down since then and I'm back to loving what I do for the passion of it, not the possibility of fame. My entire life would turn upside down. Is that something I'd really want?

"Ji, picture this." Beomgyu sat in the middle of the table, earning a dirty look from the librarian in which he didn't see. "Money, fashion, tour, albums, awards, photo shoots, more money, TV. People dream of that. Is that not something you'd want?"

"I mean it is, but-"

"No!" Beomgyu pushed his finger against my lips to stop me from talking. "Debut."

The school day ended and I was on my way to a conference room at the JYP building.

"Hannie, don't be so nervous." Changbin patted my back. "This could be a good thing for us."

"I'm feeling pretty good about this." Chan nodded.

The three of us walked inside to see a group of staff along with JYP himself. He's creepier in person.

We formally greeted everyone and sat down in the empty chairs available in front of us.

"Hello, you three." His smile was making me uncomfortable the second he opened his mouth. "So good news. The company, as well as myself, want to put you through the debuting process here at JYP."

"Wow, thank you so much." Chan smiled. I'm just going to let him do all the talking. I need a minute to process this...or ten...maybe an hour...or a week.

"You would be JYP's first trio so we want to make history here. I've gone over your finished tracks and may I just Chan, your producing skills are incredible, you're a true professional. Changbin, the complexity of your raps are so satisfying, you have a great sense of flow and rhythm. But Han," he shook his head. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed in me or something. "You're one of the best male vocalists this company has seen in a long time." I covered my mouth in shock, but quickly lowered it to express my thanks. "I have contracts here for you each to look over." He passed us each a pile of paperwork.

A few very questionable things stuck out to me. Number one being a dating ban. I won't do that. I'm not picking this over Minho, it's not happening. He's been my main supporter since day one, I can't just throw all that away.

But Chan and Changbin were quick to sign their contracts. All eyes were on me at that point.

"Can I excuse myself for a moment?"

JYP nodded as I quickly left the room. I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

"Han." Chan followed me. "What's wrong? Do you not want to do this?"

"I don't want to leave Minho." I shook my head.

Chan sighed and nodded. "Can I be straightforward with you about this?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, afraid of what he'd say.

"I've been with my girlfriend for three years."

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" I gasped. I truly had no idea. But now it makes sense with all his romantic lyrics and what not.

"Yeah." He nodded. "But here's the thing...I've waited for years to finally have a chance. I love my girlfriend to death, I really do. But you can only have one career like this, relationships can come and go. I know you love Minho, but you're so young. What if he's not forever the way you think? Your name could be legendary if you sign that contract. But also on the flip side, if you don't sign it, you'd also be letting me down, you'd be letting Changbin down, as well as JYP and everyone in that room. You barely see Minho as it is since he's at college and you're here. Maybe your relationship isn't meant to be. But this career clearly is."

God damn it.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora