Getting Closer

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"You look like you just saw a ghost." San smiled. But there was nothing funny about what I was just told. "You okay? What happened in there?" I couldn't even speak. "Anything bad?"

"Felix is the answer to everything." I whispered, staring blankly.

"Is that what she told you?"

I nodded faintly. "He's my soulmate. I didn't know that stuff was actually legit."

"What else did she tell you?"

"That he's my guardian angel." That's how I've always thought of him. No other name seemed to fit as perfectly as that. Angel. "She said that as long as Felix is in my heart, I'll be okay." San just shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What?"

"Wooyoungie called it." I couldn't help but laugh. That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. "I've been trying to keep him in check so we don't get our priorities misplaced, but now maybe I should hold back on that a bit."

"You know Felix said he'd come back to New York with me." I personally didn't like that idea once I put some thought into it. If he came with me, it would be like sucking him into more of my darkness.

San groaned. "I was hoping he wasn't going to say it to you. He's mentioned it multiple times since you've been home."

"I won't let him." I shook my head. "I would love for him to visit once, but he can't stay. I know he'll be upset, but it's for his own good."

San seemed pretty shocked by my reaction. But just like everyone's been saying, I can't make Felix the mission here. It has to be me and my struggles. Felix is just the light at the end of the tunnel; that is, if I reach the end of it.

We were driving home until I got the phone call from the doctor. My results.

"Hi, is this Hyunjin?" The woman on the phone asked.

"Yes, hi." I always thought it was a weird question when they call. Don't you have my number on file? Why are you asking if it's me? I think I'm just thinking of things to calm myself down because my stress is at an all time high.

"We have your test results ready."

"Okay." I sighed. "Did anything come back positive?" That's when San realized who I was on the phone with. I watched as he gripped onto the steering wheel, probably filled with his own fear.

"Yes." God damn it. "You tested positive for chlamydia, but everything came back negative. We sent a script to the pharmacist we have on file for you and the instructions will be on the medication."

"Wait, it's curable? It's not life threatening or anything like that."

"Yes, chlamydia is one of the few curable sexually transmitted infections as long as you treat it properly. You only had a mild case so it should go away within a week or two."

"Okay, thank you so much. I'll pick it up now."

"Alright, have a good day! Goodbye."

Once she hung up the phone, I took the biggest sigh of relief in history.

"We have to go to the pharmacy?" San asked.

"Gotta pick up my chlamydia meds." I laughed. It isn't funny at all, but having this is much better than HIV which is what I was afraid of.

"That's it?" Even he was relieved.

"A mild case too. Which means I probably caught it from the last guy I was with. Karma for cheating on his wife, I guess."

"No, this is karma for you since you slept with a married man."

"True." I laughed, feeling quite embarrassed.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now