Safe Place

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Minho's POV:

I stood in front of Jeongin's house and leaned against my car. I just wanted a minute to myself first.

This trial put me in a very dark place, I hate to admit it. I broke down in front of my dad earlier which is still heavily bothering me. I don't cry, I'm not allowed to get emotional. I'm better than that, stronger than that. Hyunjin and Wooyoung saw me too which is even worse. They're not supposed to see that side of me. Hyunjin has a couple times, but I felt like they were acceptable circumstances. This isn't.

I'm grateful they asked me to go see Jisung because he's one of the very few people I'll let see the real me. Thinking about it now makes me realize it's definitely the best time to see him.

Hey could you do me a favor??

What's up

Do you think you could go to Hyunjin's house real quick and see if I left my one sweatshirt there? The gray one with the rabbit and the middle finger

I gotchu

I'm not surprised he didn't question me. Obviously I could've just asked Yongbok.

I watched as Jisung came out of the front door and started walking to his car. He didn't even notice I was right in front of him.

"Han Jisung, are you blind?" I shouted and started to laugh.

"Holy shit!" He ran straight for me and tackled me on the front lawn. "What are you doing here?" He sat on my lap, seemingly unaware that he was pinning my wrists down.

"The trial."

He gasped. "You went?"

"I was on the stand, Sungie."

"Oh, then you guys won." He smiled.

"We did." I couldn't stop smiling as well. I was so happy to see him.

He bent down and gave me an affectionate kiss. But all of a sudden we were getting soaked by the sprinklers. It's fucking March and it's cold.

"I thought this would set the tone!" Jeongin shouted from the front door.

"It did not!" Jisung shouted back.

"I don't know, it looks pretty romantic from here!"

"It doesn't feel very romantic!"

I sat up and held Jisung in my lap, hoping I'd be able to shield him from the sprinklers.

"Sungie." I whispered as he continued to bicker with Jeongin. "Sungie, honey, look at me."

He turned to me and pushed my hair out of my face.

"Don't cut this." It was getting obnoxiously long for my liking, but I knew he liked it. "Ever."

"Come on." I kissed his nose before he stood up and reached out his hand for me to grab. On the way to the car, I gave him a nice firm slap on the ass.

"I will fuck you u-" I closed the door on his face before he could finish his threat. "I can't stand you." He laughed once I got in the car.

"Do you want me to leave? I could do that and you can just suffer for another few months."

"Shut up and drive." He groaned and took my hand.

I love the way our relationship is. It's what makes me the happiest. I always wanted a boyfriend that was also my best friend and I'm glad I've found that in Jisung. I've never been the best with affection and being romantic, but that's okay with him. He knows me and he loves me for me, not for something anyone could offer.

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