Love Bugs

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Wooyoung's POV:

"Well you don't look very happy." I knew San was excited for me to come home, but how could I be in a good mood after my car ride with Yeonjun?

"I'm not." I went straight to the bathroom in his dorm and turned on the shower. I needed to get this cigarette smell off my body. Once I realized San wasn't with me, I popped my head out the door and waved him in. "I'm annoyed." I took both our shirts off, then he undressed the rest of himself after.

"Because you wanna be back in New York or something happened?"

"Of course something happened!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my frustration.

"Tell me, baby, what's wrong?" He kissed my bare shoulder, then wrapped his arms around my waist.

I stepped into the shower as San followed and let the water flow down my body. I needed to calm down and the best way to do it would be right here with him.

"Felix and Beomgyu have been hooking up since November."

San rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Does Hyunjin know?"

"No, I'm not telling him either. But I feel like someone will."

This break up has divided us all quite a bit. I think the situation with Minho and Felix just sealed the deal on who's on whose side. But the younger ones can be swayed, I need to keep a close eye on them.

"Who though?"

"I don't know, I don't trust anyone other than you and me."

I had gotten my flight at a specific time in New York so that I'd come home at a reasonable hour to Korea, but I think the lack of sleep has finally hit me. On the way there, I was overly excited to see Hyunjin and be in America for the first time. On the way back, I was overly excited to see San and tell him how amazing everything was. But now that I feel relaxed being with him here, I could fall asleep right here.

"Wooyoungie." San whispered.

"Wha, huh?" I guess I actually did end up falling asleep while standing. San looked like his heart exploded with an overwhelming amount of love.

"My baby." He adoringly pouted and hugged me tight. "You're so cute." He kissed the side of my head, then started to wash my body for me. "We gotta get you in bed." I nodded, feeling more exhausted by the minute. "I missed you, by the way."

"Missed you." I sounded half awake. I don't think I've ever been so excited to sleep.

San and I eventually got out of the shower and went straight to his bed. We didn't bother putting clothes on once we were dry; I always liked being close to him.

"So was New York fun at least?" He asked as we got comfortable.

"Of course. We need to go one day. Just you and me."

"Well you're the New York expert, what would we do?"

"Everything." I softly smiled. "As long as you're with me, you'll be okay."

"Are you going to be the protective one then?" He laughed.

"Yes, exactly. I know how this city works." I said proudly. "I found out very quickly that telling someone to get out of your way will get you shot, not respect." Apparently the outward rudeness is only in movies. I wish they told me that before I practiced a bunch of obnoxious phrases in English.

"I'd never do something like that in the first place anyway so no need to worry."

"Cars also don't stop for people. They will hit you."

"Did you see anyone get hit?"

"No, but I saw the look in one guy's eyes and I knew what he wanted to do."

"I'll make sure no one messes with you when we go to New York one day." He gave me a light squeeze and kissed my nose. "Maybe we can go during Christmas time."

"We can see the tree." I smiled. "I hope it's pretty in person. I'll warn you, New York is actually a shit hole, I was shocked."

"Then why do you wanna go again?" He laughed.

"Because I wanna go everywhere with you. I know we'll always have fun together wherever we are. It's a part of our charm."

I laid on top of San, letting myself become dead weight. I always thought I was pretty heavy, but he's never complained.

There was a period of time where I felt I had put on too much weight. I thought I looked absolutely disgusting. Everything fit fine, it wasn't too noticeable, but the number on the scale had said otherwise. I remember there was a week where I didn't lay on his chest because of it and he asked me what was wrong. Once I told him it was because I felt heavy, he looked like his soul shattered. He said 'Wooyoung, I don't care how much you weigh because you're you and I'll love you no matter what you look like'. I think I probably put on a good few pounds from all the pizza we ate, but the insecurity I once had was gone. Feeling comfortable in my own skin has been difficult over the years. It's not modeling that's really helped, it's San.

"Wooyoungie." He whispered, brushing his fingers through my hair. I hummed in response, feeling myself drift off as he rubbed my back. "I really missed you."

"Got separation anxiety or something?"

"Yeosang called it 'Wooyoung Withdrawals' so I guess so."

"Speaking of, where is he?"

I just realized now that it's a later hour so he should be here. Weird.

"He's stalking the girl he likes."

"Wonderful. What's her name?"

"I think it's Winter? I'm not sure. She works at the coffee shop down the block. He went one time, saw her, now he goes three times a day."

"Oh jeez." I smiled. "Have they even talked?"

"I don't think so." He sighed. Poor Yeosang is probably so shy to talk to her. He deserves a nice girlfriend. Girls like Dami and Tzuyu were clearly no good so it's up to Yeosang to find one that isn't fake. "I tell him every single day. A simple compliment will go a long way. All you have to do is say 'your hair looks really nice today' and you're in."

"And he's had a girlfriend before? How did he pull that off if he can't even talk to this girl?"

"Beats me. He doesn't even know how he did it."
The door opened and Yeosang finally appeared. "Talk to her yet?"

"No." Yeosang mumbled and laid face first down on his bed.

"She might think you're a stalker at this point. You gotta make a move."

Yeosang just groaned into his pillow.

"Sannie, why don't you go and be his wingman?"

"Because what if she thinks he's more attractive than me?" Yeosang sighed, turning his head towards us.

San and I just looked at each other in confusion. Does Yeosang not know what he looks like?

"I highly doubt that." San said.

"But you've got all those muscles and what not."

San and I looked at each other once again, even more confused this time.

"Yeosang, your arms are huge."

I felt like I was in a frat house once they both started flexing their biceps.

"Put that away." I lightly smacked his arm and bit it. "Weirdo."

"Wooyoungie." He groaned.

Well I guess if couples are crashing and burning around us, it's time to make new ones. Yeosang, we will get you that girl.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now