Hiding in Plain Sight

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San's POV:

I took Wooyoung into the kitchen away from everyone in the living room. When we were upstairs, I finally told him about the Universal trip. Of course he was excited, but that also raised my suspicions. When I saw that little wink at Felix, I knew a discussion needed to be had.

"I don't want you getting upset." I sighed, putting my acting skills on full display. "And I don't want you getting upset with him either."



Hyunjin knew about the plan so he gave me full permission to throw him under the bus. I would've felt too guilty selling him out if he didn't.

"What did he do?" He was visibly nervous.

"He asked me, years ago mind you, if I had this trip planned for a specific reason because you saw it on my phone." I could tell his heart dropped, most likely furious with his best friend for exposing him. "So I'm just saying I don't want you to expect something that isn't happening and then this whole trip turns into one giant disappointment for you. We've always talked about going, I thought it would be nice because we've never gone on a vacation together before, and it's for my birthday."

"Okay." His quiet demeanor nearly broke my heart, but it'll be worth it. Now he won't be expecting it and it'll remain a surprise just like a normal proposal should be.

"Are you upset with me?"

"No." He shook his head but still spoke quietly. "Why would I be mad at you? If anything, I'm glad you told me because yeah, I definitely would've been expecting it." He faked a smile the best he could.

"Baby, I'm sorry." At first it was acting, but now my heart genuinely hurts. I hate making him upset or disappointing him because he's done so much for me. I know it's something small overall, but he deserves so much. I always want to make him happy.

"Don't apologize, Sannie, there's nothing to be sorry about." He rested his head on my shoulder and maneuvered my hands onto his hips.

"But I feel like you're disappointed."

"We've talked about going for years and we're finally doing it. We're going to have the greatest time ever, don't worry." He gave me a small kiss and a reassuring smile. "You always get so worked up about stuff, lighten up."

"That's rich coming from you." I smiled.

"I meant with me." Now that was actually a fact. "You're so afraid of letting me down or not being enough."

"Well yeah because you're you." I stressed. "You're a gorgeous model who everyone loves because you have this amazing personality, and then there's me."

He looked at me like I was insane. I honestly don't think it's all that crazy. My boyfriend is a celebrity and my biggest accomplishment is graduating college.

"First off, don't say stuff like that. None of that 'and then there's me' bullshit. You're the greatest person I've ever met. And if I brought you to an event, I just know there would be questions about why my plus one is hotter than me. Just because I'm a model means absolutely nothing, I'm still me. Do you think I've changed? Like legitimately changed drastically because of my career." I faintly shook my head. "And do you know why?" I shook my head again. "Because I've had you by my side the entire time. There's been no reason for me to change because the man I love the most accepts me for exactly who I am. You've been my rock from day one and I could never do this without you. That's one of the million reasons as to why I love you." It's moments like this that prove to me I made the right decision. There's truly no one better to spend the rest of my life with. "Stop staring at me like that and kiss me already."

"I love you so much." I smiled before kissing those beautiful lips of his. He was as light as a feather so I was able to lift him up and sit him down on the kitchen counter with ease. He wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me closer, unwilling to break our kiss.

"Sannie." Wooyoung whispered once I started to leave light kisses down his neck. "I wanna go upstairs."

"When they leave, we will. Be patient, baby." I dug my fingers into his thighs, making him accidentally whimper. Except I had every intention of making him struggle with our friends in the other room.

"You should fuck me right here."

"You don't know how to be quiet."

He leaned over and gently bit my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine.

"Try me." Wooyoung was playing a dangerous game, but if that's what he wants, that's what he gets.

He hopped off the counter and turned around, faintly grinding against me. Due to the fact that we just fucked twenty minutes ago, he was still stretched out so we could make this one quick. Wooyoung and I have developed a really bad habit in the last few years: fucking in wildly inappropriate places. Clearly this adds to our little problem, but there's a certain rush of adrenaline that we both crave from it.

"You make one sound, then I'm done." Without warning, I shoved my cock deep inside his already loose entrance. His breathing hitched immediately, not expecting the spontaneous pressure. I was moving slow but pushing in deep.

"Hey, Wooyoung!" Felix shouted.

"Shit." Wooyoung panicked and pushed me on the ground while pulling his pants up.

"Where'd San go?" Felix sounded very confused. "I thought he was in here with you?" I'm praying he doesn't move because I'd rather him not find me frantically trying to slide my pants up.

"I don't know." Wooyoung acted completely clueless. "He might be upstairs. Do you need him?"

"No, no. I just came to tell you that Yunho and Mingi are leaving soon and they want to hang with you guys too because apparently me and Minho are boring."

"Understood." Wooyoung nodded. "I'll be there in a minute." Once I heard the distant sound of footsteps, I slowly stood up. "That was fun." He smiled brightly.

"You pushed me to the ground, how is that fun?" I actually found it very funny.

"Be grateful for my super quick reflexes, otherwise Felix would've seen your dick. Now let's go."

There's never a dull moment with him.

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