Rising Fame

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I was in the middle of class when I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out fast enough so my professor didn't see. But once I saw the number, I knew I had to take the call. I quickly raised my hand and asked if I could be excused. Once I was allowed, I answered the phone before leaving the classroom.

"Hello?" Somehow I sounded ten times more nervous on the phone.

"Hi, is this Hyunjin?" I recognized the voice, it was Scotto Mycklebust from Art511.

"Hi, yes. How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good today, thanks for asking. I was just calling regarding our meeting from the other day. I'd like to showcase your work in our magazine here at Art511. Do you think you could come in later today?"

"Thank you so much!" I actually don't think I've sounded that happy in a while. "I can come right after school."

"Perfect! I'll see you then, Hyunjin."

"Okay. Thank you so much." Our call ended and I may or may not have screamed in the hallway. There were about ten people that turned their heads to find the commotion. "Sorry." I mumbled before rushing back into the classroom.

"Everything okay, Hyunjin?" My professor asked. Everyone turned to look at me, probably because they heard me scream.

"Yeah, sorry." I said awkwardly.

The class continued on like usual, but I was so ecstatic, I could barely keep still. I took out my phone again and immediately texted Jungkook. He has a photoshoot today so I know he may be busy.

Art511 called and they want me in the magazine

Nowwww will you come to a shoot with me? You need headshots so they can put the art to a face

You're in New York now, you can't live without a headshot

But I'm not a model

Doesn't matter

It's not for fashion, it's for business

So come now

I'm in class



I raised my hand again and asked to be excused for the rest of class. I'll send her an email later to explain.

I rushed out the school and tracked down a taxi to take me to VNY Models. It's not too far a walk, but I'd rather not have hypothermia before something as important as this.

What the hell did I just walk into? This place is insane.

I went to the front desk and told the secretary I was here for Jungkook. She just pointed to her right and there he was surrounded by cameras and lights. He was in front of a simple white background, but god damn did he make it work.

"Great shot, Jungkook. Keep doing that." The photographer said as he focused on different angles and directions. Jungkook was a true professional. He changed the expression on his face with a different pose to follow every single time he heard the camera take a picture. "Ten more frames." I definitely can't do all that. I hope that's not what he expects from me. "Alright, we got it. That's a wrap!" Everyone around started to clap. I awkwardly started clapping as well, not really sure what was happening.

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