The Trial Part 2

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"What do our chances look like right now?" I asked Mr. Lee.

It was the second day of the trial and our first recess just started. My father was already lying, but nothing matched up with what he had said yesterday. My parents won't even look at each other. Even if we don't win this, their inevitable divorce will be a victory to me.

"Pretty high. Their lawyer is an idiot, your father has crashed and burned, and your mother is a cheating predator." His confidence was striking.

"I didn't know any of that about Minho." I became more serious once I brought up the heavy topic.

"My son," he paused and sighed, "my son's gift is a blessing and a curse. He cares deeply for his friends and family, but he forgets to care for himself."

"I just wish he'd talk to someone."

"He tells Jisung things more than he used to. Out of his friends, he's definitely the closest with Seonghwa."

"Does he at least talk to you?"

"Occasionally. He's a strong young man."

"He's our leader for a reason." I smiled.

We went back into the courtroom and it was Wooyoung's first time on the stand. My parent's lawyer had been the one to call upon him so it made me anxious.

"Wooyoung, can you tell everyone here why all of your scholarships had been revoked?"

"Because of a fist fight." His expression was cold. I don't think I had ever seen him so serious in my life. "Because someone was talking negatively about me and my family."

"You're also the one that told Hyunjin to live elsewhere. You have that power over him, you're clearly possessive over him. Does that not show you're fully capable of controlling his actions? He will do whatever you tell him; he'll stay or leave at your command."

"That's not true." He shook his head.

"How is it not?"

"Because once he moved back to his parents house and we had reconciled, I begged him to come back and live with me, but he refused."


"So he was finally back home with his family and you tried to manipulate him!" The lawyer shouted.

"N-no, that's not true." Wooyoung started to panic. "When he finally decided to come back to my house, I had no idea. It was Minho who convinced him."

He's cracking under pressure and he's fucking this up exponentially.

"So Lee Minho was a part of the team that kidnapped Hyunjin from his parent's home on March 19th."

"We didn't kidnap him!" Wooyoung was losing his cool. We needed to get him off the stand immediately. "Mr. Lee, do you have the evidence from that night? The security cameras." Mr. Lee nodded and handed photos to Judge Yang. "Look at Hyunjin's face, you can see it clear as day. He's smiling! He's running next to San with his dog in his arms. You saw me, Felix, and Yeosang all taking stuff out of his window because Hyunjin asked us to. If his parents cared so much, they would've called the police immediately! Instead they waited for November 26th, my birthday, which they knew! This was purposeful."

"They claim they didn't know it was your birthday." The lawyer shrugged.

"Trust me, they did. Hyunjin and I have been best friends since middle school. They've dropped him off at my house for every single birthday I've ever had. That's almost a decade of birthdays."

"It sounds like you're accusing the Hwang family of lying."

"That's exactly what I'm doing."

I started to panic. My leg was bouncing uncontrollably, I was sweating profusely, and my hands were shaking. I felt like I was slipping into little space.

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