Wake Up Call

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"Hey." I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. "Hyunjin. Please wake up." I felt like I had boulders resting on top of my eyelids. I couldn't open them even if I tried. I faintly groaned in pain, struggling to move. "Oh my god." I felt half of my body being lifted and sheltered as if I was being held. "Hyunjin, talk to me."

"Hyunjin." I whispered quietly.

"Yeah, that's you." It finally processed that it was Jungkook. I could tell by his relieved but nervous laughter. "What happened? I thought you had such a good day." He was desperate to know the answer. But the truth is, a good day doesn't really mean much to someone like me. I could win the Nobel Prize and I'd be contemplating death.

"Tired." My throat was killing me as I tried to speak. "I wanna sleep."

"No, you're not sleeping." He moved my body upwards and tried to open my eyes for me. "You don't need to go to the hospital, it wasn't that bad. I think you just passed out from shock. But I still wrapped it up."

I sluggishly rested my head on his chest, still having a hard time waking up.

"I didn't want to die." I said quietly. "I'm so scared." I felt tears welling up as I became more aware of my surroundings. "Why did I do that?" I finally opened my eyes and realized that only my waist was covered by a towel. This was humiliating. "How long was I out?"

"Just 3 hours." He sighed. "You weren't answering me when I asked if you were okay, you were in there for a while. So I just came in and found out bleeding out on the ground."

"I'm sorry." I cried. I lifted my head up and felt terrible for how exhausted he looked.

"It's okay, you're okay." He wiped my tears and gave my right hand a light squeeze.

"Did you tell Wooyoung?" He nodded. "Can you give me my phone then?" He reached over to the nightstand and handed it to me. Shockingly there weren't as many text messages from him as I expected.

Please be okay

I wish I could be there with you, this is killing me

Thank god you're coming home in a few days otherwise I'd lose my mind

I love you so much Jinnie

Promise me you'll come home

"I don't even know what time it is in Korea right now." I stressed.

"It's 8am."

"Shit, he's in class."

I got up off my bed and felt a wave of dizziness rush over me. Jungkook held onto my arms before I even had the chance to tip over.

"Come on." He put a protective hand on my back and led me to the couch in the living room. "Lay down." I did as he said, then he threw a blanket over me.  "I'll order some food. You look like you've lost a lot of weight since you moved here. I think you gotta cut back on the cigarettes."

I didn't say anything because I knew he was right. I didn't plan on becoming addicted, but cigarettes are more accessible. It's not as socially acceptable to walk around with a blunt in your hands, that's just my opinion. But if I was hungry, I smoked. If I was bored, I smoked. If I was tired, I smoked. If I was stressed, I smoked.

I know I need to text Wooyoung back, he's probably losing his mind right now. Especially since that's what he most likely woke up to.

I'm okay, I'm sorry

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now