The Trial Part 1

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I felt sick to my stomach. Now that we were at the courthouse, everything seemed more real. I had been confident for months, but now I'm not so sure beating my family is a possibility.

"Just breathe, Jinnie." Wooyoung followed me to the bathroom and tried to comfort me as I repeatedly splashed water in my face. "We're winning this."

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, staring at the both of us in the mirror as water droplets dripped from my nose. My biological parents did this to my family. They've hurt them so badly. How could I not feel like this is partially my fault? It's still my name.

Wooyoung and I walked into the courtroom together and sat behind mom and Mr. Lee with a divider separating us. I felt my parents staring at me from the other side, but I refused to look. Wooyoung looked past me and noticed so he took my hand and gave it a light squeeze.

I looked around behind me and noticed multiple people with small notepads and pens in their hands, they must be reporters and journalists. This was some huge act for publicity on my parent's end, I just know it. Do they truly feel no remorse?

"All rise for Judge Yang." An usher spoke.

"Order in the court!" Judge Yang said. "We are gathering today to witness the judgment of Jung Eunjeong against Hwang Jiho and Hwang Junghwa. You may take your seats." We all sat down, but I still refused to look towards my parents. I could feel my mother's eyes burning into me. "Now the defending party may speak."

Mr. Lee stood with a strong dominance. I could feel his confident energy just by looking at him. I can see where Minho gets it from.

He opened his briefcase and spread out multiple files, pictures, and other things I couldn't make out from where I was seated.

"Ms. Jung, can you please take the stand?" He asked her politely. She stood up and fixed her skirt before making her way over to the seat next to the judge. "Ms. Jung, can you tell us what happened on November 26th of last year?" He spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear.

"It was my son's 18th birthday that day. Him and his friends had gone out for dinner while I stayed home with my youngest son. All of a sudden, multiple police officers swarmed my house, tore it apart, and took me and my youngest by force. They were claiming I had kidnapped my son's best friend, Hwang Hyunjin."

"Did you know where Hwang Hyunjin's whereabouts were that day?"

"He was with my son and their friends all day. I can actually provide evidence of that as well."

Mr. Lee looked to the judge for permission. "Granted." He went back to his briefcase and picked up a screenshot from a money exchanging app that had been printed out.

"You can see there." She took the piece of paper. "November 26th, Hyunjin had paid Wooyoung for something when they were out and about together around that time."

Wooyoung bumped my shoulder faintly, seeming proud that his mom had thought of every little thing to prove her innocence regardless if it was found credible or not.

"Now you claim that Hwang Hyunjin had chosen to live with you, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct." She nodded.

"Objection." My parent's lawyer stood up.

"Overruled." The judge replied.

"Anyway." She continued. "In November of 2022, Hyunjin had left his parents and stayed a week at my house. When he went back home, all his belongings had been destroyed on the lawn."

"Objection, your honor, that's not true." Their lawyer spoke again.

"Overruled." The judge was easily becoming irritated.

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