Returning to Civilization

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Minho's POV:

"And this is your new home." I followed Wooyoung inside the rather luxurious looking apartment. I definitely wasn't expecting this level of opulence from him. But then again, I never followed his career much. I saw Wooyoung on a billboard once, but that was about it. Now that I think of it, that's pretty crazy in itself. "Felix will be home in a few days so his stuff will be in here until then."

I slowly walked into his room and recognized all of his things. Including a framed picture of me and him on his nightstand.

"I never thought he'd leave home, or even come here for that matter." I sat on the edge of the bed and held the photo in my hands. I remember that day well. I didn't realize it until now that I almost forgot what he looked like.

"Your parents think you're dead, that's why."

"That's surprising. I figured they'd have a little more faith in me."

"Obviously Felix did." I set the frame back down and sighed. "You know if you would've just told us where you were going, this would've been completely different."

"Except it wouldn't of. No one would've let me out the door."

"How did you even get there?"

"I took a damn plane." I laughed. "What, did you think I fucking swam? I don't need to be treated like a charity case. I was fine, I was safe, I had money, I had a place to stay. I think you guys are trying to connect similarities between me and Hyunjin's situations, but it's entirely different. You don't need to worry about me, or my health, or my sanity. I was happy, I felt relaxed, and I had a clear head."

"And you couldn't of done any of that here?"

"No." I stood up in front of him. "You can't heal from your wounds when you're still fighting the battle."

"And do you feel healed?" Wooyoung crossed his arms, not convinced in the slightest. I've noticed he's developed some serious trust issues. I could tell him my name is Lee Minho and he probably wouldn't even believe that.

"Not completely, but that's something that can be fixed." I'm referring to my brother. When we talked on the phone, that was the first time we said a word to each other in years. I still don't know where we stand. It was evident that he was angry with me, but other than that, I couldn't tell what was going through his mind. It seemed to be a much crazier day for him than myself.

"He might smack you, just saying." Luckily Wooyoung caught on to the fact that I had Yongbok in mind.

"I'm counting on it." I smiled.

"He's looked for you constantly since the day you left."

"How did you even find me?" I thought if I went to Japan, I'd be completely untraceable. Even being completely off the radar in every aspect, it still didn't matter.

"We only told Jisung about it last month, he hasn't known the entire time. But once we did, he immediately said Japan."

"He's always been a smart one." Which is what I always loved about him. He's done stupid things, but he was never a stupid person. I find him to be incredibly intelligent; I wouldn't settle for someone who isn't.

"Yunho was in Japan a few weeks ago and wanted to see if there was any record of you at the police station. So that's basically what confirmed it."

"What the hell was he doing there?"


"Oh." I slowly nodded. "They ever get together or are they still being idiots?"

"They're together now, yeah." He smiled.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now