Senior Squad

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Felix's POV:

One month.

It took one month for everything to change.

The first week was perfect, but that was because classes hadn't started for Hyunjin yet. The second they did, I knew he'd be busy. He spends nearly every dying moment with Jungkook and his older friends doing god knows what. Speaking of Jungkook, I don't like him one bit. Maybe I'm just being possessive and jealous that someone is taking up all his time or maybe it's the fact that he still doesn't know Hyunjin is gay with a boyfriend back in Korea. Wooyoung is somehow a lot more understanding than I am with that. No one knew San had a boyfriend or that he was gay his entire freshman year of college. They wanted to make sure people judged him by his character first rather than his sexuality.

"Have you heard from him at all?" Soobin asked as we met at my locker.

"I did this morning." I nodded. "He still talks to me every day, that's not the issue. I'm just getting a vibe."

"I don't know, I just feel like you're overthinking it." Jeongin shrugged.

"How am I not supposed to? He's in another state and his roommate is a model. Why the hell is he in college anyway if he already has a career?"

"People like to cover all the bases."

"His art sucks too." I scoffed and crossed my arms.


"No, never!" I gasped. "Jungkook's." I watched as Soobin and Jeongin looked at each other knowingly. Clearly they seem to disagree.

"Felix, you're going to drive yourself insane with this. It's not healthy." Soobin sighed.

Not healthy? Worrying about my boyfriend in another country when he's hanging out with a douchebag is not healthy? I was beginning to lose my cool.

"This is not fun for me."

"We knew it was never going to be which is why we're here to keep you company."

"Exactly." Jeongin nodded. "Plus I'm lonely now too."

"Because Jisung's never home?"

"Worse." He sighed. "The company finally stuck him in one of their dorms with Chan. Changbin finally agreed to join them too. So now they're this little trio." Jeongin couldn't be less amused.

"First Mingi, now him." I shook my head. "Why is everyone leaving us?"

Mingi became a sensation overnight. We haven't heard from him in a month. He's still in multiple group chats, but he doesn't text back the way he used to. From what I know, the only person he's kept any type of contact with is Yunho. That's not much of a surprise to anyone. Something else that isn't exactly shocking is that Mingi is still with Dami and Yunho is still with Tzuyu. They haven't had a couples reunion since the basketball game months back. The best friends talked about their girlfriend's differences and chose to put it aside for the sake of keeping the peace between them.

"Hongjoong is next." Jongho joined us as we walked to the library together. "He'll most likely end up in New York just like he planned."

"Good. We need at least one normal person out there to be with Hyunjin."

"Seonghwa would be going too."

"Even better."

We sat around an empty table in the library and ranted about how all our older friends are abandoning us. I know it's dramatic, but that's just how it is. I'm lucky enough to have Wooyoung sacrificing his time on campus with San to be with me when I need him. Minho is still living out in Busan, but even he's been distant. It's unlike him, very unlike him. I always wonder if there's something going on that I don't know about, but I'm sure he'd never tell me.

"Jongho, why do you never hang with us?" Jeongin asked. "And Soobin, you don't either. What's up with that?"

I've actually always wanted to know the answer. If it's just our grade, they show up. If it's the older group, they back out.

"I have my own friends." Soobin smiled. "So much less drama." Well I can't blame him for that. There's always been something going on in my life because of my friends. "Beomgyu barely hangs out with all of you and even he says it gets overwhelming. Taehyun and Huening Kai are good enough for me."

"And you?" I looked to Jongho.

"I'm an honors student, you know that. I've been swamped with homework for four years. Plus, I work unlike any of you."

"Make an effort now." Soobin said to him.

"You're lucky I even go online with you guys."

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Hyunjin. Still seeing him make an effort was relieving. I'm still paranoid he's going to stop trying so for now I need to take advantage of this.

My Love
Goodnight angel. It's 11:30pm over here and I have class in the morning. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much today. I love you so much and I can't wait to see your beautiful face soon

Maybe I really am paranoid. I need to get it together so we don't have a repeat of last time. All my speculations are what caused our downfall. I'm realizing I may be doing it again.

Goodnight baby, I hope you sleep well. I miss you more and more every day. I love you so much

"The fuck you smiling at?" Jongho teased and flung a rubber band at my chest. "Hyunjin text you?"

"He did." I nodded.

Jeongin swiped my phone from my hand and reviewed our messages. He looked wildly disappointed.

"You're totally overthinking things." He handed my phone back to me as he shook his head. "He tells you what he's doing and when he's doing it, he tells you he loves you and that he can't wait to see you. He checks every box without fail every single time because he's always been that way. You're letting some tattooed senior citizen bother you too much."

"Innie, he's literally Chan's age." Apparently bringing up Bang Chan around Jeongin is forbidden. He hasn't told us anything, but that smile wipes itself away within seconds.

"What about Chan?" Jisung appeared with Beomgyu and Kai next to him. Typically the library is where we meet during our free period so they knew to come here. 

Recently, Jisung has gotten into the habit of praising Chan a little too much. It's weird for everyone, especially me considering he's dating my brother. I know he doesn't mean it the way it's coming off, but it's getting excessive. Then again, every little thing has been over the top for me lately. I've never had any type of anger issues before, but a short temper is definitely something I have now.

"That him and Jungkook are the same age."

"Are you still stressing over Jungkook?" Jisung smiled, but I knew he thought I was being dramatic. "Yongbokie, I told you there's nothing to worry about. Hyunjin is loyal and loves you. Even from far away, he's making an effort to show you that."

"Am I really that wrong for thinking this way?" It started to feel like I was being accused of committing some sort of crime. Everyone seemed to think I was overreacting and had nothing to worry about. "I mean seriously, do you not stress over you and Minho?" He shook his head. "How? He's three hours away in Busan and you're busy every single day at JYP with Chan and Changbin. What if you end up debuting? What then?"

"Then we figure that out then." He shrugged. "But for now, we do what we've done from day one. It's worked out for a year so I have nothing to worry about."

No one else here is in a relationship or could even possibly relate. The only opinions I've gotten are from Wooyoung and now Jisung and both have something similar to say. I really must be overreacting. I'd talk to Minho about it but again, he's been distant from everyone lately. It's scaring me.

All of this is scaring me.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin