Times Have Changed

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If you would've told me two years ago that my life would be on a downward spiral, I think I'd believed you. I was never the best at keeping my shit together.

"Hyunjin, wake up." Cold water was poured all over my body, making me jolt up in shock.

"What the fuck!" I screamed.

"You broke into the apartment...again." Hongjoong scoffed. "That's three times this week."

"Then give me a key." I muttered, getting up off the floor I slept on.

"We did." Seonghwa sighed, seeming much less aggravated, but still frustrated.

"Then how'd you know I broke in?" Truthfully, I don't remember breaking in their apartment, but the second I turned 21, my memory has gone in the garbage.

"Because I just had to go out and buy a new lock." Hongjoong was unamused as his hands rested on his hips. "We gave you a key for a reason. I don't trust these New Yorkers. You know you're welcome any time, but there have been too many times where I think we're getting robbed."

"Hyunjin, don't you have class today?" Seonghwa asked.

"Fuck." I groaned and immediately bolted out the door without another word.

My sophomore year of college was...interesting. Fucked a lot of girls, fucked a lot of guys, sometimes both at the same time. I went to Mission Nightclub every Friday and Saturday night; sometimes alone, sometimes with Jungkook. But no matter what, I'd be piss drunk. On top of that, I still had to keep up with school. My grades had been pretty alright so I never worried about my new habits. Plus, this new lifestyle was incredibly inspiring for my art. I just painted all my troubles away. Art511 seemed to like what I was doing too since they had me in nearly every new addition of their magazine. And just like I promised, I had a shoot with Vito at VNY once every week or two. But with all that chaos, I needed a little pick me up. I was getting tired and overwhelmed.

So what did I do? Turn to drugs.

Wooyoung and Jungkook tried for a year to get me to stop doing cocaine. In the beginning, I actually tried. But deep down, I knew I liked what I was doing. I thought they were just being ridiculous.

Well now here we are in my senior year. Grades are slipping, I stopped returning Art511's calls, Vito doesn't reach out anymore, and I haven't touched a paintbrush for my own individual work in months.

"You're late...again." My professor stared into my soul as I stood in the doorway panting like a dog from sprinting. I'm shocked my lungs didn't give out. Also note to self: if you plan on running, don't smoke a cigarette, you'll nearly throw up.

"Sorry." I mumbled and took my seat in the back of the room.

"Hyunjin, I'd like to see you after class."

"Okay." I nodded.

That's new. Typically all my professors have just let me off the hook.

I rarely paid much attention to this class so I took out my phone and did the same thing I do every single time I piss off Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

Guys I'm really sorry. Just pick me up and leave me outside or something. I know it's annoying, even I'm annoyed with myself

And if we did that, then you wouldn't of known you had class today

Did you at least make it on time today?


Hyunjin this is getting serious now. You know we love you but I don't want to be an enabler of this kind of behavior

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now