On The Lookout

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Felix's POV:

"Felix, why would you do that?" Wooyoung whined, immensely frustrated with me. Of course I had to tell him about my night with Hyunjin.

He was right. I don't regret it, but it definitely wasn't a good idea.

"He got me worked up." I raised my hands in defense. "You knew you couldn't put me and him in a room together."

"Actually, I did not know this. Thank you for just now informing me that neither of you are capable of being around each other. Not because you don't like each other, but because of the exact opposite!" He held the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "You do realize this makes you a cheater, correct?"

"Yeah." I awkwardly mumbled.

"Lily was sweet. Poor thing."

San woke Hyunjin up at 9am to drag him to the gym. He's never worked out a day in his life so I'm sure it's been interesting so far. But this is all a part of the recovering process.

Wooyoung and I have been sitting on the couch ever since they left. He still hasn't noticed his pillow is missing...

"Then I'll tell her."

"If you do, she'll break up with you." He sighed.

"Isn't that the point?"

"Felix, if you think you're about to get back together with Hyunjin, you need to think again." He looked up at me sternly. "I know you love him and he loves you, but you can't just allow your entire world to be flipped upside down after one day."

"First off, I'm holding onto what I said years ago. I won't consider something like that until he graduates."


"He will...hopefully."

"But what about now? You've started this fucking deal with him and now-"

"And now he's more determined than ever."

This is a winning situation all around in my opinion. It all leads back to Hyunjin's sobriety. What more could you ask for?

"And what's going to happen when he goes back to New York and you're not there?"

"I said it yesterday, I'll go." I shrugged. "Everyone's gone to New York except me."

"I'm gonna give you one giant reason as to why I'm saying no and don't get upset, okay?" I nodded. "We need to find Minho first."

"Fuck, what is wrong with me?" Of course I immediately beat myself up. Hyunjin is important to me, this whole situation with him is. But Minho comes first no matter what. "You're so right."

I wish I knew where to go. I feel like I've searched all over Seoul and Busan a million times. If he's not in those two cities, he's most likely homeless. He hates people, he doesn't make friends.

I jolted my body up straight with an idea.


"He's off his medication."

"Right, we knew that."

"Meaning he could probably be in jail for violence."

"Get in the car."

We both sprinted outside and made our way to the closest police station once we got in Wooyoung's car. Hopefully they'll be able to check records for his arrest wherever he is.

"If he didn't get arrested, I'll be shocked."

"And more afraid."

He has a point. If he hasn't been in jail all this time, then I'm out of ideas again. Minho is such a violent person, he can't last a day without getting physical with someone if he isn't taking his medication.

Wooyoung didn't even put the car in park before I ran out of the passenger side and sprinted into the police station.

"Can we help you?" An officer asked me.

"Can you search up a name for me? It's my brother. Lee Minho." A second went by, but it felt like an hour. My patience was wearing thin.

The officer went into the records on a computer and searched his name.

"Lee Minho, you said?"


"Born October 25th?"

"Yes, that's him." I was feeling hopeful.

"The only thing we have on file for him was when he was involved with the Hwang vs Jung case."

God damn it.

"Okay." I felt a lump in my throat. I really thought I was onto something. "Thank you."

I walked back outside to Wooyoung who was leaning on the hood of his car, smoking a cigarette. He probably didn't know how long I'd be in there.

"No luck?" He asked, looking down at his phone and dropping the cigarette on the ground.


"We're going to pay someone a visit."


"Han Jisung."

No one's talked to Jisung since he debuted. There wasn't any bad blood or anything, he was just busy. Being a JYP idol is no joke. I'd know only because Lily is a trainee at the company and that seems hard enough.

"He's home for once?" I asked as he drove to his shared dorm with Chan and Changbin.

"Shocking, I know."

It wasn't long before we were at his front door. Wooyoung knocked pretty obnoxiously, almost accidentally punching Jisung in the face once he opened the door for us.

"Settle down, I knew you were here when you literally texted me a minute ago." We walked inside and somehow Wooyoung's apartment was nicer than this. It looked like a frat house in here. "So what's this emergency that was so crazy you just needed to come all the way here?" He smiled.

No one's told him?

Wooyoung and I looked at each other in utter confusion, then back at him.

"When was the last time you heard from Minho?" I asked him.

He seemed surprised to hear the name. "When we broke up. Never heard from him again. Why? What's going on?" He still didn't seem nervous, but I had a feeling he was hiding it pretty well.

"He's been missing, we just wanted to know if you've heard from him."

"Missing? What do you mean missing? For how long?"

Wooyoung and I looked at each other once again with sad eyes.

"Jisung...it's been over a year." I said quietly.

He was completely frozen. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or how he was feeling.

"We went to the police station earlier to see if they could track a possible arrest, but he hasn't been in jail. We don't know where he is." Wooyoung sighed.

"We've called, texted, and traveled all around the city for months. We don't know where he is."

"Japan." Jisung said instantly.

"Japan?" Wooyoung and I said simultaneously.

"That's where he is." He had a serious blank stare as he thought intensely.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked.

"It's the only place I know where he wanted to go."

"I'll be in Tokyo next month." Wooyoung said.

"Me too." Jisung gasped. "Is it for JFW?"

"Yes!" Wooyoung exclaimed. "We're going to the same event?"

"You and I will have to sneak out and look all over Tokyo because we only get one shot."

Contacting Jisung was shockingly the right call. He was so quick to spring into action. I also never would've thought to look for Minho in another country, but Jisung seems pretty adamant.

I'll find you, Minho, don't worry.

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