Steady Chaos

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"We found the footage." Officer Jeong said as we were back in the small room.

"Thank god." I took a huge sigh of relief. "Please tell me you believe I'm telling the truth."

"Your parents will most likely be charged with domestic violence and obstruction."

"Will they be taken to court?"

"Yes, they will."

I felt a weight slowly lifting off my shoulders, but not entirely just yet.

"What about the Jung family? This proves she's innocent, right? She doesn't have to go to court too, does she?"

"She can choose to take the case to court. It's innocent until proven guilty. We heard and saw all we needed to see."

" I free to go?" He nodded again. "Thank you so much." I raced out the door without looking back. I went to the waiting room only to find it empty.

"Hyunjin, outside." Minho peeked his head of the door Wooyoung and I previously slammed into. I rushed outside and took the largest sigh of relief.

Ms. Jung was holding her two sons for dear life as they both cried in her arms. Minho, San, and I stood and watched.

"Come on, let's go home." Ms. Jung said.

Wooyoung walked over and stood in front of me. "What the hell did you do?"

"You know my house has security cameras around. They sent squads out to see the footage from the day I left. It shows all of us throwing shit out my window and running to the car." I smiled. "They also checked both my rooms too. All my stuff was at your house while the room at my house is completely empty. It was clear that this was a planned move. It was either that or Minho was going to prison."

"Eh, I know a good lawyer." Minho winked.

We all left the station and finally arrived back home. Wooyoung carried Kyungmin inside, refusing to leave him.

"Holy shit, you did it." Seonghwa rushed over to us.

"How are you still awake?" I laughed.

"Hongjoong and I cleaned the house up. I couldn't handle the mess, especially the reason for it." He sighed, wiping sweat off his forehead. "I told Yeonjun to take Beomgyu home. Jisung, Jeongin, and Yeosangie are asleep in your room."

"Can I take a wild guess where the other two are?" This was the first time Wooyoung smiled in hours.

Seonghwa took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself. "They stole your room."

"Are know...yeah." Wooyoung was in complete shock.

"No, Wooyoung." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "They are not. I think they're sleeping."

I could tell Ms. Jung was happy she was home, but I knew she needed to get to bed. I let everyone bicker as I led her to her room.

"Do you need me to help with anything?" I asked her as she sat on her bed, seeming relaxed.

"We need a vacation." She sighed. "I mean, seriously."

I smiled. "I agree."

She patted a spot on the bed next to her for me to take a seat.

"And this is why you'll always be my favorite." She scrunched her nose and gently tapped mine in the process. "I have the best kids in the world, it's unbelievable." Hearing that a parent thinks I'm the best is surreal. I did everything I could because I love her, she's my real mom, I'd do anything for her.

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