Winners and Losers

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Art by Hwang Hyunjin

It was Friday. Today was the day we find out if I'm the top finalist.

I couldn't wait till after school so I decided to go during lunch. Everyone was equally as excited so I ended up bringing the whole gang with me.

"Now remember, if you don't win, we're still proud of you." Wooyoung reassured.

"You're stressing me out." I started waving my face to dry my sweat. The nerves were nearly getting the best of me the closer we got to the art room. "Mrs. Kim?" I peeked my head through the door hoping she didn't have a class at the moment.

"Hyunjin! Come in, come in." She waved me inside.

"My friends wanted to come, if that's okay."

"Of course."

They all politely introduced themselves to become more acquainted.

"I'm Felix." My boyfriend smiled.

"The star of Hyunjin's art!" She beamed.

I looked down at the ground, blushing uncontrollably but also feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Am I?" He laughed.

"Of course you are." I nodded.

Mrs. Kim was scrolling through her emails to find the name of the winner.

"Okay, found it." She sounded much more serious. She took a long, depressing sigh, then rolled back over to us in her chair. I could see the disappointment all over her face. I realized now I had actually gotten my hopes up a little too high. I genuinely believed I had a chance.

"I didn't win, did I." I said softly, upset with myself for not having better work to present.

"Hyunjin, you won!" She shouted, taking me by surprise. She tried to trick me and I completely fell for it.

"Oh my god!" Wooyoung was the first one to scream. Next thing I knew, all my friends were crushing me in a huge hug.

"I can't believe it." I was in complete shock. "I actually won."

"I'm so proud of you." Felix smiled.

"I had faith in him the whole time, I don't know why you guys thought there wasn't a chance he'd win." Jeongin said. Correction: he had zero faith in me whatsoever. But it was mainly because what are the chances? Especially when they were that slim.

"Shut up." Jisung said to him. "Little liar."

I was starting to feel like everything that's happened to me lately was meant to. I know it sounds crazy but you've heard the old saying 'good things come to those who wait' and I've most definitely been waiting. To be recognized for my passion in life is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

"Hyunjin, help me hang this up!" Last night I had given mom a canvas of a sunflower that I painted. Sunflowers represent happiness, cheer, and positivity. I believe the Jung family also represents that as a whole, so this is for them.

"You wanna...hang it up?" I thought I could cry.

"Of course, are you crazy?" She was standing on the couch to reach. She slightly made me nervous so I hovered my hands behind her in case she fell.  "Oh my god, wait!" She turned around, resting the painting between the couch and the wall. "Did you find out if you won yet?"

"I found out the winner today." I sighed. I thought it was amusing how Mrs. Kim tried to trick me so I thought it'd be fun to do the same. "Their stuff was really good."

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