The Correct Answer

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Felix's POV:

"What's on your mind?" San and I stayed in the waiting room while Wooyoung went with Hyunjin.

"I can't stand him." I smiled.

"Crazy how that look in his eye never went away."

"I'm glad someone else noticed."

Not only will Hwang Hyunjin be the death of himself, but he will also be the death of me as well. I've been with Lily for five months. It took me five damn minutes to fall helplessly in love with him all over again.

"I hope you know being with him is off the table. I wish I could say 'for now', but my faith in him is nonexistent."

Truthfully I hated hearing that. But then again, San has been effected by this in a much greater way than I have.

"I have faith in him."

"Well of course you would."

"If I didn't have faith, then there's no point in me being here and there's no point in me looking for Minho."

That shut him up pretty quickly.

I know my brother is alive. I refuse to believe anything different. Not because I'm in denial, but because he's too much of a stubborn asshole to die.

"We have to stay here longer." San said, looking at his phone. "Wooyoung just texted me."

"Is it something other than a fever?"

"Shit." San sighed, reading Wooyoung's following texts.

"What, what's going on?" I was starting to panic.

"He's having a minor heart attack right now."

"What?" Definitely panicking now.

"He's fine." He tried to assure me. How the hell is a heart attack 'fine'? Is he being serious? "The long flight, the withdrawals, and the overwhelming stress is what did it."

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded. How could he be so calm about this? "They want to keep him overnight, but he refuses." San shook his head, eyes glued to his phone. "Says it reminds him of the last time he was here and it's making it worse."

I'd say that makes sense. The last time we were at this hospital, Hyunjin was recovering from his suicide attempt.

Great. Lily is texting me.

Wdym you're at the hospital?

Did someone die?

Are you hurt?

Do I need to drive over there?

No no no

San just has a high fever that's all

You know how Wooyoung is, he freaks out when it comes to San


"Whatever happens, you're the one in the hospital." I looked to San. "If Lily knows I'm in a ten foot radius of Hyunjin, she will chop my dick off."

The first time she came over, she asked me who made those paintings on my wall. Obviously I couldn't say I had just bought them because they were clearly of me. So I told her the truth. She made me get rid of them and that was one of the hardest things I ever did. But I'd say I got pretty lucky when I bought one from a certain seller who decided to put all his artwork online. All I had to do was use a fake name and Taehyun's address. I wasn't upset when I found out he was selling his old work, I knew he was angry. But I also think selling others besides portraits of me helped me a bit. He wasn't trying to just erase us, he was trying to erase everything from his past. The paintings of the oceans, the flowers, the city scenes. He wanted it all to go away and move on.

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