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Wooyoung's POV:

"I'm so sorry." I cried, sitting across from my mother who was handcuffed. "I'm doing everything I can."

"I know, Wooyoungie." I don't know how she stayed calm, but I could only imagine it was for my sake. "You know I love you so much."

"I love you too." I choked. "I don't want you to leave me."

"If I do, it won't be forever." How could she be so positive? There was a chance she could spend a year in prison for a crime she didn't commit and she seems completely neutral.

"Would I have to adopt Kyungmin or something? I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to get him back?"

"I wish I knew." She sighed.

"God, I hope Hyunjin isn't making this worse." He doesn't do well under pressure. He could be panicking and say the wrong things.

"I'm sure he's not. He's probably doing all he can."

"Which is what's making me nervous. He may get desperate and start spewing bullshit."

"I trust him."

"How are you so calm?" I was practically ripping out my hair as the tears fell. This could be the last time I see my mom face to face for a long time.

"I think I'm just in shock." She nodded. "I also refuse to believe these cops are dumb enough to think I'd abduct a 17 year old boy when I'm a single mother with two kids of her own." She made sure to look directly at Officer Kim, the man I talked to before they brought her in the room.

"Time's up." Shit, that must've struck a nerve. Officer Kim came over and lifted her up by her arm.

"Don't worry, Wooyoungie, it'll be okay. I love you so so much."

"I love you too." Then I was alone. I just cried and cried, unable to accept reality. This was such a stupid idea, why did Hyunjin listen to me? We were so desperate to solve this as soon as possible that we just acted on impulse without a single thought. Eventually, Officer Kim came back in the room with me. "Can I see my brother?" I sniffled.

Without a word, he opened the door wide for me to leave. I followed him to the juvenile cells and felt my heart begin to race. That would mean they stuck him in there with kids much older than him. He's probably so afraid right now.

"Wooyoungie!" I could tell he hadn't stopped crying. I was grateful that they let him out of the cell. He ran into my arms and squeezed me tightly. I dropped down to my knees and held him as close as I could.

"Thank god, you're okay." I pulled away and examined his face. "Did anyone hurt you?" I noticed the slight swelling on his cheekbone. "Oh my god." I pulled him close to me again and continued to cry.

"One kid was being mean to me so I kicked him and he hit me." He sobbed.

"I'm going to kill him, I swear." I whispered so no one heard me other than Kyungmin.

"Where's mommy?"

"I just saw her, she's okay."

"I wanna go home."

"I know, buddy. I want you to go home too, so badly." I didn't want to let him go. He's so terrified, how could they do this to my baby brother? He's only 9 years old. He should be home in bed sleeping because he has school tomorrow. I should be tucking him in the way I do almost every night. "I'm gonna get you out of here somehow, okay? I promise."

"I don't wanna go back there." He screamed, holding my tighter.

"I know, Kyungmin, I know." I stressed. "I don't want you to go back there either. But I'm doing everything I can, okay?"

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