Birthday Blues

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Things were really nice for a while. Wooyoung had seen San multiple times over the past couple months, Minho came to surprise Felix and Jisung just like he said.

Everything was fine.

November 26 5:35pm

"Guys, I'm home!" Wooyoung shouted. Track practice ended around 5pm so I knew he was going to walk in the door any minute.

"Mom will be here soon. She just went to the store to pick up a few things with Min." I was sweating and covered in paint. I had been working on something for Wooyoung's birthday. I'd say it was some of my best work too. "Are we still going out to eat tonight?"

"Yeah." He nodded. He wasn't too enthusiastic only because he was under the impression that San wasn't able to come tonight. I'm not sure how he fell for it, but his reaction will be priceless.

I outstretched my arms and squeezed him tightly. "Be happy, it's your birthday."

Ever since I've known Wooyoung, he's never let anything truly get him down. Even when his dad and Jimin died, he didn't skip a beat. But ever since March, it's obvious he's been different. I knew it was because of me, that's no secret. Of course we'd act like that wasn't the case, but he blew his cover entirely once we went to Yunho's pool this summer.

Everyone was having fun the entire day. It was scorching hot so obviously twelve guys would know how to make the most of it. San was playing around with Wooyoung, no one thought anything of it. But San picked him up and said he was going to drop him in the water. Wooyoung told him to stop, but again we didn't think anything of it because everyone knew their dynamic. Always teasing and bullying each other, but it was out of love no matter what. Once San dropped him in the pool, Wooyoung came up from the water hyperventilating and nearly choking on tears. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared in confusion. San acted before anyone of course and jumped in to calm him down. Wooyoung just kept whispering "I don't want to drown". I stayed by his side for the rest of that night, constantly apologizing because this new fear stemmed from what I had done.

"I am." He didn't try very hard to convince me. "I just wish he was here, that's all."

The front door opened and it was only Felix. Wooyoung's body first grew tense hoping it would miraculously be San.

"Are we ready to go yet?" Felix's voice was small, seeing the disappointment on Wooyoung's face.

I nodded. "We all taking my car?"

"Yeah, that works."

The three of us were on our way to the restaurant Wooyoung had chosen. I knew we were a little late so everyone would most likely be there already. It should be nice.

"Aye, it's the birthday boy!" Yeonjun cheered first, making everyone's heads turn. Luckily Wooyoung was able to crack a smile. Side conversations started immediately; it's been a couple months since everyone was all together like this.

"He looks happy." Jisung sarcastically whispered.

"San and Yeosang are about to leave so by the time we get home, they'll be there." Maybe surprising him wasn't the best idea.

"I know my separation anxiety is bad, but this is just ridiculous."

I sighed, not knowing how to respond. I don't want to talk badly about my best friend, but Jisung does have a point.

"I can't really say anything because I have no idea how this feels. Minho is one thing, but it's not like he's my boyfriend or my brother."

"Well take it from me, what he's doing is excessive." I should've known that once Minho left, Jisung was going to slowly slip into his old ways just a little when it came to Wooyoung. "Felix isn't acting like that either."

"Because he has me, you have Jeongin. It's a little different for Wooyoung considering that I'm the best friend he'd be leaning on. But I'll admit, I have been spending all of my time with Felix. Someone you can compare Woo to is that guy." I subtly pointed to Mingi who was sitting on the opposite end of the table next to Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Jisung and I looked back at each other and shook our heads.

"He's a mess, dude."

"Mingi's super smart, why didn't he just go to the same school as Yunho?"

"He tried, they didn't accept him."

"That's so lame." I could imagine that making matters worse for him. They always told each other wherever one goes, the other follows. "Mingi probably beat himself up for it."

"You know he did. They've had their lives planned together since they were little."

When Minho came and surprised Jisung and Felix for their birthday's, I expected Yunho to tag along. But it was to my surprise and Mingi's disappointment that he chose to stay in Busan. He wanted to stay with Tzuyu and have the dorm to himself for a few nights. I get it, but at the same time, he must know how much Mingi misses him.

I looked over to Wooyoung and felt relieved he was laughing and smiling as he talked to Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Felix.

I really hope this ends up being a good birthday for him. I just want him to be happy and smile all the time. That's the Wooyoung I know and love.

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