Typical Afternoon

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"Jinnie!" Wooyoung stormed into my room. I keep forgetting that my after school alone time has been stripped from me since he did in fact get kicked off the team. "Look at this!" He shoved his phone in my face. "They have Harry Potter on Broadway!" Ever since I told him about my college plans, all he's done is look up things to do in New York City. "We have to go!"

"We'll add it to the list." I smiled, thankful his outburst didn't make me ruin my canvas. Wooyoung walked over and gasped once he saw it.

"Is that Times Square?"

"If you had to ask, then it must not look like it." I sighed. I thought it looked really good honestly.

"Hyunjin, it looks exactly like Times Square. I just can't believe how perfect it is. You've gotten so good over the last year, it's insane."

"Thank you." I blushed at the compliment.

"But I came in here because I just got off the phone with San. A company got a hold of Mingi's EP."

"Wait, what?" I put the thin paintbrush down and turned my full body towards Wooyoung. "So what does that mean?"

"I think they want to sign him."

"Oh my god! Is he gonna be famous or something?"

"I don't think that's how that works, I don't know. We'll have to ask him."

"I swear, this wouldn't of happened if it weren't for Dami." When you put Mingi and Dami together, they're a force to be reckoned with. They're a team, a true dynamic duo.

"I'm glad they're together. It took me a bit to get over the Mingi-Yunho train, but I persevered. Now I'm happy."

"Speaking of, we have plans to go to one of Yunho's games. I wasn't sure if you were coming."

"Who else is going?"

"So far it's me, Mingi, Dami, Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin."

He put some thought into it. "That's a far ass drive." He mumbled as he continued to think. "And I only care about football and track."

"So I'll take that as a no?"

"Yeah, I'll pass. I don't wanna sit in a car with Mingi and Jisung and hear them fight about how one should be famous instead of the other."

"Good point." I didn't even think of that. Jisung is absolutely the jealous type so I doubt he'll take the news well.

"At this rate, why doesn't he just become a trainee at one of those Kpop companies?"

"He doesn't wanna dance."

"Does he have to?"

"I mean the whole point of joining one of those companies is to be in a group, not be solo artist."

"Damn, he'll just have to suffer."

Wooyoung scooped Kkami up in his arms and started to play with him on the bed.

"I doubt Tzuyu and Dami are gonna get along."

"You don't think so?"

"Do you?" If you look at the two girls side by side, they're polar opposites. I really like Dami, she's cool. But she's like a wolf that'll go after sheep for fun. She's not necessarily a mean girl, she's just aggressive.

"Couldn't tell you." He shrugged.

"Minho met Tzuyu. He says she's like the most gentle flower of a woman, just super sweet."

"Meanwhile Dami is like chains and whips, I now see your concern. But Yunho and Mingi are kinda like that too, no?"

"Yunho is a genius level athlete while Mingi is a rapping dumbass. Tzuyu is a science genius and Dami is a rocker. You tell me."

"Sounds the same."

"I guess I'll find out." I sighed, now slightly dreading the upcoming trip. "Did you apply to the school?"

"Yeah, I did that night."

"Any responses yet?"

"Not yet. I was gonna give it another week."

"I think everything will work out the way it's supposed to." I stood up from my art stool and picked Kkami up asking for kisses. Nothing but a blank stare. This dog hates me. I practically rescued him from the monster house and I get no love. Ungrateful.

"Let's hope. I don't think I'll be able to breathe until this trial is over though."

"You're tellin' me." I scoffed, completely on the same page as him. I've never been in a court room before. What's even crazier to me is that I'm going against my real parents. In terms of evidence and facts, we're going to win. But with this judicial system and its love for defending powerful people, we'll see.

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