Hidden Opinion

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"Shit." I started coughing in the process of inhaling and quickly passed the blunt to Vernon. "Felix is calling me." He knows I'm smoking again so I don't think he'll be too bothered. "I'll be back in a second." I left Jungkook and Vernon and went to my room. "Hey, baby." I smiled. I'm always over the moon whenever I get to see his face. "You okay?" But he didn't seem too happy.

"Yeah." He nodded, but it was unconvincing. "I just wanted to talk to you about something...about us."

"What's on your mind?"

"I just," he sighed and paused, unsure of what to say, "don't you think what you're doing is a little much?"

So this has nothing to do with us, it's about me.

"Which part is a little much to you?" I quickly got defensive because I'm still slightly upset with him.

"I'm just really lucky. I thought he was going to be all freaked out once I let it slip, but he's been nothing but supportive. Like a little too supportive actually." I smiled. "Sometimes I feel like he kinda treats me like a little kid, but I guess it's because of the age gap."

"Or maybe he just likes you and is so overjoyed that you're not straight." Felix didn't seem happy at all. It was discouraging considering how much this meant to me.

"He's straight. Like very straight." I nodded slowly. "He has girls over a lot."

"Next thing you know, he's gonna ask you to join." He scoffed. Awkwardly enough, he only did once when we were both drunk.

"Angel, he knows I only love you."

"I just don't think he's gonna care one day."

"Felix, why don't you like him? This is really upsetting me, I'm serious."

"I don't know, I just get a vibe." He shrugged.

"A vibe? That's not good enough. Is it because I'm with him all the time? He's older? You don't like how he looks?"

"I think it may be all of those things." At least I was able to get some sort of answer.

"Listen to me."

"I am." He snapped.

I paused for a moment to contain my frustration and took a deep breath. "Jungkook is a good guy, he's a good roommate. Don't you think it's kinda shitty that you don't like the number one person I spend the most time with here? It's almost as if you don't want me to have friends."

"Just not him."

Even if I didn't want to be friends with Jungkook, he's still my roommate. He's here to stay and I'm not really sure what to do if Felix can't stand that reality.

"You're either drunk or high every single night. You don't think that's excessive?"

"Let me ask you something." He nodded. "Have I talked to you any less?" He shook his head. "Have I said anything out of line that's really hurt you?" He shook his head again. "Have I called you multiple times a day?" He nodded. "Do I always tell you how much I love you?" He nodded again. "Then stop." I love Felix to death, but this is getting ridiculous. He's making up this entire narrative in his head to make me out to be the bad guy once again and we're all trying to shut it down. Does he really not think everyone has come and told me every little thing he's said? "I'm not sure if there's something going on at home and you're taking it out on me, but this isn't fair."

I don't like reprimanding people, I hate confrontation. The last person I'd ever want to get into a situation like that is Felix.

"Alright." He sighed, visibly annoyed by my words.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now