Long Day

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"So what's your plan in a couple weeks?" I didn't much care that I was in the middle of a shoot. Jungkook was graduating soon and I was slightly freaking out. I have no idea what life is like in New York without him and I never wanted to find out.

"Busan for the summer, then I'm moving into my apartment in East Manhattan. I could stay with you for a week in Seoul if you want."


"Hyunjin, less chatter and tilt your head." Vito commanded as he focused with a camera in his hands. I went back into modeling mode and did as he said instantly.

It's been a few months since my first headshot so I've had quite a few shoots here and there. The company said they wanted to sign me, but under one condition: I had to get rid of the blue hair. Great news for them, I won't be doing that any time soon. One: because I don't want to be a professional model and this is practically a hobby. Two: Wooyoung is the only person in charge of my hair.

"Is the make up bothering you?" Jungkook asked. He's come to every single shoot of mine to show support which I've really appreciated. But I find it funny that he may think he had a choice.

"These things feel like they're going to fall inside my eyes." I'm sure he noticed my constant blinking. I wanted to get a little experimental this time around, but I wasn't expecting pink lips, blue eyeshadow, colored contacts, and diamonds near my eyes.

"They're on your nose, you're fine." Vito said. "Look intimidating." I tilted my head downward, showing off my siren eyes. "Chills down my spine!" After about ten more frames, I was finished. "Amazing as always, Hyunjin. I'm still waiting for you to come in more than once a month though."

"I'll be gone for the summer, but I'll come back regularly in September, how's that?"

"Don't get me excited now."

"You have my word." I smiled.

Jungkook and I left VNY and decided to go grab some lunch. I haven't eaten anything yet today even though he told me a hundred times to grab something before we left the dorm.

Where he picked was pretty far so we took the subway this time around. Apparently it was a celebratory outing since today was the last photoshoot we'd both attend together.

"You okay?" Jungkook whispered, leaning back from standing in front of me.

"I'm fine." I didn't much care about taking off the makeup before we left the shoot, but the longer I stood there, the more stares I felt. "Just tired."

We made a stop to let more people onto the subway train. Absentmindedly, I naturally gripped harder onto the handle once a slightly threatening-looking man stood next to me.

I was right to feel threatened. The man's eyes practically burned a hole through my body as he continued to angrily stare. I couldn't help but glance at him out of the corner of my eye, hoping he'd look the other way. But it just continued to get worse as he started to obnoxiously clear his throat. I finally gave in and looked in his direction. But the very second I did just that, he spit directly into my face.

"Fucking gay piece of shit." He mumbled. I froze in that moment. I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to do something or just take it. But I didn't want to put anyone at risk so I just nodded and looked forward without a word. "You hear me?" He said a bit louder. I was desperate for Jungkook to turn around, but he always told me to ignore anyone being a nuisance. I wish I had the ability to at least tap him, but I was afraid to make any sudden moves. He spit on me again, this time right in my eye.

"Jungkook, help." I whispered in Korean, unable to focus on any type of English language at the moment.

"And go back to your fucking country while you're at it." The man shouted again. Bad move on my end, I just gave myself away.

Jungkook finally turned around and immediately noticed the spit all over my face. I don't think I've ever seen him angry before, but now I definitely have. I faintly shook my head, begging him not to make a scene.

Luckily, we reached a stop and the doors opened. Although it wasn't ours, Jungkook grabbed my hand and rushed us off the subway.

"Oh my god." He could barely speak above a whisper as he frantically wiped my face, getting makeup and spit all over his hand. "Don't tell me you're okay, I know you're not. Come here." I felt numb as I lazily wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder in the middle of the station. "Why didn't you say something?"

"I tried." I guess he didn't hear me. I wouldn't be surprised if he tuned everyone out purposely.

We walked the rest of the way back home. I'm sure it was obvious I had completely lost my appetite and had no desire to stay out whatsoever. Jungkook made sure to keep me close to him, staring down anyone that even looked in my direction. I felt slightly pathetic that I was no longer comfortable in my own skin. Before we got on that subway, I didn't care about what I looked like. I could be wearing a dress and I'd still feel okay. But apparently a little glitter between the eyes is enough for someone to commit a hate crime.

Once we got into the dorm, I rushed to the bathroom sink and rubbed my face vigorously with soap and water. I didn't want one sparkle or speck of spit anywhere on me. Jungkook felt the need to supervise, most likely cautious because of my little stunt a few months ago. I've been good in terms of suicidal thoughts, but this may have just done some damage.

"Hyunjin, Hyunjin, stop." He reached out and grabbed my wrists, lowering them both from my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and understood why he stopped me. I was bright red.

"This has now cured my New York obsession, I wanna go home." I sadly smiled. That fever dream I had been living has officially come to an end.

"Well aren't you glad you'll be there in a couple weeks?" He seemed relieved that I was trying to make a little light on the situation. He knows I've been trying my best.

"Now I am." I laughed.

Later on in the night, Jungkook and I were sat in his room. Typically we'd have a conversation while passing a blunt back and forth, but it didn't seem appropriate this time.

"I hope you know I'm not going anywhere." He said. "I'll still be in New York."

"I know." I sighed. "I hope they don't give me a shitty roommate."

"They probably will." He smiled.

I hated this. Goodbyes are one of the most painful things a person can experience. It's even worse when you have clear abandonment issues and a tendency to depend on others. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do without him here. Thinking of him as a brother didn't seem right, that's Wooyoung's role. A mentor is what Jungkook is to me. He's guided me through this new chapter in my life and I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for him.

"I feel like part of this whole college experience has been us being roommates, I don't even want to be here anymore." I smiled.

"Who knows? Your next roommate could be the coolest person in the world." He shrugged, knowing damn well they won't be cooler than him. The smug look on his face said it all.

"Don't be surprised if I crash at your place."

"It's a one bedroom apartment, kiddo." He awkwardly smiled.

"Then I'll sleep on the couch. Make room for strays."

"Don't worry, the couch has your name on it."

I'll miss this. I really will.

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