Leaving So Soon

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Wooyoung's POV:

"Be honest. Is he actually okay?" Jungkook and I were in my room while Hyunjin was with mom in the kitchen. They were leaving in a couple hours and we were all dreading it.

"I just think he's so angry about it that there's no room for him to be upset. I have an idea of what he was like after the first break up so that's kinda what I've been waiting for."

"I don't think it was the break up that really got him, I think it was me." I admitted. "Unless he skipped that part to make me look good."

"No, he told me. But all I said was that if you guys are okay now, there's no reason to hold it against you. Felix on the other hand, I'm holding this against him whether they get back together or not. I've been supportive, but I got my own opinion."

"I don't know how to feel." I sighed. "I'm really upset about the whole thing. But when Minho said all that, I felt terrible for him and put my feelings aside."

"I don't know." He shook his head. "I never talked to the kid. All he did was shit on me from day one. I don't have that emotional attachment to him like everyone else does so all I see is a selfish little asshole who broke Hyunjin's heart."

"Well that's definitely what he is."

"That Beomgyu kid had a lot of nerve yesterday in my opinion too."

"Yeonjun told me once he dragged him to the bathroom, he really gave him an earful."

"He deserved it."

Jungkook has definitely formed his own opinions on each of my friends since he's been here. He likes everyone a lot besides Beomgyu pretty much. I know he wanted to meet Minho, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Yunho took him on the drive back to Seoul because he didn't trust him alone. Turns out once Felix heard he was coming home for the weekend, he asked Soobin if he could stay with him until he left.

"Do you think Hyunjin's changed since you first met him?"

"I don't really know." Jungkook shrugged. "I'm not sure whether he changed or he's just come out of his shell. I haven't known him as long as everyone else."

"I think he has. He told me New York is definitely rubbing off on him. He's not confrontational, that's why I was so shocked he started that whole thing yesterday."

"I knew it was in him. When Felix broke up with him, I heard every word."

"How bad was it?" I was afraid of the answer.

"It was the complete opposite of what I'd expect from him. There was no begging, no I love you's over and over. I thought that was the type of guy Hyunjin was. But he was just like 'you should be fucking sorry, you don't know how to love someone otherwise this wouldn't have happened'. Stuff like that."

"Then he's definitely changed because that's not like him. But it's a different type of change. I can tell he's doing this for himself this time instead of trying to please the people around him. His confidence seems more natural."

"Yeah, he told me about that little phase he had."

"How much has he told you?"

"A decent amount." He smiled. "I think he feels safer talking to me since I'm not connected to any of your friends so he knows it won't go anywhere."

"Makes sense. He doesn't talk shit about me, does he?"

"He loves you more than he ever loved Felix, but in a friendship way of course. That's just my observation. Or maybe it's just because he's been having problems with Felix and you were the one being supportive so he expressed more love towards you."

"Could be." I shrugged. "We're very close. When San and I first started dating, I had to explain to him we're just friends because he felt threatened."

"If San felt that way, Felix probably did too. San doesn't seem the type to be insecure about anything."

"He's not. He's never been jealous, but he's very possessive. I like that a lot considering what he was doing before we got together."

"I think you guys are gonna last a long time and that's really great." He smiled.

"Yeah." I blushed.

"But I'll give you a heads up; going into your line of work, being in a relationship may get difficult."

"We talked about that a few times actually. Basically how we look at it is that we don't care how hard it gets, we're not pussies. No breaks, no breakups. We're staying together no matter what. You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

"Nah, I did for a little bit, but we broke up a few months ago. Her name was Somi."

"Why'd you break up?"

"She got to a point where she thought everything I did was wrong and annoying so she called it quits basically. Whatever, no hard feelings. It was fun while it lasted. I'm better on my own anyway. I have no issues with commitment, but I do enjoy being single."

San and Hyunjin walked into my room together. I held my arms out for my best friend, but my boyfriend scooped me up instead.

"No, not you. The other blonde." I laughed.

"Well god damn." San pouted playfully.

I moved closer to Hyunjin and rested my head on his shoulder. "I don't want you to leave." I whined.

"I'll be home again in less than a month, remember?"

"That's right!" I beamed. "Jungkook, are you coming too?"

"Not that time." He smiled. "I'll be with my family. But I'm excited for you to come in January."

"Thank you again, Hyunjin." He did in fact get me the tickets. I screamed and shed a tear or two, but how could I not? The second I found out about the play, I've been desperate to see it.

"Of course."

"Now for my Christmas present, you need to go back to blue. I hated how good it looked because you were in your little shit phase. It's time to rewrite history."

"But I always had you to do my hair." He pouted.

"Then it'll be the first thing we do when you come home."


"Am I allowed to change the blonde yet?" San asked. He's been blonde for nine months now, but I'm not ready to let it go. He looks too perfect.

"To what?"

"Back to black."

"You're forbidden."

"Wooyoungie, it's killing my hair." He whined. "Yeosang has to touch up my roots every month."

"I guess you have no problem breaking my heart." I sighed dramatically. "And here I thought we were the strongest couple."

"I'll go red."

"Deal." I quickly said. "But you have to wait for Seonghwa to dye his because we can't have two of you."

"How about pink?"

"I'm shocked you'd even consider that. But Yeonjun's pink right now."

"Then I guess blonde is here to stay." He sighed.

"Yay!" I cheered and jumped onto his lap. I covered his face in kisses, ignoring Hyunjin and Jungkook's stares. They'll get over it. "I'd dye mine too, but they're pretty strict with the black hair."

"Well I think you look beautiful no matter what."

Hyunjin obnoxiously gagged, unable to handle San and I's affection towards one another. Yeah, I'm definitely going to miss him.

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