Typical Shower Conversations

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Wooyoung's POV:

"I've been doing better lately, by the way." I stood still as San massaged shampoo into my scalp. "You know ten minutes was the max, but I was in the shower for seventeen the other day." I don't like being afraid of water, it's not very pleasant. Life is ten times more difficult and it's annoying.

"That's good, baby." I still can't believe San is so patient with me after all this time. It's been nine months since Hyunjin's suicide attempt. What I find strange is how he sometimes forgets it even happened. I'm not sure whether it's because he's tried to block it out of his mind, maybe he just doesn't remember from being in such a state of shock, or it just doesn't bother him the way it bothers me. A huge factor of this had to do with the loss of my dad and Jimin; I couldn't lose another brother.

"Are you staying here for Christmas again or are you going home?" He came straight here from Incheon so I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't stay the night. He moderately talks to his dad. Ever since his last high school football game, their relationship has been nonexistent but in a neutral way. They don't hate each other, they don't necessarily like each other, but there's no bad blood like there used to be. San has nothing to be disappointed about since his dad doesn't make an effort whatsoever and he finally accepts that now.

"I'll be here." I could tell he wasn't sure what to do about washing the shampoo out of my hair. The last time we were in the shower together, he was still pouring water over my head rather than putting me under the shower.

"I can do it Sannie, don't worry." I smiled and slid past him as I allowed the water to hit the top of my head.

"Love you." I blushed uncontrollably at the random burst of affection, still running my fingers through my soapy hair.

"I love you too." I could tell my cheekbones were more prominent than ever by the expression my face was holding. He put his hand on my waist and started to rub up and down my hip.

"I've really missed you."

"Bet I've missed you more." I lowered my hands from my head once my hair was all rinsed out and wrapped them around his neck. Even though he's right in front of me and staying for nearly a month, I'm already thinking about the day he has to go back. I wish he could stay here with me every day. As I continued to think about it, I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He wrapped an arm around my waist and protectively placed his hand on the back of my head with the other. This is the safest I've felt in a while.

"You're okay." He whispered, still holding me so lovingly. It was clear he knew I was stuck in my own thoughts. "We've made it through four months of this, only..." He trailed off trying to count how many we had left of this.

"Technically 35 without counting your summer break." I sighed.

"We can do it, Youngie."

"You'd still want to?" He loosened his grip once he felt me pulling away.

"Do you remember what I said to you the first night we hung out? Just us?"

"We said a lot of things." I smiled, remembering how utterly ridiculous that night was. So much crying and confessing, it was like vomit at the mouth. It's crazy to think that was over a year ago now. It feels more like years considering everything that's happened in our lives since then.

"When you asked me about if I cared about my reputation."

"You and I could be forever, who knows." I smiled as I repeated what he said back then, that exact moment hit me like it was yesterday. "You still mean that?"

"My views have changed a little." He shrugged.

"How so?"

He didn't try to hide the overwhelming adoration in his eyes as he looked at me. If anything, it's only gotten stronger. Especially now since we don't get to see each other as much.

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