Welcome to The City

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"Start spreading the news!" And here goes Wooyoung with the musical number. "I'm leaving today!"

"Sing it, bitch!" Jungkook slurred with a big smile.

"I want to be a part of it! New York, New York!"

We may have tipped the bouncer to let Wooyoung into Mission Nightclub. Jungkook and I just thought he needed to experience how to party like a true New Yorker on his first day here.

"These vagabond shoes." Jungkook drunkenly sang with his arm over Wooyoung's shoulder. "Are longing to stray! Take it, Wooyoung!"

"Right through the very heart of it!"

"New York, New York!" They sang simultaneously.

We left the club fifteen minutes ago. I didn't drink as much as the other two purposely. I wanted to make sure I was able to be completely present for Wooyoung's first time in New York City. San better prepare himself because they might be moving here one day. He loves it just like I knew he would.

We're seeing the play tomorrow, but the first thing we did today was take him to the Harry Potter store on 935 Broadway. We got a lot of stares once he started screaming in Korean at light speed from excitement. It was like a kid in a candy shop...or just Wooyoung in a Harry Potter store. It was sad but also heartwarming when Jungkook and Wooyoung brought up Jimin almost every few minutes. It seemed like they've both needed to talk about it with someone, but never had a person that could even remotely understand.

"Jungkook." I interrupted their lovely duet because of an idea I had. "We gotta go to the McDonald's from last time, start a tradition." I smiled.

"Yes!" Wooyoung shouted. I noticed the more intoxicated he was, the more fluent in English he became. It was quite impressive. "Jinnie." He unhooked himself from Jungkook and came over to hold onto my arm. I stood behind them both the whole time to supervise.


"Nothing." Not only was his English more impressive while drunk, but so were those damn laughs. If a person wasn't looking, they'd think they heard a witch.

We stumbled into the large McDonald's after about ten more minutes of walking. I smiled at Wooyoung's disappointment in the menu differences from the McDonald's here compared to the ones in Seoul. All of the fast food places in Korea seem to be much more luxurious somehow. Eventually we all settled on something so I took Wooyoung to the same table I sat at last time while Jungkook stood and waited for our order.

"Still love it here?" I smiled, excited to hear his answer.

"I feel like I'm at a theme park for rats."

"Oh, so it's not as great anymore?"

"I'm the rat."

"Understood." I laughed. "So you love it."

"I do." He nodded. "Sannie needs to come here."

"San seems like a farm boy, not a city boy."

"You would be correct." He smiled. "He's originally from Namhae, I don't think I ever told you that. He came to Seoul after the divorce."

"Really?" I laughed. "I feel like anyone from Namhae is Amish."

"The hell is Amish?" I sometimes forget that Korea and America are completely different. "Jungkook, what's an Amish?" Wooyoung turned to him once he came over with our food.

"What is the context that Amish people were even brought up?" Jungkook laughed but also seemed confused.

"He said that because Sannie is from Namhae, he's Amish."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now