Tell Me Why

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Yeonjun's POV:

I almost wish Soobin never told me. I don't care who Felix hooks up with as long as it's not Beomgyu. Hook up with Soobin for all I care. But this is different.


You're not coming in?

No we're getting food

Thank god

A few minutes later, Beomgyu came running out of his front door with his typical smile.

"Where we going? I'm starving."

"Well, hello to you too." I smiled, messing with his hair. "Wherever you want?"

"I want a McFlurry."

"But you just said you were starving. Don't you want actual food?"

"That is actual food. Drive."

I rolled my eyes and let out a small laugh as I drove away.

"I literally just dropped Wooyoung off and came straight here." I needed to figure out a way to strategically bring up the topic so hopefully Wooyoung is a start.

I could tell his walls were slowly going up. He never hung out with us again after that night either. My guess is he knew where everyone stood with Felix and Hyunjin. But Beomgyu is a different case in our group of friends, he may not realize it though. He's the youngest and he's very naive. I've always felt the need to take care of him and make sure he stays out of trouble. I let my guard down for just a little bit and this is what happens.

"Did he like New York?"

"He loved it actually. Now I wanna go." I smiled. "I'll bring you along with me."

"Really?" His eyes were filled with so much joy. I hated that it gave me another idea, but at this point I think I'm desperate to get him away from Felix.

"Of course. If I ever travel the world one day, you're the one I want by my side the whole time."

Nothing too dramatic. Just some flirting.

"Okay." He blushed.

Once we got our McDonald's, I pulled into a spot and parked the car. This was a very normal thing for us so there's no way he'd be suspicious.

"They got to see the Harry Potter play finally." I thought I sounded pretty nonchalant with the way I brought Wooyoung and Hyunjin up. "They loved it." He just nodded. "Would you have any interest in something like that?"

"What, a play? Sure." He shrugged.

"Apparently Hyunjin is staying in New York, keep that between us." I don't know the actual truth with that one, apparently it's still up in the air. But what I do know is that Beomgyu will go right back to Felix and tell him.

Shit, I just realized that could've just made things worse. If Felix finds that out, he'll know there's no chance of them ever getting back together and he'll show less interest in Beomgyu because he'll be too heartbroken all over again.

"Really? Why?"

"His parents and Felix." Now that I knew was true.

"What, can he not handle being in the same country as Felix?" He smiled, but I really didn't find it funny and neither should he.

"I think I can understand where he's coming from." I nodded. Honestly, I had Yeji in mind. If she wanted to get back together, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. But people move on and feelings change. "Hyunjin loved Felix a lot. He put a lot of effort into their relationship even though it was hard and it just didn't work out. He thinks there won't be another person like Felix in Korea so he'll try and find one better in New York." What I just said was complete nonsense. I have absolutely no idea why Felix is one of the reasons he's considering on staying in New York.

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