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Felix's POV:

Although I didn't want to leave Hyunjin, I was eager to see Minho. Him and I have a lot to talk about, that's for sure. I have so many questions that need answers, I never thought I'd have the chance to ask.

"Was your flight okay? Does your back hurt? Usually my back hurts after those fifteen million year flights. Is San on his way to pick you up?"

"Yes, no, and yes." I smiled, listening to Hyunjin's rapid fire questions on the phone. He told me to call him the second I got off the plane even though it's 2am in New York and he has class tomorrow.

"Did you see the snacks I put in your bag?"

"No." I laughed, feeling my heart swell. I just added that to the very long list of adorable things he's done. Hyunjin may not think he's cute, but that's only because he doesn't try, he's just naturally the sweetest on the planet. It's always in the subtle things which makes it more genuine. Whether it's shielding my face in the rain, painting portraits of me, or putting snacks in my bag, he's always showing his love one way or another.

"I just thought you might get hungry and I didn't think you'd like the snacks on the plane."

"I wish I knew because you're right, I didn't like any of that stuff." I opened my bag to find all the American snacks I liked. He must've asked Seonghwa or Hongjoong to get these because we were together every second. This is what I mean, it's the subtle things that make my heart skip a beat. "Jinnie, oh my god." I pouted adoringly, overwhelmed by his sweet gesture. "I'm hungry so I'm probably gonna eat all of this."

"I got all the right stuff?"

"Of course you did." I don't think Hyunjin has ever gotten me something or taken me somewhere I didn't like. Either he's got really good taste or he always keeps me in mind; it's most likely both though. "You're the best." He doesn't take compliments all that well so he just whined, but I knew he was probably blushing like crazy. "Love you."

"Love you too." He sounded so shy, it gave me butterflies.

Surprisingly, I liked New York. Once I landed in the states, I already had a grudge due to how the city has treated Hyunjin. But he made sure to make the trip worth my while. I do think he pushed himself a little too far though which worries me. He was so focused on making sure I enjoyed my time and tried his best to ignore the events that happened. Before I left, I told Seonghwa and Hongjoong to keep a very close eye on him. Of course they said they already were, even while I was there. I'm glad he's in good hands.

When I walked outside, I found San leaning against a car that most certainly was not his own.

"Did Wooyoung let you drive the car?" I shouted.

"Yes, sir." He smiled, spinning the keys around his finger.

"Is San there now?" Hyunjin asked on the phone.

"Yeah, I just found him outside."

"Okay, then I'll text you when I wake up for school."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, angel. Get home safe."

"I will."

"Good. Bye, baby."

Once we both got in the car, my happiness turned to anxiety. Time to see Minho.

"He's just as nervous as you are, don't worry." San said. He must've noticed my hands shaking so I sat on them both in hopes they would stop. "Just don't start fist fighting in the living room, Wooyoung is mad enough about the pillow."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now