Ignorant Ally

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Felix's POV:

I secretly hated going to Lily's dorm. Although she only has one roommate, Jiwoo, four other girls are always there. I feel so awkward walking in because they just stare at me and whisper to themselves.

Lily told me that it was originally because they knew who I was - due to my ex boyfriend. I forgot my name was also plastered all over that trial. It was definitely a big deal back when it happened. They think I'm famous or something, it's weird.

"Guys, shut up." I heard Lily behind the door, whispering to all the girls inside. Once she opened it, she had a big smile on her face. Seeing her so happy made me feel guilty. "Hey." She took my hand and led me to her room as all the girls stared at us in silence.

We both sat on her bed and my emotions were written all over my face. It was very obvious that something was wrong.

"We need to talk about something." My voice was a little deeper than usual, feeling the weight of the situation.

"What's wrong?" The poor girl was terrified, I felt awful.

"So," I cleared my throat, "my ex has been home for a month. He's been with Wooyoung and San."

"You mean Hyunjin?" She was absolutely the jealous type. I rarely mention him, but whenever I do, a storm starts to brew inside her almost immediately.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Why is he here?"



"Drugs." I sighed. Never once have I said a bad thing about him to her. She just thinks him and I broke up because the distance was too hard to handle. So even admitting to her that he's an addict feels bad enough. "Cocaine."

"Why doesn't he just go to rehab?"

"He's going this summer."

She rolled her eyes and laid down. "Have you seen him?"

I nodded, "that's why I'm here."

"Wait, you're not breaking up with me right now, are you?" She was smiling, but I could sense the anger in her voice. "Felix, are you and Hyunjin together?" She started to raise her voice.

"No," I shook my head, "we're not together."

"Then are you cheating on me?" She was on the verge of tears, it was breaking my heart. I stayed quiet, hoping that would answer her question. "You just said he's a drug addict and you think that's better than me? Are you serious right now?" She shouted. "Felix, you know I know all about Hyunjin. He's a suicidal maniac!" I desperately wanted to defend Hyunjin, but one: I'll never raise my voice at a woman, and two: she has every right to be upset. I know how bad this looks.


"He's a cocaine addict! That means he's still suicidal!"

"And he's been clean since he got here."

"Do you not understand how addicts work? He's going to relapse the second he gets a chance and that's what you want to settle with? Felix, he doesn't deserve you. He's going to ruin everyone's lives including yours. How do you not see that?"

"Hyunjin hasn't done nearly as much damage as Minho so anything he will do won't even compare." I finally snapped. "I've been helping Hyunjin with Wooyoung and San the minute he walked into that house so trust me, I see it. I will never ask you to understand or have any compassion for this whatsoever, but regardless of where him and I stand, he's relevant no matter what. He's Wooyoung's best friend first. I didn't come here to tell you we're breaking up because I want to be with Hyunjin. I came here because I think you deserve better than someone who will cheat on you with their ex. That's what this is and that's all you should be focusing on, not what Hyunjin is doing." I was stern, but I stayed calm. She's been focused on Hyunjin the entire time which isn't the best look in my opinion.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now