Saying Goodbye

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Wooyoung's POV:

"So this is it." San smiled, showing me around his shared dorm room with Yeosang. Today was the officially move in date and I wanted to spend every second with him until I couldn't.

"Make sure to keep it clean." I mumbled, trying to act like I wasn't crying for the billionth time as I wiped my eyes. San was quick to take notice and wrapped his arms around my small frame.

"It'll be okay, Wooyoungie." He whispered in my ear, slowly swaying us back and forth. I nodded and lightly sniffled. "I'll be home before you know it."

"I know." I whispered back. He gently lifted my chin up with his finger and looked into my eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He softly kissed my lips and held me close by my waist as I connected my hands around his neck wanting to bring him even closer. I never wanted this moment to end; being in his arms with an overwhelming feeling of adoration in our hearts.

I've always loved San, even before he knew it. My imagination is what kept me going all these years because I never thought I'd have a chance. I didn't hide it from my mom because I 'manifested it' and knew it was bound to happen like I said, the reason was because I was embarrassed and ashamed that I let someone infiltrate my heart that strongly when I knew there was no hope. But I couldn't of been more wrong. If I'm being honest, I never expected our relationship to be like this at all. Based on what happened during our first interaction, I was prepared to be with the sex-hungry athlete who would probably cheat on me behind my back with women. I feel guilty for ever thinking that low of San considering how our relationship actually is.

He loves me, he really does. He tells me every single day even if I don't feel like I necessarily deserve to hear it. He's the best thing that's ever come into my life and I would do anything to keep him in it forever.

"Do you wanna call me when you get home?" He asked, lightly squishing my cheeks together.

"Can I call you on my way home instead?" He smiled at the distortion of my voice.

"Okay, baby." He kissed my smushed lips, making me slightly pout. I'd much rather kiss him without my face being squeezed together for the sake of his amusement. "Shit, I'm gonna miss you." He laughed and let go of my face, almost in disbelief that he was finally getting emotional about it after all this time. "Obviously I knew it was happening, but it never felt real until just now."

"Don't cry because if you cry then I cry." I whined, already getting teary eyed.

"No, I won't cry." He shook his head and brought me closer for a much hungrier kiss. It felt like it was going to be our last. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. "My baby." He mumbled. "You're so beautiful."

The time had come where I finally had to go home. The feeling was excruciatingly painful. We've spent almost every day together for the past ten months so going from that to nothing won't be an easy adjustment.

"I'll call you the second I get back inside, okay?" San rested his elbows on my open car window. "And if you feel like crying, pull over so you don't crash."

"Okay." I smiled, wiping my tears. He stuck his forearm out with a playfully serious face. "Oh, for fuck's sake." I laughed. "Amicus."



We both laughed, taking in the pure moment that was only made for us. He leaned into my car and gave me one last kiss.

"I love you so much, Wooyoung. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"I love you too." I nodded. "I'll see you soon."

I watched as San walked away, making my heart break into a million tiny pieces. I hated this. I hate goodbyes.

I was finally on my way home. I knew I had a good five to ten minutes left before San would call since his dorm was somewhat far from the parking lot so I decided to call Hyunjin.

"Hey, you okay?" He answered immediately.

"No." I cried. "But I'll be home in an hour."

"Oh, you just left?"

"Yeah, he's gonna call me in a few minutes, but I just wanted to let you know I was on my way home."

Hyunjin and Felix won't know how painful this is until tomorrow when Minho leaves. But hopefully this will give them an idea.

"Please be careful driving, you know I get freaked out now."

Right. Last month Mingi may or may not have crashed his car because he was texting. He denies it with every fiber of his being, but you know...he's Mingi, not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's fine though! Sure, he totaled his car but he's 'mommy's favorite' so I'd give it another month and he'll have a brand new car. In the meantime, Yunho has been driving him everywhere. Funny how that works.

"I know, I know. You know I'm safe." I assured him. "This sucks, dude."

"I know." He sighed.

San was finally calling.

"I'll see you soon though."

"Okay, be safe. Love you."

"Love you too."

I sighed as I switched over the calls.

"Hey." I don't think I could sound more sad.

"Hey." San, on the other hand, tried to sound extremely happy, but it was due to the fact that he was most definitely bawling his eyes out earlier.

"You okay?" I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He tried a little too hard to be convincing which obviously tells me that's not the truth.

"Wooyoung, he won't stop crying and it's already annoying." Yeosang shouted.

"Will you shut up?" San covered his phone speaker and shouted.

"Hey now, don't be mean to Yeosang." I teased.

"Yeah, don't be mean." Yeosang said as if he was getting defended from a bully. "You didn't even say bye to me." He pouted.

"Where did you even go?" He's right, I totally forgot to say goodbye to him.

"Oh, I was just wandering."

"I need to get one of those theme park kid leashes for you or something. I lose you wherever we go." San groaned.

"Muscle man with a bunny backpack is a great look." I laughed, picturing what it would look like.

"Key word: muscle. Don't forget that, San. You can't stop me."

I can already tell there won't be a dull moment in that dorm room. Yeosang and San being roommates will drive them both insane with all the bickering and dumb fighting, but I know they wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm going to miss San deeply. There's no one else quite like him. He always knows how to make me happy, he constantly tries to make me laugh. I hope our love never runs out because I'm afraid I won't be able to find anyone that makes me feel this way; always butterflies in my stomach and love in my heart. But I'll wait for him no matter what. I'll always be here.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now