Family Meeting

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We had never called a family meeting before, but we felt it was necessary. The three adults in the house all had something equally as important to say.

"I'll go first." Mom said as Wooyoung and I gave her our full attention. "March 14th, that's the first court date."

"That's a lot sooner than I expected." I said. "Only two more months."

"I don't think it'll be over in a day. Your father is a very public figure and he'll do everything he can to save his reputation." Lying about his son to save his own ass is pathetic.

"I'll never understand why they don't just hook people up to lie detectors. Did you do it? No? Well it says here you're lying, goodbye." Wooyoung brought up one of the biggest mysteries that I wish I knew the answer to.

"Everything will be okay." She reassured.

"Alright, me next." Wooyoung seemed like he was dying to tell us what's going on in his life, but he definitely wasn't enthusiastic about it. In fact, he looked furious. "Two schools emailed me and took away my scholarships." The fight became a bigger deal than it already was. It's not like Wooyoung punched some random kid, it was the son of a cop. "I called the third school and asked them if they're going to do the same and they said they haven't decided."

"Wooyoungie, you can still go to college." Mom reached over and grabbed his hand. "We'd just have to pay for it, that's all."

"But I didn't want that."

"I know, but now this just gives you more options. What if you applied to San's school?"

His face softened at the idea.

"Where are you going?" He asked me. That's what I wanted to talk to him about during this family meeting.

I turned towards him and took his hands in mine. He could tell I was mentally preparing myself which scared him.

"I was offered a scholarship at Pratt Institute and...I'm going." I said softly, afraid of his reaction. "It's in New York."

"But that' America." He sounded heartbroken. "Hyunjin, you're leaving Korea?" I nodded, biting my lip. "For four years?"

"It'll be no different from any of our friends going away to college." I tried to assure him. "You're lucky San is only an hour away, but Felix and Jisung can't see Minho and they both manage. It'll be just like that. I know it sounds scary, but it'll be okay." He nodded with tears welling up in his eyes. "Come here." We both stood up and hugged each other tightly as he cried in my arms. "It'll be okay, Woo. I'll still be back for summers and holidays. They celebrate Thanksgiving in America which means I'll even be home for your birthday." He squeezed tighter and nodded.

"I wanna go with you." He sniffled. "What's at Pratt? I wanna go. We're supposed to be in this together."

"It's an arts school." I sighed.

"God damn it. How the hell did America find out about you?" He pulled away and forced a smile.

"One of the college directors offered it to me at my exhibit last month."

He tried his best to wipe his tears, but they wouldn't stop flowing. "I'm so proud of you, but I also wanna smack you in the face."

"Wooyoung." Mom said behind him in a reprimanding tone. It made us both laugh.

"Does Felix know?"

I shook my head. "I'm terrified."

"Jinnie, you gotta tell him soon."

"I wanted to wait till after Valentine's Day." I sighed.

"Why wait a month?"

"Because Valentine's Day last year was one of the worst days of my life and I need to make sure there's nothing in his head that'll make him question our relationship." I stressed. Last year on that holiday is when Felix broke up with me.

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