Small World

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Wooyoung's POV:

"How'd it go last night with Jungkook?" Hyunjin and I were on our daily FaceTime call. He worried me when he called and he never texted afterwards so I've been anxious to hear all day.

"Woo, he's a really good guy." It was almost as if he couldn't stress his gratitude enough. I know Hyunjin has been really afraid to tell Jungkook about his sexuality so I'm relieved it went well. "He knew the whole time though. I totally forgot he follows me on Instagram." He smiled. "He knew Felix's name and everything. He just waited for me to tell him myself when I was ready." Hearing that overwhelmed me with happiness. "Then he took me to a place in the city called Chelsea and there was a pride flag in every single direction, murals everywhere, I loved it. He really went out of his way, drunk off our asses, to take me there and was like 'Hyunjin, you're not in Korea anymore, you're accepted here' and I just lost it. New York is the greatest place in the world, we gotta figure out how to get you here, I'm serious."

My heart was full knowing he was happy and the person he's been spending the most time with is accepting of him. I surprisingly like Jungkook. He takes care of Hyunjin a lot. He's very protective of him and I appreciate that.

From an outside perspective, most people would assume that I'm the one that needs to be coddled. But it's simply not the case for me, especially within this past year. not stable. He's pure but dark. He keeps a lot trapped inside him, the effort he puts in just to bury all those feelings is remarkable but also concerning. When he loses control, he takes it to an extreme level. Take his suicide attempt as an example. Was that impulsive or was it planned and he just wanted a reason?

Something that's scaring me is his relationship with Felix. Last time I was on Felix's side and look what happened. I love the kid to death, but he's naive and doesn't think things through. He accused Hyunjin of things he didn't do and had everyone turn on him. He's on the verge of doing the exact same thing and every single person he's talked to has told him he's overthinking. It's getting excessive and annoying. If he breaks up with Hyunjin, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. But one thing is for sure, I'll be on Hyunjin's side. Felix doesn't like the guy who has respected Hyunjin's boundaries from day one and then took him out in the city just to prove to him he's accepted and loved? Jungkook, the guy who has taken Hyunjin all over New York City so he isn't afraid of being in a new place? I just know he'd beat the shit out of anyone who messed with Hyunjin. Why is Felix so determined to find a reason to be unhappy with his boyfriend? I wish I knew, but I don't like it. Not one bit.

"Maybe in January when you're still on break." I suggested. "We can see Harry Potter!" I beamed. "Have you walked past it?"

"Of course!" He smiled. "It's literally a giant nest with wings above the theater."

"I know, I've seen pictures. Jungkook can come too. Does he like Harry Potter?"

"Hold on, I'll ask." He got up off his bed and walked right to his roommate's room. "Serious question." He said to Jungkook. "Do you like Harry Potter?"

"I do." I heard Jungkook laugh.

"Wooyoung and I want to see the Broadway thing and he wants you to come."

"I'm down, when?"

"January!" I shouted.

"Oh, he's on the phone?"

"Yeah." Hyunjin laughed.

"Can I talk to him?" Jungkook asked. Hyunjin looked at me for permission and I nodded.

"Give us space, Jinnie, I need to talk to him privately." He seemed confused by my request, but agreed and handed Jungkook the phone. "Jinnie, leave the damn room. I know you're lurking!" I shouted.

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