This Is What Support Looks Like

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Wooyoung's POV:

"Where the hell did he go?" I finally made my way back home.

"He left." San sighed. It definitely wasn't a good sigh either.

"Choi San, what did you do?"

"At first he just cried and cried. He said how terrible he felt because he had no idea about Jungkook and your brother. Was your plan to act like you knew the whole time?"


"Alright, I'm only asking because I did the same and wanted to make sure I didn't screw that up for you. But he won't be saying shit about Jungkook again, that's for sure."

"I called him when I got in the car."

"Are you guys best friends now?" He smiled.

"He was friends with Jimin." I shrugged. "That's a piece of him and I'm not going to turn my back on that."

"That's what I pretty much explained to him. Then I told him he has a habit of not wanting to understand things he's never experienced because he's stubborn and maybe even a little ignorant."

"And how did that go?"

"That's when he started to get mad." He rolled his eyes and waved me over to sit on his lap. I'm hoping it wasn't a tactic to prepare me for something I wasn't going to like. "He was just like 'what if Hyunjin develops some sort of addiction as a way to cope' and I really couldn't argue with that."

"He's got a point." I hated that he did too. I wanted Felix to be completely wrong in this situation. "What else?"

"He said he's afraid that Hyunjin might drunkenly do something he regrets because he thinks he's being heavily influenced by Jungkook and Vernon and regardless if they're good people or not, they're older than him so he'll want to follow in their footsteps."

"Where was all this the entire time?" It took him over a month to make any logical sense. This whole time, it's been 'I don't like Jungkook because he seems like an asshole' or 'Hyunjin is partying too much'. But now the truth unfolds itself.

"But that's not the end of it. I was understanding him the entire time and then he just did a whole one eighty."

"Of course he did." I scoffed and took his hand in mine, tracing along his veins.

"He just said that it's killing him to see Hyunjin happy without him so either he's in or he's out because it's just not gonna change. And I asked him if he understood how selfish that sounded and he knew, but he didn't really care."

"Didn't care?"

"That bothered me. So I just said if you don't care, then Wooyoung is right and you never deserved him to begin with."

I gasped, completely shocked he'd say something like that. Although he was just repeating what I said, it still made an impact.

"Do you think we made it worse?"

"Felix made it worse the second he made that group chat." I knew that bothered San just as much as me. He's been so understanding of everyone and their feelings, that's just how he is as a person. So he feels a little betrayed because he's listened to everything Felix has said to him and always tried to comfort him.

"Do you think they should be together?"

"No." He shook his head. "And that's really upsetting."

"I just want Hyunjin to be happy." I moved my legs on each side of him so I could wrap my arms around his neck and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know." He whispered and started to rub my back.

"I'm so scared for him out there. New York isn't like Seoul."

"As long as he has Jungkook, he'll be okay."

"I miss him." He lifted my head and kissed my nose, reminding me of what happened earlier.

"But at least you have me." He playfully smirked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Thank god." I said expressively. "But I need to talk to you about something."

"What's up?" He gave me an assuring kiss to let me know that whatever it is will be okay.

"I went to Celine and one of the directors from one of the top modeling agencies in Seoul gave me his card."

"Wait, what?" His eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "You might be a model?" I nodded with a huge smile. "Oh my god." He laid on his back and pulled me down with him, covering my face in kisses. "What have I been telling you since day one?" He couldn't even speak properly because he was still too busy kissing me. "You are the most beautiful person in the whole entire world. Do you hear me?" I nodded and laughed. "Beautiful!" He held me close to him. "How did that even happen? This is just crazy!"

"He was literally staring at me and I asked if he needed help with something and then he said he's never seen a face like mine before."

"Damn right he hasn't! Baby, what if you're in magazines? What if you get to walk in a fashion show or something?"

"We can't get too ahead of ourselves here." I laughed. "It was only one guy who thought I was good enough, who knows what everyone else will think?"

"They're going to think the same thing: Jung Wooyoung is perfect model material who can make anything look good because he's so beautiful. Oh my god, I love you!"

"I love you so much." My cheeks started to hurt from smiling so hard.

This is the type of support you're supposed to have in a relationship. That's how I know what's happening between Felix and Hyunjin isn't healthy. In my mind, if you're not like me and San, there's something wrong. This is what love looks like. Felix needs to take some damn notes.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora