A Night To Ourselves

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"They're going to kill us." Felix and I stared blankly at the fire in the kitchen.

"You think we should put it out?"

"No, let's watch the entire apartment burn down." Felix shrugged. "Yes!"

I am never baking ever again. From now on, Felix will be in full control.

Luckily, the fire extinguisher was under the sink so we didn't have to look far. I sprayed the chemical powder into the oven, watching the flames go down.

"Start waving a towel by the fire alarms and open the windows."

Wooyoung and San gave us very specific instructions before they left for Japan: don't break anything, don't burn the house down, and don't do drugs. Somehow since they've left, the oven has caught on fire, another pillow exploded, and we almost knocked the TV off the wall from throwing a football back and forth in the living room. They should've known that they can't leave us unsupervised.

"Jinnie." Felix walked over to me with the towel over his head, hiding majority of his face. Due to our ongoing chaos, I wasn't even fazed.

"Yes, my love?"

I threw the towel off his head once he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Do you think Wooyoung has any hair dye lying around?"

"You wanna dye your hair?" I smiled, but inside I was aching. Felix was born to be blonde.

"Yours." He had a very mischievous look on his face like he was plotting something evil.

"Mine?" I laughed, seeing how excited he was quickly becoming. He nodded and laced his fingers together in front of his chest like a little kid. I could never say no to him, especially when he's this adorable. "We may have to pick some stuff up from the store"

"Let's go!" Felix cheered and dragged me to his car. I hate when he drives because I feel like my life is at risk. But I don't know this area well yet so I guess I just have to suffer and be the passenger princess for now. "I have a vision in my head, don't worry."

"Oh, I believe it." I wish I didn't quit smoking because right now would be the best time for a cigarette. Wooyoung has been doing my hair for years and now the person who played a part in setting the oven on fire is the one to do it next.

"Alright, time to start our adventure." Felix said in the thickest Australian accent I've ever heard him speak in. He's only talked to me in English since I came home. I'm not sure if he realizes it either. I haven't said anything since I'm sure it's more comfortable for him to talk in his native language. But I have no complaints because I get to hear that accent of his at all times.

We went inside the store and went straight for the hair dye. But there were two people that caught our eye.

"Hide." I panicked. Felix and I stayed out of sight for a few moments until we peeked our heads into the aisle one on top of the other.

It was Yeonjun with his arms wrapped around Beomgyu's shoulders. Looks like they had the same late night idea...or maybe a date night idea.

We lifted our heads back up and silently freaked out. I have no bad blood with Beomgyu as long as he isn't with Felix. But if he's finally with Yeonjun, it adds to it exponentially.

"I thought they stopped talking." Felix whispered.

"But why?" He shrugged, not knowing the real reason. "Well you can't show your face around him so stay here."

"You're so nosey."

"I try my best." I nodded courageously. "Wish me luck." You'd think I was leaving to fight a war with my level of dramatics.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now