A Beautiful Masterpiece

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Art by @artskny

"Hyunjin, can I speak with you?" Mrs. Kim called. It was Tuesday which meant I needed to stay after for art club. I actually ended up becoming the president. Apparently everyone else took a vote and they felt I was the most suited.

"Yeah." I said quietly and stepped away from my current piece.

"First, I just want to say how incredibly gifted I think you are." Coming from someone as talented as her, I couldn't help but smile immediately. "In fact, I think you're one of the most incredible students I've ever had."

"Thank you." I became ridiculously shy.

"But with that being said, there's a solo exhibition opening for one high school student and I did submit your work. Hyunjin, you're one of the finalists." I lightly gasped in utter disbelief by the sudden news. "It would be at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art."

"Oh my god, that's one of the biggest museums in Seoul." I couldn't believe it. There was a chance my art could actually be recognized in a real museum. I never let my dreams reach that point because I never thought I'd be successful at anything. "How many finalists are there?"


"Three?" I exclaimed. "How many submissions were there?"

"Around 200 I believe." I never searched for validation when it came to my art. I enjoyed what I did, some acknowledged it and that was enough for me.

"When do they announce the winner?"


"Friday? Wait, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I smiled. It felt more like a surprise rather than a disappointment.

"I didn't want it to be too good to be true."

"Makes sense. What day would the event be?"

"December 28th so after Christmas."

We were already a week into December so that was fairly soon.

"Do I need to make new collection if I win?"

"No." She shook her head. "I submitted about ten of your pieces that I believed were your best."

I looked back at the one I was working on. It was just about done. I recreated the very first piece I had ever made of Felix. There's very few differences, but it's still pretty identical.

"I'd want that to be the centerpiece." I pointed.

"It's very beautiful. Is that anyone in particular?"

I was hesitant to say. Being anything other than straight in South Korea isn't as accepting. You never know with the older people and their opinions.

"His name is Felix."

"He looks like the boy that runs to your locker every day." She smirked.

"Yeah." I nervously laughed. "I'm sorry, I know that's weird."

"What is?"

"That I have a boyfriend."

"Hyunjin, I'm an art teacher. Seeing beauty in any form is something I cherish. Love is a magical thing, no matter who you feel it for. You understand that, you understand the beauty of this world in your own special way. You show so much emotion in your creations. You're a true artist. You know how to put the love you feel in art form and it's a marvel."

My heart was touched beyond words. Knowing that someone I looked up to respected me meant so much.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that, truly."

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now