Football Fanatics

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"Damn, this is no high school game." I couldn't believe how many people were at this stadium. Majority had the university's colors on, others had jerseys with the players name's written on the back. This was no joke.

"This is why I always go with Wooyoung." Jisung said.

"You what?" I laughed. "Since when?"

"A few games ago, not too long." With San and Minho being away, they've spent more time together. But they're still in that phase where half their conversations start with 'you know I really hated when you did this'. I have a feeling they'll both learn things about each other that they never would've expected and become closer. "San doesn't play much, but he's only a freshman."

"Does he play at all?"

"Of course he does, he's Choi San." Yeosang appeared out of nowhere with a huge smile.

"Yeosang!" I screamed. Everyone went back to school so it's been a couple weeks since we've last seen each other.

"Is everyone here?" He tried to rest his arms over our shoulders, but my height didn't work out in his favor. He was just a little bit crooked, that's all.

"Yeah, they're just scattered. Half of them went and got food, the other half went to the bathroom."

Everyone eventually made their way back to us so we were ready to go inside. I instinctively stayed close to Felix, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the loud noises. This wasn't typically my scene so I can't help but get a little anxious. But overall, I was excited. It was a new experience.

I looked down at Felix and smiled at how happy he looked. He'll do well in college, I'm sure of that. Me, on the other hand, we'll see how I do in New York. I haven't told him yet. Actually, the only person I've told is my mom. The thought is absolutely terrifying. It's a 13 hour time difference and that's not very feasible for a relationship. But I love Felix and I'll do everything I can to make this work.

"Are you excited?" Wooyoung was smiling brightly once we made it to our seats.

"Nervous." I smiled back.

"They're really good. They've only lost four games this season."

"That's not bad at all."

Suddenly, really obnoxious music and horns sounded throughout the entire stadium with fans cheering and the opposite side booing once the home team ran onto the field.

"This shit is crazy." I was talking to Felix, but I didn't realize he was also being one of those fun-loving fans alongside Mingi. I laughed at the sight, I'm glad he was already enjoying himself.

"He's number 26." Wooyoung pointed and laughed.

"Wait, is that on purpose?"

"It was available so he took it." Choi San went from kissing Wooyoung on a high school field to wearing his birthdate on his jersey in front of a stadium that holds 40,000. "How are you just noticing?" He pointed to his own jersey that was identical to San's. I truly admire the way they support each other in every way they can. A year has gone by and they're still just as in love as they were from the beginning. I was nervous for them when San left for college because of the distance, but they've been making it work and they're still just as happy. "Look!" He turned around and pointed at the name 'Choi' above the large number. He was so proud to wear it. "I ordered it off the school's website so I can have it forever."

"Did you just buy a jersey?" He had a playful look of guilt all over his face as he shook his head. "Sweatshirt?" He nodded. "Anything else?" He nodded again. "Sweatpants?" He nodded again. "That it?" He took his keys out of his pocket and showed me a new addition to the lanyard.

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