Just Friends?

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Mingi's POV:

Well, Dami was fucking cheating on me.

I wish I could ask myself why she would do that when I have all this money and fame, but that's the very thing that tore us apart. Was it really that difficult to be happy for me? I had a whole plan to buy us a house together and everything. I really liked her. The word love is extreme in my mind but still, she was really cool.

My North American tour ended strong in Los Angeles. Although, I will say New York was my favorite spot, but I may be biased because of Hyunjin. I missed that little brat. So glad him and Felix broke up. All he did was complain and complain. Here's how I look at things: if you're complaining about your partner, then shut the fuck up because clearly you don't like them as much as you say.

Anyway, I just landed in Seoul. I'll be here for a few days since it's Christmas and what not. I haven't been home in a few months so it'll be nice to see everyone.

"How bad is it?" I sighed, not really in the mood to deal with the mob of fans that bombard me every time I'm at an airport. How the hell do they even know where I am anyway?

"Just keep your head down and stay close." My manager said.

Show time.

My team and I walked out and the cameras immediately started flashing. Fans wanted to get close to me, but they couldn't even if they tried. The walk felt like a mile before we got outside to the car. I turned around and gave them all a smile and waved. I think that's sufficient enough.

Lock your doors and your windows, there's a murderer on the loose

Hope he can fight

I immediately smiled at his response to my absurd text message, but of course he knew what it meant.

I hear he's pretty violent so just be prepared

So am I

Sounds like this guy has a death wish

I said goodbye to my staff and thanked them a hundred times for making the tour happen. It was such an amazing time.

But now I'm practically speeding on my way to my best friend's house. I'm dedicated to the bit so I plan on breaking in through the window. He's the only person I genuinely missed. Don't get me wrong, I'll tell someone I missed them, but there wouldn't be much substance to it. Yunho on the other hand...damn I can't wait to see him.

Once I parked my car, I ran to the side of his house and climbed up the tree next to his window. One wrong move and I'll fall straight down and break my body. Holding onto a branch, I slowly connected my foot with the roof. I made it. I quietly snuck over to his window and opened it cautiously. He wasn't in his room from what I could see so I'd have to hide.

"Where the fuck is he?" I muttered quietly. Next thing I knew, I was in a headlock. "Where the fuck did you come from?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I was literally next to the window." Yunho loosened his grip around my head and pulled me in his arms.

"I missed you." I can't really get more genuine than that.

"I missed you too, princess." The old nickname made me smile. It made me feel at home like nothing's changed. Almost as if my career was a fever dream. "How long are you staying?"

"Till the 27th."

"Not even New Years?" He pouted.

"I have a TV special that day."

"Bring me this time so I don't have to be the babysitter for everyone." He laid on his bed and I quickly followed.

"I will."

"I wish." He sighed. I didn't realize he was kidding. "I told Tzuyu I'd come and meet her family."

"Shut up, cancel right now." I pulled him closer to my chest, really trying to convince him to go through with his own idea.

"But that's my girlfriend's family."

"And I'm your best friend who you've missed like crazy and you get the chance to go to an after party with a bunch of famous people. Take your pick."

"Fine." He groaned, finally giving in. But once he lifted his head up, he winked and smiled.

"You fucking asshole." I laughed. Plans to meet Tzuyu's family were nonexistent. "I feel like you haven't even talked about her. Are you still together?"

"Yeah. Don't you remember how we made the agreement not to talk about our girlfriends?"

Right. Yunho and I had to hear all about it from Tzuyu and Dami. At first they played it off and acted as if they just weren't each other's type of girl. But as time went on, the truth came out and all hell broke loose.

"Well Dami and I are done so there's that." I sighed. "You can say I told you so, it's okay." I was pretty bummed out so I wasn't looking forward to what he'd say.

"I'm not gonna say that." He shook his head. "It's like there were two chapters with your relationship. The first is before your career. Everything worked out because you were able to just have fun. But the second half was just stress and chaos. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't hers either."

"Yunho, she cheated on me."

"I take back what I said. Fuck Dami." I couldn't help but laugh. His supportive demeanor changed so quickly. "That makes absolutely no sense to me. If anything, wouldn't she feel inclined to take advantage of you?"

"Honestly, that's what I thought. But she was outwardly jealous which I also don't get considering she was still getting her share of the royalties. So by doing all this, she basically just ruined her own career."

"Clearly she's not as smart as you thought she was. Age doesn't always equal intelligence."

"Or maybe because she's a girl."

"Don't be sexist, it's not a good look for a celebrity." He flicked my forehead lightly with a soft smile on his face. "Have you learned nothing in media training?"

"See, this is why you need to come on tour with me. You put me in my place."

"I gotta make sure you don't get canceled. I'll give it a year." He laughed. "You talk too much."

"I keep it together for the camera."


"It's a persona." I corrected him, pulling him close to me again.

No, Yunho and I will never change. I don't care what our friends want, this isn't their relationship. He's my best friend and I love him in a friend way. Sure, we do...questionable things, but that means nothing. I find Yunho very attractive even though we're both guys, that's not a crime. I'm not sure how Yunho feels, but I bet he's on the same page as me. We're comfortable and we like what we like.

Just best friends.

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