Kissing in The Rain

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It was late and I had class tomorrow, but I didn't really care. I convinced Seonghwa and Hongjoong, with the help of Felix, to let us stay out alone together. I can't believe they actually gave us a curfew so we need to spend our time wisely.

"Stop running so fast!" I laughed, trying to catch Felix. Somehow we ended up in Central Park. It's typically pretty empty at night so I figured we were safe here.

"That's the whole point!" Felix shouted with a huge smile across his face.

We decided to play a game of tag for whatever reason. I felt like I had the body of a 50 year old. My chest was tight, there was a lump in my throat, and I had cramps in my stomach. I guess I need to do more cardio.

"I give up." I was out of breath as I placed my hands on my knees to rest. At first I thought I was just sweating profusely, but I realized it was raining. "Come here." I stood up straight and waved him over with my two fingers. He slowly walked forward with a mischievous smile. "Felix." I whined, wanting him to move faster.


Once he was close enough, I pulled him by the waist and kissed him with as much passion as I could possibly give. I was starting to become overwhelmed with emotion. I never thought I'd be here; kissing the love of my life in the rain in Central Park. This is a feeling I never want to lose for as long as I live: being in love.

I pulled away from our kiss and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Jinnie, look at me." He said quietly. Once I lifted my head, we noticed we both had stray tears falling from our eyes, it wasn't just the rain. He must've felt that strong feeling too. "What's going on in your head right now?" I just shrugged, looking away from him. "Tell me, baby." He gently moved my head so we could look into each other's eyes.

"I just love you so much. I knew the whole time. I never hated you, I hated myself because I wasn't being what you wanted. And I know I'm really not now either, but I want to be. I promise I'll be the person you want me to be. I can't lose you again, I just can't."

"But you are, Hyunjin, I promise. You're still you." He held the sides of my face in his small hands, desperate for me to believe him.

"But I wasn't enough, I was never enough."

"And I was wrong! I was so wrong!" Felix stressed as the rain came down on us harder than before. "You were always enough. I was just too stupid to see that. I wish I never left you, I missed you every day. I missed hearing your voice and seeing you smile. I missed your laugh, the very thing that made me fall in love with you in the first place. You've always been enough. I love you so much, Hwang Hyunjin! And I will till the day I die." Felix pressed his lips to mine once more, still holding onto the sides of my face to deepen our kiss. We both started to shiver from the rain, but neither of us cared. If we wake up sick tomorrow, so be it. "I don't want you to doubt my love for you anymore. I need you to believe me when I tell how you much I love you."

"I believe you." I sniffled, resting my forehead against his. "I promise I believe you."

"We'll be okay." He reassured me. "I'll never leave your side again."

"Please don't because I don't think I'll be able to handle it if you do." I pleaded.

"I won't." He shook his head. "Never again."

I felt like I couldn't stand anymore so I just laid down and let the rain hit me. Felix cuddled up next to me, not caring that our backs will be covered in mud when we get up. All that mattered was me and him. I made sure to shield his face so he didn't practically drown. I, on the other hand, enjoyed the feeling.

For the first time, I had never been so grateful to be alive. I've always hated the rain, I hated getting all wet and cold. But I was one moment away from never feeling it on my body or hearing it outside my window ever again. I won't take anything for granted for as long as I live.

I missed the feeling of his lips so I adjusted myself and hovered over him, kissing every inch of his face. The poor thing was shivering, I knew I needed to get him home.

"You're so beautiful." I shook my head faintly, in disbelief that someone could actually possess this type of beauty in person. "My beautiful angel." I kissed his nose before standing up and taking his hand in mine. We were both drenched head to toe with our backs covered in mud. The people in this city have seen it all so we didn't get many stares. Felix and I just stayed in our own little world as we made our way back home. I made sure to keep an arm around his waist, making sure he was safe by me. I needed to protect my little blonde beauty.

Once we made it into the apartment, Hongjoong and Seonghwa both gasped at the sight of us.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Hongjoong didn't feel the need to get off the couch because he could tell we weren't hurt.

"It started raining." I smiled, slipping my shoes off at the front door.

"My nose is running." Felix sniffled.

"Oh no, my baby." I grabbed a bunch of tissues and held them to his nose. "Blow." And so he did.

"And you think we're the ridiculous ones," Seonghwa teased, "ha!"

"You wouldn't blow my nose for me?" Hongjoong pouted.

"Of course I would, don't be silly."

Felix and I left the couple alone as they bickered back and forth, then went to my room. 

"Arms up." Once he lifted his hands high, I peeled off his wet shirt that practically stuck to him. He started to shiver even more once his skin was exposed. I tapped the side of his thigh so he'd stick his legs out for me to remove the soaking wet pants as well. Once he was out of his uncomfortable clothes, I went into my drawer and handed him a pair of sweatpants and one of my oversized shirts. As he got dressed, I changed into something more dry as well. "Do you need me to go get you something from the medicine cabinet?"

He shook his head. "Just you." He got underneath the covers and held his arms out for me to fall into.

"Do you want an extra blanket?"

"Just you." He repeated and smiled. He pushed the wet hair out of my face and kissed my cheek. "So pretty." He whispered, admiring my features. He started to leave light kisses all over my face; from my forehead, to my nose, to my cheeks, to my lips. "I love you."

"I love you so much."

Everything was falling into place. I was his and he was mine. This time we'll make it forever.

And To Love In Return... (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now